Runner's Check-in - TGIF, June 9


Good morning & happy Friday, cheetahs! Since I’m usually one of the last to post, I thought I’d get in here early. :)

I set my alarm for the wee hours to possibly knock out my run BEFORE work today, but since I ran at 8 pm last night, I feel like holding off until the afternoon. Plan is to follow it with GS BSB.

Laura—Sounds like you had a good run, not much slower than your usual pace. Re: the drainage…I wonder if the infection moved into your ears? And maybe that’s why you’re still struggling with it. I think it might warrant a(nother?) trip to the doc. I agree--I like getting my workouts done in the AM, too. Usually doesn’t happen now that I’m a teacher. Which reminds me. Someone asked about our jobs. I teach middle school language arts.

Wendy—I agree that it’s OK to slow down when you need to. As others have said, you gotta be smart when increasing time or distance otherwise it can lead to injury. Sounds like you're making great progress! I report my distance here in check-in but I'm actually not as concerned about miles as I am about time. In others words, I'm just focused on increasing my time by about 10% every 1-2 weeks.

Gayle—I’m sorry to hear about your late DH. It must be such an emotional time for you. But you sound like a very strong person with a positive perspective.

Jess—it sounds like your days are chock full and you’re very active with your girls & Mikey. That’s wonderful (except when he’s jumping in neighbor’s pools). Was wondering if you have a preference: Kickmax or KPC?

Carole—you have me intrigued about PLB. I’ve only done PUB. Will do lower body tomorrow and check that one out. I loved the pics of your animals, especially the one of Bosco wearing the hat. His expression made me laugh.

Karen—sounds like you had an intense run! I might have to try that sometime.

ShellyC—I went to LBI a few summers as a kid. Great town. Now I mostly stick to the OC or Sea Isle beaches. I’ve only done one race on the beach and expected it to be tough, but we ran by the water, so it was actually nice and not a death wish. Hope you enjoyed the kayak and BBQ. Love the man against horse race. Hysterical!

Mattea—re: Imax2…thank you for the tip about trying a few intervals after my real workout. (I posted last night, and for some reason, thought that came from Thomasina. Oops!) Anywho, I love that idea. Yes, I do like that Cathe is making me stronger, BUT I just didn’t feel like I got in a good workout that day.

Marcia & Karen—way to go on your new resolve! Marcia, if you want another weight loss buddy, let me know!

Barb—lol about the rat (with bad hair) on the spinning wheel. I know what you mean about the end-of-the-year events. I teach 8th graders, so since our kids are moving on to HS, there’s a ton of activities. And I don’t remember it being this way when I was in junior high.

Christine—NOW I’m laughing about you scaring off the mountain lions. Too funny.

Barbara—take care of yourself & come back when you are feeling well again.

Hi to everyone else - hope you have a great Friday & workout!!

-cathy :)

PS...Anyone else pumped for the World Cup here??
Good Morning Cheetahs!

Cathy: I try to kick up my pace/do some kind of speed work once a week but for right now since my mileage is low I am mostly concentrating on that. Once I can run 5k outdoors, I will put more emphasis on time and not worry about upping my mileage for a little while maybe.:)

No run planned for me today. I just got Ripped yeterday so I'm going to do that + a rebounder work out. I need to lay off the impact today. I had a few days in a row of high impact work outs and tomorrow morning is slated for my outdoor run so I need to "save myself" for that!}(

It's finally friday ladies!:7
Good Morning Cheetahs. Today I'm going to do Power Hour followed by a 2 or 3 mile run. I really love PH and havn't done it in ages.

Cathy- Hope you get your run in. My dh is excited about the World Cup.

Wendy- Have fun with ripped and enjoy that outdoor run tomorrow.

I'm joining a running group. It costs 15.00 a year and you get discounts on all the local races in the area if they are sponsored by them or even free. They meet on Sat mornings for long runs anywhere from 4 to 12 miles and then on Wed nights at the track. I'm so excited. I'm going over to the running store where I talked to the guy about it the other day. They are also going to send me a newsletter of all the upcomming races in my area. Plus they are starting a training group for the half anf full marathon in Baltimeore that I am going to do . I think there is a fee for that but today I will find out more. I think you get a training specific schedule and all kind of stuff with that. I'm pumped,. Off to ge my workout in before I get even more carried away.
Good morning everyone:

Cathy - absolutley I would like a weight loss buddy, we can use all the support we can get, right??? It's a tough battle so let's surround ourselves with some great support - like here.:7

Wendy - Good idea, save yourself for the longer runs and more impact workouts. I'm doing the same today, I ran 3.5 yesterday and have a 4 miler on tap for tomorrow, so I'm resting a little today. I have Jari's Get Ripped, too, let me know what you think.

Karen - Cool, a running group would be great and some great motivation and help when you need it. The discounts and newsletter don't hurt either. :)

Today like I said is suppose to be a rest day, but I have weigh-in at Weight Watchers with my mom and a little shopping afterwards. We have our bar's annual street dance tomorrow night, so lots of preparation today and tomorrow to get ready for it.

