Sad news about Thunder


I want to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers. Unfortunately Thunder passed away this morning. I stayed in the barn all night long with him, and I could tell he was comforted by my being there with him. Even with pain meds, he was still in pain. We have no idea what brought on the colic. He has always been an extrememly healthy horse.
I am absolutely devastated. I feel like a part of me is just gone. I always felt he would "live forever". This is so sudden.
Again, I thank all of you.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics to NYC GTG and Christmas Albums 3/6/07
I so sorry for you right now. I hope you allow yourself to grieve and remember all the wonderful times. I am thinking of you today. Hang in there. I am so sorry for your loss.
Hi Maeghan,

I just finished writing a message to you saying I was praying for your horse and you.

I am so sorry for your loss.

Praying and thinking of you :(

On a lighter note, I was looking at your online pictures. What a beautiful family you have. I was so impressed with the weight you lost from having your babies.

Are you a firefighter in NY????

Please take care!

"Life is too short - Be the best you can be every single day!" :)
i'm so sorry to hear this. i'm glad you were able to be with him and provide some comfort for him. it sounds like you have many wonderful memories to carry with you.
Oh Maeghan (((HUGS)))),

I feel so bad for you. I know exactly how you feel as I lost my little mare to colic, had her in for colic surgery, but she had twisted her colon and once that happens, the tissue starts to die. Too much time had passed and then they would have to remove too long of a segment. I was in shock as I thought that once we got her in for the surgery, she would be okay.

I know the draining feeling, sadness of losing your friend.

My heart goes out to you....

Oh Meg, I'm so sorry. You must be devastated. Please please let me know if there's anything I can do to help. I'm sending lots and lots of hugs and love to you and the mini-doodles.
Oh Meaghan, I'm so very sorry. What a loss. You didn't need that now, did you? My prayers and thoughts are with you. Be strong and have good memories.
Meg, I am so sorry! They ARE a part of us. I will continue to pray for your strength thru this sad time. Know we are thinking of you.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
Oh my gosh, Meg, I am SO sorry! I didn't even get a chance to reply on the other thread before I saw this. I know you have lost a friend & I will be thinking of you all during this sad time. Please remember that you have lots of people who care about you here.

I am so sorry to hear that Meg. You've been through so much. We're here for you and will be thinking of you and Thunder.
Meg, I am so sorry to hear this news :( My heart goes out to you all. I here for you if you want to talk.


Homer: How is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took that home winemaking course, and I forgot how to drive?
--The Simpsons

So sorry to hear of your loss. Hugs to you. Losing an animal you love is never easy. Know that there are others out there that have gone through this and are sending you comforting thoughts.


I am so sorry to hear about Thunder. I too, have lost horses to colic and know how traumatic it is. It is a loss like no other. You will be in my prayers as you grieve. Santana
I'm sorry you lost Thunder. I'm sure the time you spent with him at the end made his passing easier for him (though maybe not for you.)
Oh, Maeghan, I'm so sorry.

I expect you're wondering how everything could ever possibly feel okay again. I don't know, but I know you have such strength that I'm not worried about you. I want you to feel strong, though, and I know that will take time. Give yourself some time.

I'm amazed at how much you've done already in your life; I'm sorry you're going through such big heavy things right now. Lean on your family, lean on us. We're here for you.
Maeghen -

I'm so sorry! How absolutely devestating! You and he are in my thoughts and prayers. It's so hard to lose such a close friend.

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