You can get Old Bay in Ohio. I hate fish and seafood so I've never tried Old Bay, but my DH loves it!
When I think of home I think of my mom and grandma and all the homemade Italian food! I haven't had what I consider a real pizza since my grandma died. She baked bread one day every week and always made pizza with the leftover dough. We lived down the street from her and she would walk to our house with a fresh loaf of homemade bread and pizza still warm out of the oven. I have never been able to duplicate her bread or pizza. It was wonderful! Both mom and grandma were wonderful cooks, and I'm old enough that there wasn't much available in the way of fast food or frozen TV dinners when I was a kid, so mom cooked 3 meals a day from scratch, and most everything my grandma made came from her own garden. I would give anything to have one more day with them.
Miss Lee...what a great story! I was raised in the same home with my grandparents and mother and it sounds like you were really close to yours, too. All the best foods I learned from my grandmother. She's been gone seven years but I still sometimes pick up the phone to call her. Do you ever do that?
In any event, I loved your story. Thanks for posting!