Saying good bye to my dog...


I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts truly are with with you.

I also have a wonderful dog, Katie, who I honestly don't think is long for this world. Although Katie is only 3 years old she has many health issues. She has a severe case of idiopathic epilespsy and some odd neurological problems (foot drop being one of them). So many of my non-dog owning friends think I'm absolutely nuts for the amount of money I spend on her numerous medications (Zonegran, diazepam, Phenobarb and Potassium Bromide), but I do believe they help control her seizures. (Heck, I even take her to a "doggie neurologist.")

This X-shelter dog keeps me company when husband goes on business trips, she never gets angry with with me and is always pleased to see me. Who could ask for a more loyal friend?

I understand your pain......Thank you for reminding me about my best buddy...I'm going to give her a big hug.

Cyberhugs to you!
Lori, I am so sorry for your loss as well. My dear furry baby Jake, the most beautiful husky baby in the world, left us earlier this year. Sending you big hugs!


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I just wanted to send my condolences, as well. I feel upset about Chico and I never even met him. Sounds like he was a great dog and a great friend. I think time will help you heal, and, until then, perhaps you can think about the fact that Chico is resting more comfortably now. Happy trails, Chico!

Hang in there,
OH Lori .. I am so sorry for your loss .... I have been where you are and it is a horrible sad place ... pets are a part of our families and we greive for their loss ... know you gave Chico a wonderful loving home .. he will always be alive in you and your families memories and hearts ... time will help ... right now {{{{ hugs }}}} to you and your family! I am thinking of you ... and I am gonna go home and give my big babies some extra hugs and kisses ..hang in there!!!!
I'm trying to type through the tears...we too had to say goodbye to our beloved Clyde just one month ago. I miss him so much. He was 13 years old. It is so hard to come home and not see his happy face and feel his unconditional love. I am SO sorry for you and your family. I do understand your pain. It is not only emotional but also physical. They are such a huge part of our family. My thoughts and prayers and pain are with you.
PS. Clyde used to always be there with me early in the morning for my workouts. As soon as I finish he would always come and stretch with me and sneak a kiss or two.
Thats so sad

I am so sorry for your loss. I have lost a beloved pet and its natural to be feeling grief and sadness. Aww, jeez now I'm tearing up.

I'm so sorry to hear of Chico's passing.
I encourage you, if you want, to share stories of the 'good and happy' times with Chico...I've found that helps me in the grieving process, and helps me turn from just focusing on the loss to focusing on the wonderful life a dearly-departed pet had with me.
I'm so sorry you lost your beloved Chico. It was 3 months ago today we lost our beloved Slinky and I still miss him immensely. Take care of yourself. Losing a pet is so hard.
Sorry for your loss Lori. My German Shephard, Kiva, died two and half years ago. We miss her every day and pray for her everyday.

As Kathryn suggested, sharing stories and memories with others help relieve a little bit of that pain.

Hopefully the fact that Chico lived to 11 with fairly good health could be of some comfort to you.

I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved Chico. Losing a pet is so difficult. They're our best friends and give us unconditional love... Just think of all the good times you shared and know that you gave him a good home and made him a happy dog for 11 years. Take care,

Thanks everyone! I read each and every post....and some made me cry (again):rolleyes::( Im doing o.k when i am at work (makes sense) but when I am home its a whole different ball game. I have had a few melt downs and so as DH. Like I said, I don't deal with death well! I think it will take a while for us to get over this and we will be missing him on different days, so someone will always be feeling empty in our house.
I still can't believe he is gone! Why do they have to live such short lives?? They should be here till they are 40!:eek: Charlie seems to be doing o.k. He keeps sniffing Chicos collar but other then that, he seems fine, but he must know that he is gone.
It cost us $300 to get him cremated and to get his ashed back in a wood vase surrounded in glass. Apparently it will be a couple of weeks before we get him back!

Thanks again!


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