Rythmic Step

I love Step Blast and gathered that Rythmic Step was similar.

Well, I've tried it three times now and for some reason cannot get beyond the begining of segment two. I don't know what it is. I've been pondering all day on whether it's complicated or boring or if I just haven't approached it while in the right mood.

Does anyone else not like Rythmic Step?

I want to love it, I really do........


Keep with it. When I am trying to learn a new routine, I do a full workout, and then when I am done, I tack on one segment of the tape I am trying to learn. I do that segment over and over until I learn it.

Keep with it...Rhythmic Step is so much fun!

No, it's not just you! I too have not decided if I like this workout or not. Practically everyone on this forum loves RS, I'm not feeling that same love. I think for me, it's too 'dancey' or too 'light' if you know what I mean. I like Cathe's truely hard-core workouts and RS just does not give me that totally ripped feeling when I'm done. I feel more like I just finished a dance class...I want more power 15's, and lunges...that's it...RS is not as athletic as the other step workouts.

I'll keep doing it if and when it comes up in a rotation but I don't reach for this on a day when I'm just picking something that's out of the schedule.
Tammy, I love to dance, but I am one of the worst followers of choreography there is. My body tends to move the direction it feels like moving even though, it might be going the opposite way. This is not that advanced in choreopgraphy as I've seen. I'm thinking Christie Taylor & others. Maybe all you need is another time or two. I just would like to see you give it a chance because it is such an enjoyable workout. In fact, I consider it on my "light days." But I say that because I've had this W/O a long time. It really is fun, just give it a chance. If you screw up then just focus a little more & keep going. Just say "whatever" with any mis-steps. As long as you're still moving anyway, that's all that matters.:)

I like RS. Segment #3 is quite aerobically challenging and it burns slightly more calories than StepBlast so it is not a wimpy workout but you need to have the choreography down so that you can get the most out of it. I also think its a lot of fun but I do come from a dance background.
Rhythmic Step was the hardest for me to learn. (I have all of her DVDs). It took me a while to get segment two also. I was thinking about it all day and even while at work (when no one was looking) I kept trying to get the moves down on an imaginary step. :p I kept going over it in my head and I finally got it! Once I did it was so easy. Like riding a bike! :)

you are under no obligation to like stuff just because others love them! For example, people on here rave about the high step training and really, it leaves me cold. And I knew that after just doing HSC once. If RS isn't for you, so what?!?! Plenty more workouts in the sea.

On the other hand, very often we don't like what we perceive as difficult and it's hard for a real enjoyment to be there when the learning curve is still high. So, give yourself another 3 run throughs before you decide to pitch it.

BTW: I am a sh**tty dancer and got RS after 2 tries and love it. Being able to dance or not has no bearing on whether you can get RS down. It has far more to do with becoming increasingly familiar with Cathe's timimg and choreography, IMHO.

Maybe you will come to love it as you struggle less with it and maybe you won't, whatever. In the end, trying to master it does good things for your brain, connecting synapses as you learn to master something difficult. Research says that the best way to stave off memory loss and mental aging is to keep taxing that brain!


I also struggled with RS. But, once I learned the moves, it became very fun. I still like Step Blast better, but RS has it's place in my workout schedule and now I look forward to it!!

I have a really hard time liking Boot Camp, but so many people rave about it that I think I am definitely in the minority. In fact, some people are probably chucking cyber-rocks at me right now!!!

Basically, you have to find something that you like and works for you. Good Luck!!;-)
Here is my Rhythmic step story...First I have to say that I love step and I thought Rythmic Step would be perfect an all step workout :) ...I couldn't wait. I love complex choreography and don't have a problem learning it. After giving it a few tries, I just hated it so much, I gave it away to someone on this forum.

As time went on, I replaced my old Cathe's on VHS with DVD's. So I got Rhythmic Step again, but I knew I would never do it..Well a few month's ago I pulled it out again and gave it another try. Well I have to say that I have changed my mind..I won't say that I absolutely love it but I do like it and I have incorporated it into my current rotation. I can't explain what so turned me off to it before.

So give it a few more tries and if you still don't like it don't worry there are more wokouts where that one came from. :7

I used to really like RS, but it was one of my few Cathe workouts at the time, so I did it very, very frequently for quite some time. The end result is that the music now drives me insane due to its monotony (especially during the challenge), and I get really bored with the parts of the combos where she breaks things down. My lesson learned: never do any workout more than twice a month. It keeps them fresh and interesting.

I mostly use RS these days for a good 30 min. workout: w/u, combo #1, challenge, C/D.

Hi Elaine!

Sorry to say, Rythmic Step bores me to tears. I've had it since it was released and have done it several times, but there is just that something about it that irritates me. So I have kept in on the shelf for the last couple of years.

On the other hand, I love Step Blast which is just as complicated at RS.

Go figure! Different strokes for different folks!

Have a nice weekend!


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