Runner's Check-in Friday, May 26

Hi juststarting!! Come here any time! Check-in with us! We are trying to start an an Army of runners and we plan to take over the world! Shhh...don't tell them in the "I Hate Cardio" check-in!;) Seriously...stick around!

LAURA- I am so sorry to here you are sick! Get better FAST! I love the picture and think you should order it, frame it and put it up where everyone can see! That is an AWESOME picture!!

THOMASINA- So glad DD is home! Do whatever it takes to keep communication open! Happy BDAy to DH and enjoy your COOKOUT! Yes, it's a cookout!:7

JUDY-Great job on the miles and the bi's and tri's! I'm starting the GS's again next week...can't wait!

WENDY- Remember, the 1st few miles are always the hardest. It will take a few runs to get took a few runs for me! I haven't even been running outddors for a full year yet and I just did my 1st mary!

GAYLE and ELAINE-Good Luck on your races! Post the results!

SHELLYC-WOW!! What a full workout day you had! I bet you feel great! I hope the work load mellows out for you! Keep up the awesome workouts!

JESS-Hope the pap went...well, as good as a pap can go! I'm over due, too! I use to be forced to go to keep up my BC pills but insurance blows and the cost went way up. It would have been cheaper to get my DH a hooker!:7

BARB-Thanks so much for your encouraging words the other day! A well rested me is having a much better day...Thanks so much!

MARCIA-Please be careful! Sun stroke...YIKES! Head out to run early! So glad you get to chill now that school is out! ENJOY!

MATTEA-CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You'r first 5K is in a week! That is so exciting! have someone take pictures for you, save your bib number and remember every single detail because we will be asking!!!

PAMELA- I hope your speedwork went well! Those short workouts are so tough but they pay off! I'm doing 2 a week for the next few weeks...until marathon training starts up again.

CHRISTINE-:* I am so glad you are feeling better! I am also glad to hear that I get you moving! That is fantastic! Remember, your workouts are not something you *consider* just do them! Getting out of bed is hard for all of us, no matter what. I think it is mostly because we are dehydrated from the over nights lack of water. Set water by the bed, start drinking as soon as you wake up, lay there on your back and stretch your hamstrings a little...but no missing a workout...period!

KAREN- When is your next race?

Hello to Carole and any of the other beautiful ladies I may have missed ((sorry))

I have a 5K Saturday a.m. and another Sunday a.m.! Very excited! Looking forward to the kids run!
WOW! Chatty again today, hugh?

Laura-I saw that picture and you JUST HAVE to get it! It's fantastic! WOO HOO! Makes me get that Cross The Finish Line feeling all over again!

Juststarting-welcome aboard. You picked the right place for info, support, motivation....ALL OF IT...these ladies have it here!

Sorry I can't comment to everybody. Heck, I'm glad I'm at least typing son in the tub, the other waiting patiently! LOL

Thanks to everybody for the well wishes for tomorrow! I'll post results tomorrow sometime. This time around, I'm not really shooting for any time specific. Just looking to have fun for 3.1 miles (FAST FUN, lol). Then right after the 5K, the 1 mile fun run/walk is being held, and DSs want to do that, so I'll add that on the end to cool down and stretch out.

See you all tomorrow!


ETA: Oh, man!!!!!! I just HAD TO GO check my time for my last 5K, didn't I? I just couldn't let well enough alone. Now I feel as though I just HAVE to beat that time. Last 5K time was 24:43. That was with the last mile being uphill. I have no idea what tomorrow's course is like, other than I heard that there are lots of turns around corners and stuff and then BAM...finish line. OK...there's the goal: to beat 24:43!
thanks sarah! you are doing 2days of speedwork? I thought about it but wasnt sure if it would be too much?I plan on just doing the shorter races through the summer and then maybe another half this fall. My pace has definately gotten better,today my friend marci told me slow down, I am old ya know. she does great though. I still havent been able to do that cheetah fast workout more than twice now,havent had time with all the 5k's.

welcome just starting! and like everyone else has said, your more than welcome here.

thanks barb! I am going to order the picture. Not one of my best looking photos but my one of my sports photos! a girl at work the other day had said I was a athlete. I laughed because I never considered myself as one. It felt great.
Laura, You ARE an athlete! You're not supposed to look like a cover model after 13.1!! It's an awesome picture and you look so strong!