Have a great weekend everyone - back later.

Good Morning Cheetahs!
Cathy-Glad you're thinking about giving Imax 2 another try. It is so much fun once you learn it, eventually you'll find yourself in one happy sweatfest!

Wendy-Enjoy the new Get Ripped! Let us know how you like it. Good luck on the outdoor run tomorrow! Congrats again on the 4 miles:) The pepper spray is for protecting myself from the 4 legged or 2 legged wild life when I run outside. Quite a few of my runs take me onto slightly more 'country' areas and I'd like a little more protection.

Karen-How exciting about the running group!! I wish we had something like that in my area. Hey, maybe we DO have something like that in my area, I need to ask around, lol:D

Marcia-Sounds like a busy, fun day you have planned. Get ready for 4 miles...}(

Barbara-We'll miss you while you're off the forums, please feel better soon. :)

Christine-Great job on the sprints!! You can do 7 miles, you are a running machine. A strong efficient runner who loves running outside and watching the beautiful scenery fly by. You can do it!!}( And well apparently there's a *sauna* waiting for you afterwards, lol...

Barb-You made me laugh so hard! Love that image of you. It'll all be over soon and then you can settle into the slower routine of summer.

Today is a 5 mile interval run for me and then a Core Max. I'm just hoping the rain holds off:-(
Have a great day! run at night?...I have never been good at that! The GS series is also a good one. I hope you like PLB, I usually add some of my own exercises (leg extensions and leg curls) and do them the pyramid way. Thanks for seeing the pics. My DH was very close to Bosco and loved that hat pic...:)

Christine...I think after my 50K in July and most likely a 20 miler (maybe 50K) in Placerville Labor Day....I will be wanting to cut back some would be so incredibly fun to run with you...hanging out before and after would be way fun you get my happy dance...[/img]...I think the warm-up and stretch in Kickmax are both some of the best of Cathe..

Wendy....OMG..I started out in check filing...did proof for awhile and then mainly Customer Service with B of A. After 5 years I went to a Savings & Loan. The tellers there did everything (I did alot of audits) and the customers were ALOT nicer...they got bought out so I figured it was time to move on. Funny...I think I could preview Mr YP alot longer than 10 min...[/img] Way to go with the 4 miles yesterday!!!! Have fun with Jari today!

Karen...that is great about joining the running club! Sounds like a good plan for you. I like PH too...something about how the music matches the exercises...:)

Marcia...sounds like a fun weekend on tap for you. We have occasional street dances but I have never gone..enjoy your rest day today.

Barbara...I am sorry about the panic attacks...:(...sending hugs your way...[/img] Hoping you can join us again soon...

I have a short workout today. P90X Back, some abs and a 4 mile run....

Have a great day...
G'morning cheetahs!!

Another sleep in day here, I just can NOT seem to get enough sleep this week!! It's supposed to be kind of a taper week, my long run is only 5 miles tomorrow anyway (week 3 of marathon training). I guess I just need to listen to my body, it seems whenever I try to push myself too hard I end up sick/ injured so I don't want that!!

I do want to get in a run today & my dh is roofing all day again (he only works 4 hrs on Fri at work so he just took it off to hopefully finish this roof!!). My dd said she wanted to ride her bike again while I ran so I hope we can get that in before it's too hot! (she's still asleep!)

We've definitely been busy. Lots of outdoor time w/ our trampoline, slip & slide, and then to the pool for almost 4 hrs y'day!! I was wiped too & the kids were sooo tired by bedtime last night! I didn't hear a peep from them! I love summer though & I'm sooo happy that I can be home with them.

Oh, and funny story about my friend's almost 11 yr old dd that was here y'day. First of all, I hadn't seen her in a little bit (I talk to her Mom but hadn't seen her) & she came & hugged me & told me that I'm way too skinny to have 3 kids & I just look like a teenager!! ;-) Then she told me that she knew that I got 1st place in my Age group at the 5K (I had run into them at the parade after the race) & she wanted to race me. So all of the kids & I raced across the yard (and I just had my flip flops on!) & I beat them all every time!! That felt pretty good! :)

Ok, enough babbling. It's not supposed to be as hot today so we'll probably just hang out around here today! I want to do PLB at naptime too! Have a good one!

Hey Marcia!! I'm here for support too!! I'm not trying to lose weight, mainly just maintain (where I've been about a year now) but I've sooo BTDT. Let me know if you need any advice/ tips! G/L w/ weigh in & have fun today!! Shop for me too, ok??

Is PH a Cathe DVD? I don't think I've heard of that one!

The running group sounds like a great idea & great perks w/ the free races/ training schedules!! When is the Baltimore marathon?? I'm running a marathon on Sept 24th, so we are in week 3 of our training.

Have a good one, Karen!

You're doing great, Wendy!! I definitely recommend doing speedwork at least once a week- it's great! I know it's really helped me pick up the pace & know that I can do it. It's helped me make my *average* pace during the week faster too. Although I'm always much speedier in races anyway, adrenaline & having other people to run with helps!

