Hi juststarting!! Come here any time! Check-in with us! We are trying to start an an Army of runners and we plan to take over the world! Shhh...don't tell them in the "I Hate Cardio" check-in!

Seriously...stick around!
LAURA- I am so sorry to here you are sick! Get better FAST! I love the picture and think you should order it, frame it and put it up where everyone can see! That is an AWESOME picture!!
THOMASINA- So glad DD is home! Do whatever it takes to keep communication open! Happy BDAy to DH and enjoy your COOKOUT! Yes, it's a cookout!:7
JUDY-Great job on the miles and the bi's and tri's! I'm starting the GS's again next week...can't wait!
WENDY- Remember, the 1st few miles are always the hardest. It will take a few runs to get comfortable...it took a few runs for me! I haven't even been running outddors for a full year yet and I just did my 1st mary!
GAYLE and ELAINE-Good Luck on your races! Post the results!
SHELLYC-WOW!! What a full workout day you had! I bet you feel great! I hope the work load mellows out for you! Keep up the awesome workouts!
JESS-Hope the pap went...well, as good as a pap can go! I'm over due, too! I use to be forced to go to keep up my BC pills but insurance blows and the cost went way up. It would have been cheaper to get my DH a hooker!:7
BARB-Thanks so much for your encouraging words the other day! A well rested me is having a much better day...Thanks so much!
MARCIA-Please be careful! Sun stroke...YIKES! Head out to run early! So glad you get to chill now that school is out! ENJOY!
MATTEA-CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You'r first 5K is in a week! That is so exciting! have someone take pictures for you, save your bib number and remember every single detail because we will be asking!!!
PAMELA- I hope your speedwork went well! Those short workouts are so tough but they pay off! I'm doing 2 a week for the next few weeks...until marathon training starts up again.
CHRISTINE-:* I am so glad you are feeling better! I am also glad to hear that I get you moving! That is fantastic! Remember, your workouts are not something you *consider* doing...you just do them! Getting out of bed is hard for all of us, no matter what. I think it is mostly because we are dehydrated from the over nights lack of water. Set water by the bed, start drinking as soon as you wake up, lay there on your back and stretch your hamstrings a little...but no missing a workout...period!
KAREN- When is your next race?
Hello to Carole and any of the other beautiful ladies I may have missed ((sorry))
I have a 5K Saturday a.m. and another Sunday a.m.! Very excited! Looking forward to the kids run!