Sarah..(Imafitnessfreak)..Good Luck on your 1st Half Ma...


Sarah....I wish you well and hope you kick some butt....:)...I know you have trained hard for this and try and have some fun too....I'll be sending some power your way and please let us know how it goes...[/img] ...Carole
Good luck Sarah! You're all inspiring me with your marathon running. Maybe next year I'll start training for one :)
Sarah - Good luck!!! Kick some major butt!!! When I ran my 1/2 marathon it was one of the best experiences of my life. It's a HUGE rush!!!

RE: Sarah..(Imafitnessfreak)..Good Luck on your 1st Hal...

Good luck Sarah!! Go! Go! Go! I'll be sending power vibes your way! Have fun! :) We'll all be routing for you![/img]

Sarah - Best of luck for you!!!! That is awesome - sending my running vibes ovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvver your way (not that you need them!!)

Wow...I am blonde...I should have realized my whole topic didn't show...:)...for any of you that need the clarification. Sarah is running a HALF MARATHON on Sat...:)...Carole guys! You made me tear up...AGAIN!!!!!

It went great! It was out of town and we just returned tonight. I'll try to keep this short and "un-boring"....just the facts;-)

***This was my 1st 1/2 marathon and longest race
***This is NOT my last 1/2 marathon nor will it remain my longest race...just getting started!
***I met my goals PLUS SOME! 1st to admit, I worked very hard for this!
***Never felt better in my life, so accomplished, so alive! The pride I feel is overwhelming.

THOUGHT OF ALL OF YOU (and I mean it) several times through my race! You guys have pushed me so far and for that, I thank you! You guys are great and I love you!

Thank you for the post, it has warmed my heart, and I didn't think I could possibly feel better tonight! You guys are wonderful!
RE: Sarah..(Imafitnessfreak)..Good Luck on your 1st Hal...

Good for you Sarah! Good job. You must feel amazing. What an accomplishment! You are an inspiration to all of us. Much more success and happiness and blessings! :) This is what life is all about.

Congratulations Sarah!!!! You are so inspiring to us, we are glad you had a great experience with your 1st half marathon. The half marathon is my favorite distance for racing. You are amazing!


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