Running vs. High intensity Cathe....

I was training for a marathon last year and then developped a stress fracture and haven't really been able to run since. It's so depressing! I get more "zen" time when I run than when I do other aerobics, as I'm trying not to fall over my step and end up facing the wrong way! Thank goodness I'm alone in my house instead of in a step class!

I'm also an insulin dependent diabetic so I have specific examples of my muscles getting used to certain activities. When I started running, my blood sugar would drop almost instantly. The only thing I could do was to decrease my insulin or eat food while running (or a combo). When I was really in shape during training, I didn't have to lower my insulin levels at all.

When I first broke my leg and switched to a bike, my blood sugar dropped like a stone within the first 10 minutes on the bike. And I was in shape enough to be running for 3 hours on a broken leg!! Same thing happened when I ran in the pool with a belt- my body wasn't used to the activity and my blood sugar dropped.

Same thing happens with weights, but a little differently. When I run or do aerobic activities, my blood sugar will drop while I'm exercising. When I do weights, my blood sugar will drop a few hours after I'm done.

It's another example of how long your metabolism is affected by each type of activity, and why it's important to switch things up so your body doesn't get used to one activity.

Amy G
I love all this talk about running, because I just began adding running to my routine a few weeks ago. When I first began, running BAR FAR burned more calories than any other cardio wokrout I do (including the IMax's). However, since I've gotten better and can run further, I have to run at a higher speed in order to get my HR up to the 85% goal I set. Now, an hour of running burns abour 450 calories for me, where it USED to burn over 550 calories. I still LOVE it though, because it is SUCH AN AWESOME lower body toning exercise. I feel like I get a double bonus by running long runs.


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