seeking input re step blast and step jump and pump


Active Member
hey everyone,

is this dvd a good choice for me if i want a really high intensity workout that doesnt necessarily utilize a lot of power 15s and power 7s to accomplish the intensity? what type of high impact moves does it feature or is some of the workout more dance-like, yet still intense?

i have tried watching the clips but my computer wont play them for some reason. sooo frustrating!

also, what are the premixes like for this dvd? are there many choices?

i already have kpc, imax 2, ctx, body max, c and wts, and bootcamp for cardio but i feel as though i'd like a new cardio routine or two. are there other dvds that you would recommend for intensity, challenge, fun and variety? if so, i am all ears.

thanks in advance for your advice.

Step Jump and Pump incorporates step, hi/low impact moves with moderate weight work in between; ab work and stretch concludes. This is a full body workout that incorporates cardio and weights (barbell and variety of dumbells). I think the weight workout is a bit more intense than C/W, imho.

Step Blast is a full step workout. Fun routines and I have found this to be one of my favorite cardio workouts besides any kickboxing stuff.

Hope this helps.

This is probably on of my favorite DVD's, well, except for the new ones. Stepblast has always been my favorite all step video and SJP is just fun. I also sometimes do all of SB followed by step and floor hi/lo from SJP as a fairly intense 90 cardio challenge once every few weeks. From the music to the moves, it's just fun, IMO ;)
I don't like SJP very much except for the step section. I don't like a lot of jumping and floorwork, and prefer step aerobics (so the "step" portion of SJP is just fine -- it's the "jump" portion that I'm not fond of because of my own personal tastes).

However.....and I'll say that again.....HOWEVER, I LOVE Step Blast. What a wonderful step aerobics workout! Definitely a must-have for any Cathe workout library! Fun choreography and a fantastic "blast" section at the end. This DVD is worth the purchase just to get Step Blast.

Also, I DO like the ab work on SJP.
Hi Ange,

I know you said you already ordered the DVD, but I just wanted to say that I love both SJP and Step Blast. One of my favorite parts is the music used on this DVD. It's very motivating and keeps you going. Also the weight sections in SJP are more intense than the weight sections in Cardio & Weights; the squats and lunges will really get in those leg muscles!


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