Shipping Update


I ordered on December 11 of last year and it looks like my ordered shipped today. I say it "looks like" it shipped, because the tracking number was listed under my old phone number (even though I updated my phone number on this order a couple of months ago), and even though there is a tracking number assigned as of today, there is no delivery estimate. It just says "Billing Information Received" or something like that. Still, it looks like my order shipped out today. Hopefully this helps some of you and gives you some idea of how fast Cathe's pumping out the orders and when you might expect to receive yours. :)
I ordered on 9/19/05 and haven't received mine yet but I know why. I pulled up my original receipt and noticed that the state is wrong. I'm in PA and it has me in Oregon! I emailed customer service and hopefully they can correct the problem. I can't believe I didn't catch that before now! x( x(

sorry about the typos. I just fixed them all. typing too fast!
I would thnk that as long as zip code is correct it shouldnt have been an issue...interesting. Post office sorts by zip I thought UPS did as well. In any case I am glad you found the error and reported it. Soon, very soon!

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