Runner's Check In: June 1 Thursday

RE: Hello fellow cheetas!

Oh Gayle, don't worry about complainin'! We are always here to listen...and to help if possible!:+

Life can definately get in the way of exercise! I am going to have a very hard time getting outside for runs with DS until/if I decide to get a jogging stroller! I also don't do much of Cathe's cardio work outs since picking up running and I miss it as well but it's hard to find the time to fit it all in! I just can't! You are not alone girl!

I hope you feel better soon!:)
RE: Hello fellow cheetas!

Karen...I hope you and your family feel better fast! What's your DH got??

No work out for me today cause of my darned pain...have a doc appointment with an orthopedist guy tomorrow afternoon though...
RE: Hello fellow cheetas!

Wendy-Here's to hoping that you feel better soon! Extra sleep, hot showers/baths, try to get DH to give you a massage, and extra stretching are on tap for you. BTW, the homemade Lomax circuit sounds like a lot of fun! I agree with Carole and Jess, learning to push yourself at the end of a run can be great prep for a race, but also a nice feeling in general. In 5K's for example you probably want to aim for saving half your energy for the last 1/3 of the race. It also helps you get through the mental barriers that are sometimes more challenging than the physical ones. Very possible about DH, maybe he's starting to be afraid that he can't keep up...yeah right!

Marcia-Great job getting in the run even w/ 'life' tiring you out beforehand! I also really recommend Runner's World Complete Guide to running edited by Amby Burfoot, it is interesting and very informative on all levels of running. My vote is for PH if you haven't done it in awhile, but beware the lunges...

ShellyC-Enjoy the nap! You'll need it after the workout you have planned!:)

Judy-I just want to say that I've noticed before, but in today's post especially that you have a GREAT attitude about running and working out in general. :) You take it as it comes and keep challenging yourself!

Carole-Thanks for the info. I'm shopping for shoes right now and will be breaking them in after my race on Sunday. Sounds like a tough day on tap you! Hope it feels great}(

Jess-Enjoy the time with your family this weekend, best wishes for your grandma and you family. And the wedding, the way you look now, you are going to BLOW them away! Nice bf% loss btw:7

Karen-Get well vibes to you and your whole family! Glad the ITB is feeling mended and smart choice laying off the running. Stay away from the big baby and make him wash his hands all the time! Karen, I wouldn't look forward to doing speedwork and legs on the same day as I know I wouldn't be able to give my all to both. I also might suggest coupling up GS floorwork w/ L&G ankle weight work over using any heavier weights. It's not like you'll be building muscle or losing strength in the next few days.

Gayle!!! We missed you! {{{HUGS}}} on your tough last few days. I don't have kids yet so I can't offer a whole lot of practical advice, but are there any other moms in your neighborhood who might be willing to watch the kids while you work out a few days a week and you take them another couple of times during the week. Sort of a trade off? Also, I know what you mean about missing the cross-training as I've run pretty much all week and can't wait to step a little! But they'll be there when I get to them, and I figure that I'll love them even more when I haven't used them in so long. Plus, running is such a great workout I'm interested to see if they feel any easier, lol! You'll find the right balance and things will work out. :) :)

Amy-Sweet workout yesterday!! Yeah, THANK YOU CATHE is right in so many ways. Glad you're feeling back to normal.

Elaine-Now I really wish the website worked! Sounds really handy. I actually got instructions off of the internet for the t-shirt, but I plan to experiment with some different designs for future shirts, w/ 108 Ways to Transform a T-shirt. I thought the same thing about Thomasina's user name! LOL!

Barb-Thanks for the wishes for DH, I'll pass them along. I'm also TRYING to get some yoga into him, but he's balking at My. Yummypants, I have no idea why...:p

Christine-We both know Carole's 'short days' are not short or easy! You keep rockin' it;-)

Karin-Glad the shoes are working for you! We're so glad to have you out of lurkdom:+ Sometimes I just do half of Stretchmax or fastforward certain parts to make it a little more user friendly.

