selling videos


Hello to everyone!

My sweetheart finally bought a DVD player today so I'm really excited to get some new Cathe DVD's and would like to sell my videos. Is there a certain website anyone has had suceess in selling their videos?
I have the CTX series, Powermax, Power Strength series, and IMAX (& Karen Voight's Power Packed Workout, Classic Step with Kari Anderson, Gay Gasper step tape & a couple of Buns of Steel tapes) that I am interested in selling (from Canada).
Thanks! (Can't wait to try out the DVDs)

I'm also interested in buying your Power Strength Series and Powermax. E-mail me at the above address so we can talk.
I just went dvd and posted all my duplicate Cathe vhs' on the ya ya board. At first I just sold a couple and then nothing for weeks. Then, all of a sudden, right at Christmas, I sold all of them except one. The secondary market is very healthy for Cathe's but be patient. Looks like you are off to a good start already.
I am interested in parting with my VHS Cathe's and Firms as well (once I get speakers for my receiver, cuz the cardio DVD's are not as loud as the VHS's). One question, on the Ya-Ya forum, how do poeple pay you?? Maybe I should go over there to look for payment options..

On the Ya Ya forum, you simply specify how you would like to be paid. Some people do barter swaps, other outright sell for cash in the form of personal checks (usually require time to clear), money order or PayPal. Some include the shipping in the price, others tell how much extra it will be depending on how you want them mailed to you.
Thanks for your responses - I will try to contact the interested people tomorrow by email with the prices, etc (sorry - got in late tonight - haven't had a chance to figure out shipping and all that)
Thanks again.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Ebay yet. I do all my video selling there, and Cathe videos go really well. You also probably would get more money for them, as competing bids up the price.

do you have the pure strength upper body videos for sale?

I would be interested in purchasing if you have.

I hope I'm not out of line posting this here but I have the Slow & Heavy series and Rhytmic Step/Imax/MIC DVD's if someone would like to purchase them. I'm not a stepper so those dvd's are way over my head, and my mind wanders too much for S&H.
I also hope...

...I'm not out of line here, but I see a few people wanting the PS series and Powermax. I have them to sell. All in excellent condition.

If you are interested, please email me at [email protected]

Thanks...and sorry if I'm doing anything wrong here...just trying to help a fellow Cathe-ite and help pay off my credit card. It's still smoking from the holidays.

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