Sad news about Thunder

My sister just told me the story of your beloved Thunder. I want you to know it made a huge difference for him and you to be there when he died. I sadly watched my horse Nick fall victim to this terrible illness. I too spent the night in the barn with him, watched him collapse and held his head in my lap when he died. It was very traumatic to watch but I have no regrets.
I honestly believe Nick and Thunder will be waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge!!
God gives us love, something to love he lends us.
I am so sorry to hear your news Meggles! I know that you didn't need that right now! I hope that the mini-doodles are doing okay. I know that Thunder knew that you were there with him!
Oh no! I'm so sorry Maeghan. I was hoping for a happy ending for you and Thunder.

Please take care.


The idea is to die young as late as possible

Hi Maeghan,

My most sincere apologies for the loss of Thunder.

I love animals so much and reading your post brought tears to my eyes.

I don't know what else to say except I love my dogs and birds so much that I honestly know how they can become family.

You have lost a good friend and like a good "mommy", you were there for him in the end.

This may sound stupid, but I still mourn a cockatiel I had who died over 7 years ago. He was only 4 years old, which is very young for cockatiel to die.

I took him to the vet over and over and it seems that he had pancreatic cancer (a common killer for birds).

My bird "helped" me write my Master's Thesis and there is not a day that goes by, I don't think about him.

Just try to remember the good times with Thunder and all the shows you two did together. Thunder will live on in your heart.

Again, my most sincere and heartfelt apologies. I wish things could have turned out better.


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