Today was speedwork for me, but I didn't make it to the track so I just approximated the best I could on my flatest course. I was supposed to do 3x800 repeats (@3:56) with 400 after each. So after a 1.5 mile w/u I did 4 min. hard running and 2 min. jogging with about 10 beats difference between the 2 on my HRM. I added a 4th 4 min/2 min interval and then 4 strides of 20 sec. on 40 sec. off then a c/d for almost exactly 5 miles. I've also been on the Gym Styles for 4 weeks now so I'm using this as an endurance week for upper body and lighter lower body until after the race. So I'll stick in PUB either today or tomorrow. And then yoga the day before the race.
Hi to everyone else!
RE: Hello fellow cheetas!

Hi Chatty Cheetahs,
Today was my last Tempo run before the race. It went ok and I felt good. Did slideboarding before and stretchX (last half of tape, mostly).

So it looks like I'm as ready physically as I'm gonna' be. Now I'm going to focus on the mental for the next few days and try to solidify my mindset, so I can deal with surprises and try to stick to my goals. I can't check in much after today because of work and other stuff I have to do. So I'll be thinking of all of you and try to check in Sunday after the hoopla.

Gayle -- Glad you're back. We all have those days with's hard to keep a balance going with food. Also, it's tough to figure out how to work out with kids and running outdoors makes matters worse. Sit on it for longer and you might see escape hatches once your 8 yo is out of school and a "new routine" emerges. Last summer, I found I had more time than I thought by breaking up workouts, doing some in a.m. (2/3rds) and 1/3 later in the day. Tough, though, about missing doing other things. I have the same feeling. I miss Stepblast....I don't think I'll be doing more than a very few races per year, if it turns out I like this, because of life w/kids responsibilities. It's a lot.

Wendy--I hope you feel better soon. Great that you got a doc's appointment so soon. Glad you got Mr. YP. You were doubting for a little bit, but did the right thing!!;)

Mattea-- you are so ready for Sunday. I think you have a good plan leading up to the race and your workout today sounds good. It was a great modification for not being able to go to a track. You seem very on top of this and it's great!! Smart, I think, to lighten up on weights before your race.

Karin--I've never heard that about Asic's Kayano. I'm not exactly liking that shoe salesperson.
I have the Asics 2100 and like it a lot. I like Zappos, too, for avoiding the salesperson who messes with my karma.

Shelly-I have no idea how you can do a hilly trail run after a shift at work. That is total dedication and very impressive. How have you been able to regulate your sleep-energy cycle with your shift work and then having days off? Do you stay on the same schedule even when you don't have a shift to keep things similar day to day?

Carole-does your husband ever say "be down in a minute?" That's another one I find my husband and I need a GPS monitor to calibrate....I used to wear Supernovas too until they changed the design. :-(

Karen-glad you are on the mend. You are making smart choices. Sorry that DH and DDs are sick. You will be better in no time and these past few days will just be a blip in your history of run training.

Elaine-- i'm excited for you for the fun parts of DD going to kindergarten. She looks so, so sweet in the pictures! Ditto on the eating, hard when you run more to know how much is enough so you're not starving and how much is too much....

Jess--so sorry to hear about your Grandma. It's nice that your family can be together. I'll be sending prayers and good vibes your way. Thanks for sharing the Winsor stardom story. Sounds like it was a great experience, and even moreso, because your mom could share it with you. Good job on the BF droppage!

Christine -- thanks for being "stoked" on behalf of my half. I love that word and thought of it today while prepared to "make that hill my b#@tch" Keep us postd on the treadmill towel workout and your outdoor runs. Your half is coming up and sounds like it will be a blast!

Sarah -- (Thank you Sarah....I wasn't taking anything other than yes ma'am from that hill!!!) And as I enter nervous-Nellie mode for the race, I am filling my head with positive, positive thoughts.

