Hi Karin,
I am in major rush mode today and haven't had time to check in (Hi everyone, I'll be back tomorrow after I finish mega-pile-max-etc today).
My two cents: definitely replace the shoes.
Maybe you need a shoe with more support?
Make sure you are really thoroughly stretching your glute muscles or actually these help me: I sometimes do this in sequence: Oblique stretch, supermans, lower abs work, glute stretch, hamstring stretch, quad stretch, calf stretch. Hold stretches until you really FEEl yourself start to loosen up.
I had a hip injury and have a lot of things I do to manage chronic low-level pain. I am getting custom orthotics made, but find the stretching, floor work and not overdoing it really helps. Also, sometimes I use heat instead of ice and then stretch.
Maybe when you go back to running your regular week's schedule, go back to gravel and then once a week, keep adding asphalt portions to your run to build up or acclimate to the new surface.
but if don't feel better -- see a doctor......
This article may also be interesting....,5033,s6-78-0-0-2861,00.html

I am in major rush mode today and haven't had time to check in (Hi everyone, I'll be back tomorrow after I finish mega-pile-max-etc today).
My two cents: definitely replace the shoes.
Maybe you need a shoe with more support?
Make sure you are really thoroughly stretching your glute muscles or actually these help me: I sometimes do this in sequence: Oblique stretch, supermans, lower abs work, glute stretch, hamstring stretch, quad stretch, calf stretch. Hold stretches until you really FEEl yourself start to loosen up.
I had a hip injury and have a lot of things I do to manage chronic low-level pain. I am getting custom orthotics made, but find the stretching, floor work and not overdoing it really helps. Also, sometimes I use heat instead of ice and then stretch.
Maybe when you go back to running your regular week's schedule, go back to gravel and then once a week, keep adding asphalt portions to your run to build up or acclimate to the new surface.
but if don't feel better -- see a doctor......
This article may also be interesting....,5033,s6-78-0-0-2861,00.html