physiology is a unique thing and the body has away of protecting itself during intense workouts. I'm going to guess if you are not over eating then your body is holding onto water. The muscle is smaller and heavier and holds water while healing you will not see a scale change..
I probably have wrote the before the scale is not your friend if you do hypertrophy weight workouts. The muscle tears/builds/holds water. The hiit training also causes short term inflammation to the body. YES you are loosing unwanted fat and gaining muscle but your body will hold the vital healing water.
If you are scale addicted then try this approach and see if you've lost a few pounds. Do you weight first thing in morning after bathroom and get a measurement while your body is dehydrated - no clothes and only once a week
But my biggest advise throw out the scale and get a measuring tape. The scale only works if you are doing steady cardio like walking daily and keeping some low calorie fad diet. THe scale does not work well for muscle building and high intensity stuff.
also if you take a recovery week most of the time the scale number will drop because you will excrete the excess water the body has held onto during your intense workout routine.
Good luck don't get discourage eat clean and keep working out and I'm sure you can achieve the body you want.