I am *kind of* doing 2 speedworks a week. One day may be a "pace run" and another may be speed intervals at the track. Lat Tuesday was a hill run and tomorrow will be a 5K, then Tuesday will be 1/2 mile pick-ups along a flat course, then the following Saturday, we hit the track again. So, the actual workouts vary in length and intensity...all geared towards increasing speed.
Now that sounds like a plan to me Sarah. Can I ask what is a 1/2 mile pick-ups? Oh!!! my next 5k is June 4th. Seems like quite a few of us have a race that day.

Question### Do you think that it is a good idea to take one or two weeks of decreased milage and less intense workouts before starting in on my half training, OR just maybe one week, Or just head on into it.
Hey guys - well, I ended up doing 3 miles after work - it was hot, but not too bad. I LOVE to sweat so that wasn't a problem.}(

Question for all of you and I know Elaine asked this the other day, too, and I couldn't get back to answer her. Do you guys have to "break in" your new running shoes? I bought some last weekend and today was the second time running in them. Well, it was OK until the last 1/2 mile or so and the balls of my right foot were killing me!!! I'd hate to think I was fitted with the wrong shoes, but I guess that could happen.

I've been very consistant with my workouts, now I have to get my eating in tact. I have to get past the thought that if I run I can eat whatever I want. Once I do that this extra 30-40 pounds should start coming off.

Good luck on all your races this weekend everyone, I look forward to reading all your results.

Have a great night!
Marcia- So far when I have bought running shoes I have broke them in on the treadmill like for 5 miles at a time. Then this last time I got a pair of new ones( differnt brand) and hit the pavement with no problem at all. It could be that the shoes were a perfect fit but I haven't had any problems with them and have been using them since I bought them. Good job on the 3 miles.
Thanks Karen,

I just took a look at your pics (can't believe I haven't until now) and you look AWESOME! What type of eating plan worked for you?

Oh Thank you so much Marcia. It was a good two year process of eating less and working out more. At first I did WW but not going to meetings or anything. Someone gave me the food points guide and I winged it from there. I lost anywhere from 5-7 lbs a month for a good 7 months and then nothing. Then I started to workout harder and that picked it up again to about 3-5lbs a month. Then i got a little nutzo and started eating lean cuisens at evey meal and really restricted my calorie intake. I didn't lose anything except my hair. It started to fall out, plus the fact that I still was post pardom from my last child. Anyway after two months of that I got refocued and began eating super duper clean and that got me about 10 lbs in one year. Then I got BFFM book and that has kept me at the same weight but lowered my bf which is really the most important number anyway. For two years now I have been at a plateau where I am the same weight within 5lbs no matter what. I would like to lose the last 10lbs but I think my body wants me here. My goal now is to lose body fat without losing muscle. After all this time I'm still learing how my body works but I look at it as a project. I try to eat very healty but still fall off the wagon sometimes like at Christmas when i ate too many cookies for too many days. I really had to work to get those Christmas pounds gone. It is so easy to fall back into that cycle but now I don't let it define me. I fall off the wagon I get back on.
Karen, I think since you are already running at least 9 miles on your long runs that you can just go right into the 1/2 training. For some reason, I am thinking the most I ever did before my 1/2 training was 8 miles. Often, you will run for *time* not *distance*. Instead of running X number of miles, you will be instructed to run for X number of minutes.

Marcia, I break my shoes in. I start with putting a nice layer of body glide all over my feet. You could also use vaseline. The point is to keep rubbing from occuring. I'll use new shoes for low mileage runs and after a week or so, I'll use them on a long run. Some people can just put them on and problem! Other (myself) cannot! I have had some blisters that consumed over half the surface of the bottom of my feet and arches...and they were bleeding! I couldn't work out for days...could hardly walk! Had to sleep with my feet dangling outside the bed with a fan blowing on them to try to dry everything out! This was last fall and I still have the scars!

Use caution and see what works for you!
Thanks Sarah. I did notice that on the stuff I printed out it was more minutes than miles. When I get my training on paper of what I am going to do I am going to send it your way to get an opinion if you don't mind. I haven't figured in how many times to use total body workouts ( ME, MM) per week yet.

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