SELF Magazine...opinions?

I used to have a subscription to this, but ditched it in favor of Prevention :p. My lifestyle changed as I aged I guess...

Go to their website and browse around, or buy one from the newstand before subscribing and see if you like it...
I used to get it for years but I believe it's geared to much younger women than I. Back in the day, I appreciated it because it gave me direction for step aerobics like Gin Miller and Kelli Roberts. The Fitness Awards from that magazine are the best thing I appreciated from it.
$16 for 2 years

I also received a special offer. I have not subscribed to a mag. for years and have occasionally bought them off the shelf for $2-$5 each. This offer was $16 for 2 years. It was so cheap per issue I jumped. I did like this mag. when I did subscribe but for 66 cents an issue I thought it was worth it even if I don't like it much. The offer included a tote and a free gift.

Go for it.

I don't ever really LEARN anything from it. Basic ideas are reinforced, but that's about it. I will not renew when my sub runs out.
You can probably glean whatever you need from it while you're waiting in the check out at the grocery store!
I've subscribed to Self for years but I am not going to renew because it's mostly advertisements. Darlene
I think it's a waste and I'd much rather read Clean Eating, Muscle & Fitness Hers, OnFitness, or Eating Well.
I don't particularly care for Self magazine. I don't find it very informative or the articles interesting. I glance at the articles while on the supermarket checkout line.
I'd been a Self subscriber for years and I think the magazine has dumbed down a lot. I cancelled my subscription last year; it's mostly common sense stuff, not much new, and like someone else said there are WAY too many ads in there! Try Muscle & Fitness that mag!!
Thanks for the input, everyone. I had a feeling the mag was kind of fluffy. I'm in a bit of a time crunch for the next several months and have to ration my reading time carefully. Don't want to waste it!
Depends on what you're looking for.

For me, there's too much makeup, clothing, fluff content, though they do often have good workout info (better, though, would be to buy one of their books, as the fitness info is rather scattered).
I used to subscribe too, but it reads more like Glamour Magazine on *supplements*. Its great for standing in check out lines, you can read an article and not be disappointed if you can't finish it.

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