Thanks to each and every one of you for your suggestions and kind thoughts. It means so much to me, truly! I love all of your ideas. I used to eat wasabi peas a lot. They certainly would open things up for a minute or two. I will have to keep them on hand again. I had forgotten about cayenne pepper. I looked for some but am out but I did make hot lemon and honey water which is loosening things up in my chest. Shoot, I forgot to add some ginger to it.
I tried Vicks but it didn't touch the congestion. Stepping outside into the cool air helps my state of being. It feels soooooooooo good!
I'd like to share my update with you. Yesterday I went out to get some homeopathic nasal spray and nasal strips. As soon as I purchased the spray, I used it and continued on my errands. It seemed to keep things open a bit but by evening, I was struggling but was not totally blocked. I continued using the homeopathic spray and I did feel it was working on some level. I had last used the Afrin 7am yesterday morning. I went to bed late last night (it was New Year's Eve.....almost forgot, lol) and was struggling with satisfying breathing through my nose so I used the nasal strips. Immediately upon putting it on, things began opening up (thank you melagras!) While lying in bed, things were clogging up again. I didn't want to use the Afrin so I waited a bit and I'm glad I did because I was able to breathe and actually slept. I can not tell you what a feeling it was to be able to breathe! Today I continued using my homeopathic nasal spray, took a sudafed, and will use the strip again tonight. I'm not 100% open but it's close. I felt lousy today due to my cough and effects of this horrible cold/flu but at least breathing was not an issue. I am just ecstatic over the solution that worked for me and again, I thank all of you for your wonderful support. Now I just hope the cold hurries up and leaves because I gotta tell ya, it sucks feeling this yucky but some of you, unfortunately, already know what it's like.
Thank you so much again and I wish you all amazing health, peace, blessings, love and joy in this new year!!!!