Marcia--tough choice about PH and ME. I boil it down the same way. I feel more exhausted overall/total body after PH, even with all the leg presses in ME. The music in PH starts to drive me batty after awhile, but it's a great workout. The other books mentioned about running for women-- both of them -- I have read them and think they are worth having. I also have Bob Glovers book something like the Complete Guide to running -- which is hard to read, but packed with good info. I think of it like an encylopedia. I like Hal Higdon's marathon training book, too -- it's written in a more conversational style.

Laura – I didn’t realize you had a 5K this weekend. Good luck! You will do great. I can’t wait to hear about your Garmin. The slideboard is one of those boards where you wear booties.

Gotta Run (no pun intended LOL) Hi to anyone I missed: Judy (have a great weekend, are you running with your group tomorrow or this weekend?) Cathy, Barbara (Hi to you!), Amy G --your half is coming up so soon, too! Hi Pamela, Hi Kristi (MIA), Hi Thomasina - how was your run yesterday?

have a great day!

Thanks for all the inspiration, humor and support. It's really helpful!
:) :) :)
RE: Hello fellow cheetas!

Hey Gayle...we missed you! Right now I'd say don't worry about the running outdoors. You aren't doing a marathon until the end of Oct, so do what you want cardio wise and run on the treadmill 3 times a week and see how that feels for a few weeks. Try some of the cardio you think is fun and then concentrate on getting in the miles about mid July..I always missed step when I marathon trained but I knew step would be great after the marathon and it was only for a few months that I avoided it to concentrate on running.

Mattea...hope you find some shoes! I usually just googled the make & model of the shoe I wanted and then found the best price from there. Sounds like you got in a good speedwork session today!

Barb...Good Luck on the half. You will do great!! Yes I am quite familiar with "down in a minute". I have found by telling him we have to be somewhere 30 min earlier than is true, we seem to get there on time!

I had a great interval run today, now off for a short work day!!
Hi runners,

Just a quick post today. Guess what, I'm going on a cruise tomorrow with my mom, my aunt, and several cousins. It's spur of the moment so I have a million things to do to get ready. I might end up making today a rest day since I already made plans to get together with friends later this evening. (Also, my abs are really sore from ab ripper x the other day. It's weird because I did ab ripper on Tuesday, and they were fine yesterday.)

Today's workout is supposed to be plyo X and shoulders and arms (tried, but just couldn't get to it yesterday. By the time I finished posting the kids were up and ready for breakfast, and then everytime I'd start I'd hear "crash, bam, boom! mommeeeee!" I'm so glad I got the run in before the woke up. :)

Wendy, hope you feel better soon.
Gayle, life does get in the way sometimes, but don't let it get you down. You'll find a way to fit everything in -- you have too much energy not to :).

Hi Barb, Carole, Elaine, Karen, Karin, Mattea, Marcia (I have that book too, and I love it!), Shelly, Judy, Thomasina, Sarah, Jess, juststarting out, Cathy, Christine, Laura and Kristi!

I'll try to check in tomorrow before I leave, but just in case it's too crazy around here have a great weekend!

Hi, ladies! I KNEW I could count on you guys for kind, supportive words! As usual!

Life just gets to me every couple of weeks. I am SO VERY excited that school is almost over, and as you said, a routine will set in soon.

Part of my overwhelming week has been that I got notice that Zachary, my younger son, will be attending kindergarten FULL TIME next year instead of just half days. It's a program for children that need the extra exposure to the material, so it will be good for him. And now that I read all you have said, I can count on alone time for 6 hours a day starting in the Fall. If THAT'S not enough time to run, I don't know what is! LOL

KAREN-was it you who posted about the Brooks running shorts at sierra Trading Post? I gotta tell ya...I just got them today and I LOVE THEM, BABY! Tonight I'll be shopiping there again to see if there's any left in my size! These are AWESOME! They'll be great for running, working out, or everyday wear....I GOTTA HAVE MORE!

