

Active Member
I'm starting a running program, running 3-4 times a week, a goal of running 25 miles total weekly. What Cathe videos do you think would be complimentary? I don't want to overtrain my legs, but I do want to maintain overall fitness.

I am also a runner, 5 miles a day. I do throw in elliptical and biking from time to time as well. I am doing a 5 mile "pie run" on Thanksgiving. The MIS series is great it is a total body work out to keep you balanced and strong. I break it up 3 days upper 3 days lower & the abs, it works out to be a half hour a day very managable. It worked really well for me. Good luck.
Thanks! I'll take a look. Running usually handles the fat burning for me, and it shapes my legs and glutes fairly well on its own. But I know I still need to incorporate strength training.

I like the idea of a 30 minute strength workout. That would allow more time for running. And time is the one thing I'm short of these days! :)

I am a runner and I incorporate all of Cathe's strength videos into my running program. I favor more of the strength ones like PS series and the Pyramids. They are all great though! Lower body strength training is great at keeping the muscles around the knees strong and weight training in general will help in decreasing the chance for injury.

Good luck on your running program!!!


I did a 5 mile turkey trot last week..
Lots of fun.

Oh now that sounds like a good time. I have yet to enter a race. But I will eventually.

I've actually been alternating the Pyramids for some time now. I just have a short attention span and need to change up from time to time.

How do you find time to work it all in?
I have run for alot of years. Started marathons about 6 years ago, love the distance. I am injured right now. (Achilles Tendinitis), so just running 2 days a week til it subsides. I feel strength in your upper body is very important for runners. Core work is also good. I gain weight in my lower body (yes...those glutes and legs!) so weight training there is a must for me! I love the Pyramids. I did Muscle Endurance yesterday and feel it in my biceps and shoulders. I have the Intensity and Body Blast series and just got the CTX series. I have alot of time in the morning and usually do a leg workout one day and a upper body workout the next. And I can do the aerobic tapes fine without any pain..which helps right now. I believe the CTX series are a bit shorter and might be good for time crunching. Keep up the running..:)
Thanks everyone - you've given me a lot to chew on. I found out about the core work when I added inclines into my running on the treadmill. I couldn't believe how sore my upper body was!

I'm waiting on the Body Blast DVD's too - I think they will add a lot of possibilities as well.

So would it be overtraining to work legs twice a week?
I can only speak for me. I do leg training hard 3 times a week, even when I am doing alot of running. The strength has always helped my legs and I would bet prevented injuries. Try 2 times a week and see how your legs feel, that might be just right for your body. Carole :)
I run in the spring,summer and fall but I normally take the winter off.When I get back into it after having a couple of monthes, I never see ANY change in my fitness level.I think the Imax videos really help with your endurance level.And the diffently keep your fitness level up.
I use to run about 32 kms a week.8-9kms x 4days.Then I upped it to 14kms a day x5.I have started to calm it down a little now though.My knee can cause me problems when it wants to.Thats why I like to take a couple of monthes off a year.
Good luck...
I run 3x a week. Depending on what I am training for I may not do any lower body work at all. Right now I am training for my first marathon and do none. My legs just feel dead and terrible if I do. Before I started training I only did about 10 min. of lower body 1x a week.

I also spin once a week, which I think works the lower body very well. Upper body gets worked twice a week. I just rotate my Cathe's in 4 week rotations. Core is done 3x a week.

You will really have to experiment and see what works for you. Don't be afraid to take out lower body if you have to. It all depends on your goals. My legs are strong enough to take me 14 miles (so far) and they look pretty good too.

I don't know why some people can do legs hard 3x a week and I can't. I sometimes get discouraged because I am in good shape and have been working out for a long time. You'd think I'd be able to do that too. Maybe it's all genetics?

Good luck with your running, and definitely sign up for a race! They are fun, fun, fun!

I would think that you could be lucky and not have to do leg work. I have a feeling you are quite a bit younger than me. I am 44. I have lifted weights for about 24 years. I have always worked my legs hard and they have always been strong. I normally quit heavy lifting about a month before a marathon. For whatever reason when I have worked out hard on my legs, I seem to have good runs right after. It could very well be genetic. I have learned by trial and error. I think you have gotten alot of good opinions here and it just depends what works for you, so experiment..that's what I did...:) Carole
I am a beginner at running and am one run away from finishing the 10 week run walk program. BOW. Not that I couldn't have run for half an hour straight 10 weeks ago but I wouldn't have done it 3x/week if I started it that way. Now I am really hooked and signed up for a 10 k in May. That's my new goal.
The Pyramids work really well for keeping up the strength portion and yoga feels sooo good too. When I feel too tired to do PLB then S&H Legs is just right because it's short and sweet.
Congratulations on your program!..And on the 10K in May. Cool. Sounds like you found what works for you. :) Good Luck..Carole
>When I trained to race in 1999, I used Cathe's Imax very
>effectively as a "speed work" workout to increase my oxygen
>uptake and make faster running easier. Worked like a charm!

I also use Cathe's IMAX 1 as a "speed session" workout and I was wondering if you use an 8" step or 6" or 4"? I can get my heart rate up so much higher on an 8" but get nervous about an injury. Just curious what step height you use.
Thank You!
Angela :)
nope - i'm actually 41. and i've been lifting off and on since my teens. but running is a relatively new obsession for me. i do build muscle fairly easily, but i have a tough time getting rid of the bodyfat. and running seems to be the key for me there.

i've found that there are days when i just don't want to do weights for lower body, so i'll substitute a lotte berk dvd. the stretching feels really good. i have been sticking with the PUB though. and i just ordered the PH/MIS/BM dvd.

i really appreciate all the suggestions. and it's great to see more runners. it always keeps me inspired. :)
Cool....:) its great meeting runners in their 40's! If you build muscle easily then you might not need much legwork at all. And running does help with body fat. I don't build muscle that easy which is probably why I lift so much. For me to get results I always need to cut back on the carbs and add more protien. Keep up the good work...Carole

>Hi, Angela, for training to race, I used 8". Can't do that
>anymore, nor run for that matter and I now use 6. But the
>results wee incredible! Speed work on the road was always my
>least favorite. Using Imax allowed me to minimize short fast
>training and still really kick! I ran the first mile of my
>Race for the Cure 5K in 6:51!

WOW BOBBI!!! 6:51 is AWESOME!!! You really hustled but why can't you run anymore? When I was training for a marathon I did almost all my speed work on an 8" to Imax and some hill training. Although I did notice incredible cardio benefits, my knees couldn't take both running and an 8" step :-( I finally took my friends advice (and put my pride aside) and I have been on a 6" for the last 8 months. I also got custom orthodics for my running shoes, started taking walking breaks during long runs (Galloway style) and I've been pain free since! Good news is I can still run, bad news is I have to do my speed sessions on the road. :)

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