S&H 2 or 3 Times Rotation


Hello Cathy,

I know that you recommend that we do S&H on a 3 week rotation, but is it really necessary to get the results that you obviously have in mind? or can one do this on a 2 week rotation, or, even sometimes doing it weekly. Sometimes after 2 weeks I'm ready for a change, but I can do another week if this is what is going to give me the better results.
I have actually gotten good results alternating an S&H week with an endurance week (such as PH and MIS), for a total of 6 weeks. That way, I get the 3 weeks of S&H in, while not getting bored and not losing my endurance capacity! It has worked best for me. I am even considering doing an S&H week every other week no matter what else I do. It really works for a weak, nonmuscular person, anyway....

Sandi M
hmmm, that's an idea. I'm on the 2nd week of a 3 week SH cycle, but I think I might try that next week instead and follow up with another week of SH after that.
Sandi, can you give us an example of your rotation? I did S&H for 3 weeks and for the third week, I lost my motivation and had a very hard time finishing the rotation. Maybe something like you are doing might appeal to me more. Thanks, Angela
Sandi - I guess my main question in the previous post is - How many times are you doing a Power Hour type workout on the weeks you don't do S&H? Thanks, Angela
Good question! I do a weekly rotation, I find it works form me. S&H week 1, Power Hour week 2 and MIS week 3. By the time I return to S&H I've had 2 weeks break since my last S&H workout and that just wakes up every muscle in my body. I also find that I am ready to increase the weight each time I return to S&H. In PH case, I find that I can go longer - my cardio performance is also better after doing MIS and PH workouts.

I don't know whether I am following the rotations right or not. I enjoy working out this way, so that is what I do.
Sorry it took so long

I just got back from a work trip, so I haven't read the forum in a while. My S&H alternating rotation goes sort of like this:

Week 1:
M - S&H Chest/Back
T - Cardio
W - S&H Legs/Shoulders
Th - Cardio
F - S&H Tris/Bis
Sat - Cardio
Sun - Rest

Week 2:
M - Cardio
W - Cardio
Th - Cardio
F - PowerHour
Sat - Cardio
Sun - Rest

Week 3:
Same as Week 1

Week 4:
M - CIA 2102
T - Cardio
W - Circuit Max
Th - Cardio
F - FIRM full body workout
Sat - Cardio
Sun - Rest

Week 5:
Same as Week 1

Week 6:
Same as Week 2

If you don't want to do anything except for Cathe videos, you can
substitute Power Hour, MIS, or maybe a CTX all strength mix for CIA 2102 or FIRM. I try to be flexible, to keep my interest up.

I find that Cathe's strength workouts are the most effective , but I need variety.

Good luck,

Sandi M

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