Finally, Mr. Yummy Pants must have known I was feeling down, because he stopped by my house this afternoon top give me some TLC! LOL. I got my shipment of Mr. YP himself, and the 2 Christi Tayle DVDs I ordered. SO.............guess who's getting some LOVIN' tonight from me? Christi or Mr. YP??? LOL.

THANKS, again, ladies, for all your support.

Gayle, I posted to see how you were the other day. Today I'm nursing a cold but I saw how you were feeling and it seems you came to the right set of girls. I too want you to know that your not alone. Life does get in the way. Hormones get in the way. Thing in general change day to day. Don't worry. This to shall pass. You'll figure out the balance. I think Carole has a great plan. Give yourslef some time and then in July pick up on the running. It's hard with kids, I know, I have three who are homeschooled and I feel like my life always runs on schedule. My dh may be changing jobs so that is more of an adjustment coming my way if that happens. Some days I feel overwhelmed and others like I can take on the world. Your just in a down slump but like I said it will pass. You'll figure out a scheduel that will involve you, the kids, fiance, running and exercise in gereral. I think coming back and gettting support from other who know what you'er going through will pull your spirits up.

I got my shorts today and I love them too. Now I need a shirt.

Pamela- Have fun on your cruise. How cool is that. Man it sounds like fun. Enjoy yourslef. How long will you be gone and where are you going.

Jess- Prayers to your grandmother.

Now I'm off to lay down. The girls had gymnastics today but we opted to stay home and get some snowballs later. Good trade off for me. I'm so tired. Plus the heat is not helping.
Thanks, Karen! For a shirt, check out the Trading Post again, item #12491 or 12492 (tank). LOL. Am I taking a turn to ENABLE? LOL. I was shoping the catalog that came with the shorts and found these 2 things to check out, cheap.

And, I feel better already, just listening to you ladies offer the advice. I am going to take a mental break from a schedule right now. I am going to just do whatever workout feels good for the day, and go with the flow. I bought a new Power Tower that I am slowly assembling, so I'm looking forward to adding those exercises into my routine (dips, pull ups, chin ups, sit ups, etc).

Good news for me. Two weeks ago at the 5k I did they were giving away free 15 min massages for all races. Well, as a door prize they were giving away a free 1 hour massage and the guy just called and I won. He said I could use it within 6 months. I think I may use it within the next two weeks so that I will be nice and relaxed before training for the half. How great is that.

Gayle -I like the shirts I may order both but I'm partial to the one with no sleeves.
Hi Y'all, I'm back after a refreshing nap and some IMAX3!

Gayle- So, you're human afterall....I was beginning to wonder! I don't mean to make light of your mental struggles at all :) Just pointing out how very normal it is to feel this way at times. Often times I get that "hamster in a wheel" feeling and need a TIME OUT.
Dealing with little ones on top of it all really must pile on the mental challenge- you have my utmost respect and sympathy. I also know you to be strong and resilient. Nothing wrong at all with backing off the running for a bit. It will only make you better in the long run! You'll be ready to kick butt again in no time.

Wendy- I think your DH's suggestion is a good one to do now and then..Like Carole makes for a great race strategy!

Hi Carole- you're like the cheetah den mother-always so encouraging and helpful to us all:D Have a great interval run!

Jess- I had no idea we had a "star" in our midst! Great work with MM and the Pyramids. Cathe's strength workouts are fabulous and complement running workouts so well. I personally think the GymStyles are her masterpiece. It will be so gratifying for you going to your old friends wedding! You'll be an object of envy for sure!

Karin- I guess I'm one of those LARGE runners because I run in Asics Gel Kayanos. I LOVE THEM. BTW, I am 5'6" 122 lbs. I got them at a specialty running store and the salesman said nothing about them being for large people. My roadrunner sports catalogue says they are for people with a medium to large frame...whatever! All I know is that they feel great! I order my shoes now from,
they are terrific!

