RWH vs Body Beast

I've completed STS and am now working through the Gym Style series (I was inspired by Cathe's Body Building Rotation). However, I'd like to replace 4DS. I was thinking either RWH or Body Beast. I'm wondering if Cathletes who have tried both these series can give me their opinions on them - how the programs are set up, teaching styles, rep counts, tempos- things like that. What kinds of results did you see? I love lifting heavy with shorter reps! Love! Any input would be appreciated.TIA!
On a side note.....STS was fantastic! Saw lots of strength gains and definition. GS is kicking my butt in a new way, lol! Sometimes my arms feel like noodles by the time I'm done. I'm figuring it's because of different tempo and rest periods?
I think RWH would be a good sub for 4DS as far as time and somewhat similar rep count (I honestly can't remember the specifics of 4DS). Overall, I think you can go heavier with RWH and I feel it's a bit tougher than 4DS b/c of that. Something more on par with 4DS if that's what you're looking at might be the Muscle Meltdowns on ICE.
I would agree with Stacy...I think RWH would be a better sub for 4DS than Body Beast. BB is done pyramid style like Pyramid Upper and Lower Body. RWH is more like basic sets with some "burners" added in.
I think I'm most likely to go with RWH. Evrytime I try other exercise DVDs, I end up coming right back because of the comfort level and her professionalism. So, I'm just keeping and eye on her "Deals of the Day" to see if it goes on sale.....
Have you thought of the X-Train series? It does include the Burn Sets and she goes pretty heavy for the regular X Ch, Bk, Sh & Bi, Tri.
I ordered RWH (although XTrain will be my next purchase...probably for the summer). I just finished my 4th week of GS. I'm taking a quick vacation in a couple of weeks. So...I'm debating whether to do 2 more weeks of GS or use PUB/PLB for two weeks before going into RWH. I want to do the 2month rotation straight through so that's why I'm waiting to start after vacation. Thanks for the recommendations!

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