Running vs. High intensity Cathe....

Hi there everyone..I was just wondering. I have really gotten into running but I wanted to know, for overall fat loss, are the higher intensity dvd's better or th same effectiveness as running. For instance, I am about 5'9 and 198lbs but in great shape cardio wise. I run about 3.5 miles on the treadmill, switching from incline and speeds of 4.5 to about 6.5. I do intervals. I also do Bodymax, circuit max, and Imax 1 and 2 and so on. I love running and will continue but are they about the same as far fat and caloie burns? Thank you so I also do weight training.....for the entire body ;-)
It totally depends on your mileage how much you burn.

For comparison, today I ran 25 minutes (outside) burning 249 cals, doing 5 Imax2 intervals in 34 minutes burnes 187 cals (I'm 5"5 and a little over 123 pounds) and believe me, I'm really jumping up there. Running for an hour burnes about 600 cals, Imax2 as is (also about an hour) burnes about 325 cals.

Hope this helps.


FYI: I use an HRM when I workout: a Polar M52 for Cathe and Polar625X for running
Running always burns more calories for me compared to any other training just based on HRM. For example, 30 min run will always burns around 400 cal, my heart rate from 120 - 180, I maint. 170 most of time. However, for aerobic exercise (Cathe, my heart rate normally around 135 - 145, with 150 or very few times shooted to 160 during the blast. I love Cathe's workout, but my knees always bother me after those jacks and jumps.

Is there any rotation theads out there about running intervals (showing what speed, how many min)to lose weight? I have been working out for 3 mons. Only lost 5 lbs, then I stuck where I am. I need to lose 20 lbs. All helps are welcome.

Hey, there, WantFit! I have just a few questions for you....

What do you eat? What are your portion sizes? Make sure you eat plenty of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and lean meats and stay away from processed cereals, boxed meals and stuff like chips. Also don't forget to drink plenty of water.

Do you weight train? I really took off with weight loss after I incorporated weights into my workouts.

There are a bunch of rotations under the DVD/video rotation forum that include running, you may want to check it out.

Good luck with your goals and hang in there!
I find that I burn more calories running intervals. However I do throw in High Intensity because the plyo's help my running and make me stronger

But as indicated in previous have to do the weight training because that is when you can really see the benefits of working out.


I ate rather clean. Everyday, I have veggies for my lunch and dinner, I eat one boiled egg in the morning after I workout. Then I will have one yogurt, or almond nuts, or fruit for my morning snacks. I eat rice & pasta for my meals. I have already cut them down. I think I need to cut both of them down further more and drink more water. Currently, I drink about 20oz a day. I don't eat too much meat, I am not meat person. I eat seafood a couple times a week. I love seafood, however it is hard to get fresh one in Chicago...

I did weight training by using MM. I love it. My arms responsed quickly. However, my legs & core kind of slow. I did CTX for a month, then Match 05 HC series fat burning rotation. I think I will do 3 times interval running and keep using MM or PUB/PLB to do weight training.

This morning I tried running interval in Treadmil. I could only did 4 intervals. My heart beat was over 180 right away. I am 37 and 5'3". My Max heart rate is 181. I love Cathe's steps workout. But I think the intensity is not enough to get rid of my stubborn fat from my preganancy.

Thanks for your inputs.

WantFit...make sure you are eating enough protein. I mention that because you say you don't eat much meat. Make sure you are getting your protein from other sources then...beans, dairy, nuts, seafood and eggs as you already are eating.

Veggiegirl, incorporate cardio workouts at least 4 days a week to help with weight loss. Try to do two of those high intensity such as sprints. And do try to take your running outside now that the weather is nice in most parts of the country. I get really bored on the treadmill even if watching television. Running outdoors is great for the mind and the body. :D
Hi. I definitely burn the most calories when I run (at least according to my Polar HRM). I burn about 600 calories in an hour of running (approx 7.5 mph). For the intense Cathe workouts (Imax) I burn about 350 calories. However, I think Cathe workouts are great for crosstraining, and really supplement my workouts on days I don't run. Also, I agree with the others about weightlifting. Lifting weights is essential for building lean muscle mass, which in turn leads to an increased metabolism.

I don't know where I read this and I am no expert but, I think when you do interval training, you continue to burn calories after your workout is over. Melissa
have you tried cathe's treadmill workout? i have not tried it yet but one person said that it kicks but! i can give it to you if you want.

Anytime you do aerobic excercise, your body continues to burn calories for hours afterwards because your metabolism is boosted. Intervals burn more overall calories than steady state, but you will still have a boosted metabolism after any aerobic excercise.;)
>have you tried cathe's treadmill workout? i have not tried it
>yet but one person said that it kicks but! i can give it to
>you if you want.

I've tried it! It's great! And it's a challenge! As soon as you are exhausted from the speed intervals, you slow down but up the incline, and immediately you feel the switch in muscles you use. I have it sitting on my treadmill at all times....beckoning me to "go for it!" LOL
>Hi. I definitely burn the most calories when I run (at least
>according to my Polar HRM). I burn about 600 calories in an
>hour of running (approx 7.5 mph). For the intense Cathe
>workouts (Imax) I burn about 350 calories. However, I think
>Cathe workouts are great for crosstraining, and really
>supplement my workouts on days I don't run. Also, I agree
>with the others about weightlifting. Lifting weights is
>essential for building lean muscle mass, which in turn leads
>to an increased metabolism.

Well said, and I echo everything Sherry says. I'm a distance runner and when I lift in combination with it, my running improves. Also, I used to do a step class and then would go hop on the treadmill for an extra mile or two. It really helped to slim down my hips. Then again, I was in my mid 20's back I had my metabolism working harder for me then as well.

Now, after 2's a whole new ballgame getting this remaining weight off!
Was that the one called "Cathe's advanced treadmil training"? Did you do everything as what it said? I was chickenout when I saw you have to run 10 min at 8.0. When I tried interval on treadmil, I can only run 30 second at that speed. Do anyone of you know Cathe's treadmil training at beginner or intermediate level?

40something, I agree with you that I should take more protein. I did not like dairy products and meat. Now I try to take one little cup of milk and one 8oz yogurt.

I ran into some comments talking about "runnerval". I visit their website

I am thinking about getting one to improve my interval running. Is there anyone can give me some advice?

Hey Veggiegirl! I use a HRM & document all my calories burned for workouts & I think these high intensities, such as the Imaxs, circuit trainig or any mish-moshes with a lot of blasts really give running a challenge as far as calorie burn. Let me also share this with you, I was a 60 minute 5-6 days a week runner for many, many years. I always believed it burned the most calories, but after these few years I've actually logged my progress, I can't say it's always the best. These high intensity workouts can give any workout a run for it's money but the best part is, they are NOT monotonous!!! Yipppeeee!!!

Of course, you get out of it, what you put into it, and well, that goes the same for running.

I think Marla has a good point. Her body was so use to running (60min. 506 x's a week) that her body got use to that. When you change it up, results happen. I run 3-4X's but take winters off and do another form of cardio. My body really responds when I get back to running. To me it still seems to be the best cal. burning workout and sheds that belly fat that creeps up during the winter.

I take winters off because I mostly run outside and I live in New England. Also, running takes a beating on the body, I'm 36 and want to run for 20 more years or so. Taking that time off to do less stressful joint cardio eg. swimming, power walking works best for me.

It's funny I wore my heart rate monitor and walked for 30 minutes and ran for 30 minutes another day, and I only burned about 50 more calories. I don't think running is for everyone. Maybe try wearing your HRM and seeing how your body responds.
It's a continuing process.....

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