Karen- It sounds like you're dealing with your IT band injury very well indeed! You are one smart lady, it's hard to do what is right for your body sometimes and rest. A massage sounds perfect for you right now....go for it!

Mattea- Hey speedy! When is your race and how long is it? I don't have that on my LIST :-(

Barb- Best of luck to you on you HM on Sunday :7 :7 I have been working mostly nights now for about 25 yrs :eek: You either have the "metabolism" for it or not. I only do a strenuous workout after work if I am off the following tonight :7

Pamela- Have a great time on your cruise you lucky cheetah!

I ended up only running 3 miles this morning because I had my first fall! I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. The only thing really injured was my pride. I really shouldn't run a challenging hilly trail after mental acuity isn't up to the task really. So I've got some big bandaids on my abrasions and have learned a lesson:) :) I made up for the mileage with a great IMAX 3 workout!

Hi everyone! I read through the posts, but don't have much time to write. I am in Indiana right now at the in laws. We are here for DH's best friend's wedding. Then right from here to Philadelphia for my brother's wedding. My goal is to stay sane ;) . To help with that goal, I ran 4 miles today. Guess how fast I ran it??? At a 6 mph pace. I know this doesn't sound that fast, but to me it is!! I love running at sea level! I don't feel like such a turtle.

I did try out my new shoes today too and they are great. I thought that you all would get a kick out of that shoe specialist guy making the comment about my shoes being for big runners. I was upset at first but then decided that I didn't care. Now that I know they are right for me I can just do zappos and not have to deal with them.

Gayle - I'm glad that you like the brooks energy shorts. Isn't Sierra Trading Post awesome? I love them. Great customer service too. I ordered two more pairs after my initial post and threw some of my not so great shorts out.

I hope everyone is doing well and that I have time to check in tomorrow. I will either run 4 miles again or do KPC.

Heads up for anyone interested in Jari Love's dvd's...

I was just checkin' out again today after ordering Get Ripped last night and they are now accepting preorders for her Slim and Lean and Ripped to the Core work outs and they don't charge you until they ship them so I preordered them. They are set for release in mid July I think so it's worth the wait when I will be getting them for ALMOST half price and not having to pay for shipping either! GO ME! :+ }( :D
Hey cheetahs~

Wendy—good luck @ the orthopedist tomorrow. Hope your neck/shoulder/back injury & the hip soreness clear up and you’re back to your normal workout intensity soon! I agree with hubby (and others here) that it *is* good to end your run with a blast. My running route ends with a massive hill…I always found that conquering it daily definitely helped me kick it in at the end of my races.

Marcia—Wow, I can’t believe you ran after all that! I’m in my fifth year of teaching and have moved every year, including last summer’s switch to a new district…I know how physically strenuous it is. Hope the building was air conditioned.

ShellyC—what’s this—a 3-mile hilly trail run followed by kickboxing?!?? After a fall?? What a trooper! (I swear I wrote that BEFORE noticing your screen name.)

Jess—sending some positive vibes to your grandmother. Hope she’ll be OK. Congrats on the body fat loss!

Barb—good luck on your half. We’ll be with ya in spirit. :)

Pamela—enjoy your cruise! Where are you headed?

Gayle—enjoy Mr. Yummypants tonight! You all have me so intrigued…now I’ve GOT to check this guy out…

Karen—rest up & feel better.

I have a paper to write for grad school (due tomorrow), so it may be an off night for me. If I can bang it out quickly, I may try PLB. People don’t seem to mention that one as much. Is it not as good?

Hi Charlotte, Judy, Carole, Elaine, Karin, Mattea, and anyone else who follows or who I might have (unintentionally) missed. Have a great night!

Hey there gals.

Just wanted to thank everyone for thier opinnion on the "kick it up at the end" suggestion from DH. I will try it during my next steady state TM run next week.


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