Hi Angie! Well, here's what I did, and I don't recommend it. I decided that after the X was over, I'd concentrate on cardio for a bit. Big mistake.
I lost some of what I'd achieved and got a bit flabby
Sooooooo.... I decided that for February, I would try a sort of faux X rotation, in addition to my training for a half-marathon. I even still sometimes do X workouts (when my SO wants to work out with me) and I'm using ARX in addition to the Coremax workouts and whatever ab work comes with other workouts that I'm doing. I'm not being very articulate here. Sorry. Basically, my week looks like this:
M - cardio (not running though)
T - run and abs
W - full body workout (MM, ME, Power Hour, etc.)
T - run and abs
F - legs (sometimes I use Legs and Back and just do the leg exercises)
S - run and abs
S - upper body workout (PUB or CTX upper body split or something like that)
This has been working MUCH better for me as I'm hitting everything twice in the week and I'm noticing better definition and leaning.
Hope that helps!