Enjoy your new workouts!

Carole- your short workouts are still great! Loved the pics of your pets- too cute!!! The GS series is still on my wish list!! I hope I can afford to get it soon!

And hey- I totally understand the loan stuff. I did collections where I used to work- HATED that!! But I found lots of ways to *find* people that didn't want to be found & pay their loans! Some of them started calling me the FBI because I would find them!!

Have a good one, Carole!

Enjoy your 5 mile run & Core Max! I hope the rain stays away! They've been calling for rain on & off all week but so far no rain!

Forgot to say that I can't compare because I don't have KCP (I think that's Kick, Crunch, & Punch??) I have a limited Cathe selection right now of KickMax & MM, & the Pyramid UB & LB. I'm going to slowly start to add to it as I can afford to!! I do love KickMax though. I do have Billy Blank's BootCamp & I like Cathe's kickboxing style much better. I do like his Ultimate bootcamp w/ the bands though because he mixes in pushups & other stuff like that too.

And adding in Gayle- I'm so sorry!! I had no idea being new here what you'd been through. You're a very strong woman & I'm so sorry for the loss of your dh!!!

RE: G'morning cheetahs!!

Thanks Jess....:)...PH is Power Hour (a full body workout) and yes a Cathe workout on a DVD with Bodymax and Maximum Intensity Strength..nice compliment for your friends DD..:)..enjoy your day

Hi Mattea, we were posting at the same time! Have a great run, I hope the rain holds out for you too.
Good Morning again.

I just got done working out. I did do PH but instead of running I did intervals 1-5 of Imax 2. Before I knew it it is 9:30. Now I'm bolting to the shower. Hello to my fellow cheetahs, Carole, Marcia, Jess, Mattea and all my other girls. Have to run.
hello ladies,

I ran 3miles today. It is still a struggle but my pace was a 9:34 today with a couple of short walks in between. I am going to make an appointment the doctor,he hasnt taken xrays of my chest and sinuses in a long time so maybe he will do that to see what is going on.

anyway, I love my garmin, so far anyway. It is so cool, it shows you a map of where you ran, your min/max heart rate, your calories burned for the week as well as total miles for the week and it averages your pace out for the week. so far I have done over 11miles and my average pace for the week is 9:34, over all time was 1hr47min or something like that. I burned over 1000 calories just with my running. I still havent used the training cd yet, I want to call and make sure it is compatible with my computer, but if it adds to the garmin I sure I will love that program as well. When I am feeling up to it, I will try the virtual partner, it pretends you are racing someone and if you are behind or ahead of them. This is definately worth the money!!!

anyway I need to do some more wt work today. This week I split things up. I did bi's and tri's one day, chest and back another day and shldrs one day also. today will be a total upper body workout. I still want to get the gym style workouts with cathe, sounds like everyone that has them has gotten great results. I am still slow to respond to muscle definition. I have PUB havent done it in a long time as well as the slow and heavy. Maybe Ishould do another rotation using them.

hope everyone has a nice weekend!
Hi Cheetahs!

Just poped in real qick and them I am off to pick up DH at airport. I hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend, and good luck to the racers if there are any.

This morning I did ME abs and a 7 mile run. I got chafed in my arm pits. (TMI?) I don't understand why sometimes I do and sometimes I don't get chafing. It wasn't from my shirt. Although that has happened before too.

Laura it sounds as though the Garmin can be a really neat trainning aid. Was it expensive?

Please excuse me from not replying individually today to all of you wonderful ladies. It is just a busy time right now. TTFN

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Hey Judy!

You should try some Body Glide or similar product for those *chafed* parts. I had that with a sports bra once- I think it was a 10 mile run & by the time I got home I was bleeding like crazy!! I had to wear a band-aid over that spot for a week or so or else it killed while running!

I have the Garmin 201 & I've seen them for as low as $110 or so now. I got mine last year for $150 & now there are better models, I think 301 & 305. It's totally worth it to me since I run outdoors only & I am a bit OCD in having to know my distance/ pace/ time, etc.


OK, I got my run in...

I did 3 miles pushing my 2 dd's & my 7yo rode her bike again. It was a gorgeous morning- about 69 & felt great compared to the almost 90 degree temps lately!!

I forgot to post earlier that my dd's are doing a little fun run tonight. They do it every Fri night at a local college track. My running buddy Erin is a volunteer & told me to bring the kids. They break it off into age groups & they all get a number & a ribbon. My 7yo said that we have to make signs for everyone (my Mom did that for my half marathon) & make sure of course to cheer for her! ;-) Gotta love my little runner- wanna be!!

Have a great day!

I hope you continue to feel better, Laura! WTG on getting in your run anyway! My run was slow today too, pushing my dd's in the stroller does NOT make me a cheetah!! ;-)

Glad that you're loving the Garmin- I love mine too!! It's fun to see your paces/ distance/ miles per week, etc. It was definitely worth the money for me too!

I love PUB, I'm seeing great results from doing it so far!! I love PLB also!


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