S & H--splitting to work one body part/ day?



Hi there fellow forum friends--

I'm thinking about mixing up my regimen by working one body part/day on a 6 day rotation.. I plan on doing one body part per day using the S & H series.. ie chest on Monday, back on Tues., tri's on Wed, Bi's on Thurs, etc.. I plan on going full force out... using the heaviest weights I can do w/this series but again, doing it one body part/day/week....

Have any of you tried this w/ S and H? I plan on doing 30 minutes of hi-intense cardio each day with this as well.. I am curious to see what your experience with this was.. My goal is major strength gain..

Thanks in advance for your feedback!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-02 AT 10:31PM (Est)[/font][p]Hello Lynn,

I've actually tried this for about 8 weeks and love the results! I used the S&H series working 1 body part per day and 30 to 40 minutes of Cardio, depending on how much energy & time I had. I'm stronger and have more muscle definition! In addition to the rotation, I also made sure my diet was "clean". I didn't really reduce my calorie intake, however, but did cut back a bit on starchy carbs and ate about 5 to 6 very clean mini meals per day. Everyone is different and results will vary but I say try it and see what kind of results you get!

Hi Lynn,

I actually posted this to Cathe quite a while back. Sorry, I don't have the thread for you. What I asked her specifically is her opinion of combining the 30 minute intense cardio workouts from Cross Train Express with one part per day of Slow and Heavy weights. Her answer was that I'd probably be able to do it for a while, BUT as a long term workout the intensity would be very high.

Now, I know from experience that it's hard to have TWO intense goals to focus on. This type of workout would have an intense weight focus with an intense cardio focus. Mission Impossible voice here: Should you decide to accept this mission you may want to at some point cut back on intsensity of cardio (two intense days, 2 easy days, one moderate day) making weights the number one focus OR cut back on weights (maybe lifting for two sets instead of three) and keeping cardio focus intense.

One thing I see here over and over is that our bodies are all very different in how they respond. Try it out and see what works for yours.;-)

Just my two cents here.

Hi Julie and Alexandra--

Thank you for your feedback.. Interesting point about it being TOO intense to do both...

Since my goal is to REALLY build muscle, my theory is that I would be "fresh" for each time I did my strength training part of the workout.. so I could really focus on it.. I don't know about you all, but I am kind of fatigued when I move into the second part of the slow and heavy tapes. Since I always do strength first, then cardio when exercising, I figured this might be a good way to go.

I do have to agree w/ you Julie about that CTX cardio stuff being intense.. its amazing how much energy is expended into just that little 1/2 hour!! I may end up doing an easier type of cardio after that 1/2 hour of S & H.

I think I am going to try it for 3-4 weeks and see what happens... I sure appreciate your input.. definitely food for thought!!!

Take care,
Questions for Bobbi

Hi Bobbi--

How long do you do your cardio on those S & H one body part days?

Also, on the days you do S & H leg work, what type of cardio do you typically pair with it? And finally, do you do leg workouts before or after the cardio?

( I ask alot of questions, don't I)! :}

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-02 AT 08:46AM (Est)[/font][p]Check out the thread on "Ask Cathe" titled "Too much Cardio Stopping Muscle Growth". It has some great points regarding overtraining it may help too.;-)

Edit: I see you've all ready been there, Lynn. I love Maribeth"s posts.


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