

I wanted to know if this rotation sounds ok.
Monday Imax
Tues S&H biceps and triceps
wed cardio kicks
th S&H legs and shoulders
fri circuit max
sat S&H chest and back
Does this seem like a good rotation to bild muscle and burn fat? I have PH and MIS and Bodymax but Iwant to have some size and definition. I want a long lean and somewhat cut look and for that I also have to burn the fat. Any suggestions? I am also eating clean I eat a vegan diet and I have been counting points on WW..thanks PS sometimes I will throw in a FIrm cardio like Cardio burn or core cardio to mix things up a bit.
Hi! I never do Circuit Max anymore, so I can't recall if the weight circuits involve leg work. If so, maybe you should switch your Friday and Saturday workouts, so that you aren't working your legs two days in a row. Or, just take out the leg work and just do upper body, and keep your days scheduled as is.
Another point--for me, I like to have a rest day within the work days... In other words, use Wednesday as a rest day to really reap the benefits of resting, instead of waiting till your pooped out to rest!
When I first did S&H I did IMax a few days before. For me, this was a mistake. I almost confused my poor DH to death (I was grouchy and irritable due to tiredness). When doing S&H (IMO) it is better to confine yourself to the single goal of building muscle. Losing fat can be sequestered to the following week or the second half of the month.

The reason for this is that if you are like me, S&H will not leave you very sore but you will need at least 15-30 minutes of extra sleep. If you have a busy life, IMax during S&H is probably a little grand. Instead, for cardio, do something lower intensity such as Step Jam or bike riding or walking outside. Then do your intervals in a week with Power hour and/or CTX weight work or even PS.

The short intense CTX cardio portions are probably just fine to do with S&H but next time I do S&H, I will keep the cardio lower intensity than that. It will be the last week in October when I have a week off work! And I can really focus on it! I kid you not! I'm looking forward to that...
-my 2 cents- - Connie
I have to agree with the other comments. When I did a S&H rotation I was much more fatigued and sleepy than during any other rotation despite not being incredibly sore. As suggested I'd consider taking a rest day midweek and also considering changing your cardio to something a little less impact/lower intensity. In my opinion Circuit Max is Cathe's toughest workout and I'd never be able to do it the day after S&H legs and shoulders. What other tapes do you have??

I have the CTX series, CTX upper body, Power Max, IMAX, Circiut max, Bodymax, S&H, Power hour, MIS, and I think that is it. I am going to buy the new Intensity series and I also want to get Rythmic step and the abs hits and the other dvd's Cathe has. I would like to have the entire collection at some point but those are the ones I have now. I think I will take my rest day in the middle of the week instead of waiting for 6 days then resting on Sunday. Good idea! I am 5'9 and currently weigh 185 I am medium build and a size 12-14. I consider myself lower advanced in my training and I tend to biuld muscle quick. I have seen incredible gains in my upper body, my shoulders, bi's tri'c back are starting to get cut, but my lower body is where I need to lean out. It is happening but I though adding more cardio may be the way to go. What do you think? Thanks Tracy...ps so I guess I want to lose about 35lbs and I should be ok...150 sounds good.
Thank you Wendyloo, I think that is a great idea to have my rest day in the middle of the week. I am going to do that. Have a wonderful day, Tracy
I strongly agree with Wendy!!!

I am very nervous about adding CK in anywhere near an upper body workout though. I thought of a way you could switch it around but there is no way without adding an extra day of rest. The arms drills really do feel the same as a weight workout, assuming you are really giving them your all.

I disagree with cutting out IMAX. IMAX will do worlds for maintaining your current level of cardio fitness. I am one of those people that really notices when I cut down cardio..one week will go by and my lungs will almost hurt during the next session. Don't like that feeling, so I try to get in 3 cardio sessions regardless of what my rotation is. HOWEVER, if I am doing S & H or some other strength/mass oriented rotation I will UP MY CALORIES. Don't try to lay on the cardio and not compensate for it.

There is some validity to what Connie is saying. If I could still maintain my cardio fitness without having to do cardio I think I would probably cut it out during S & H for optimum strength and muscle gains. But since this is not the case, I would rather leave it in and compensate. Make sure you eat more atleast until S&H is over..then you can move to a cutting up rotation.

Good Luck...


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