Runner's Check-in Friday, May 26

Morning all!

Wendy, way to go! I'm suprised at how excited I am about you running outside! You captured it beautifully when you described being physically alone yet not alone because of the women that post here. I just love this check-in and am thriving on the inspiration you all provide. Oh, and yoga would probably help with that back pain your having. I wouldn't be scared of Mr. YP because he's easy enough to follow and modify. He walks you through every step, never shutting up. But that's a good thing because you don't have to constantly look at the TV and he's so encouraging, always reminding you that where you are (in terms of what you are capable of ) is where you should be.

Carole, Yes, improving my time is always a good thing!! I just need to shave off 6 minutes and 21 seconds for a BQ. I'm a bit worried about the altitude since it got to me in the first few miles last year. So, hopefully I can just get a little faster to overcome that later on down the line if it is going to be an issue again. And if I don't succeed with that goal it's still going to be fun since I'll be there with a friend who had the stress fracture last year and was unable to run it!

Thomasina, I'm happy that DD is home now! As I said, I've been there and I know it's tough. Hope you have fun running outside today and expect a full report later.

Gayle, I don't think you'll have any trouble modifying Mr. YP since that is exactly what I do! The yoga thing is new to me too but each time I do it, as with any workout, it gets easier. I'm so proud of myself for making room in my schedule for yoga because I can feel a difference.

Marcia, I'm right there with you on the end of school excitement but in my case it's because we will be free from the homework nazi teacher my son has!

I did PLB, AbRipperX and ran 5 miles yesterday. I upped my weights for PLB (no, I did NOT start out with 50 lbs because I am not bionic like Carole is!!) so I'm tired today. I was going to do just yoga today and run tomorrow but I think I'll switch that so I feel a little fresher for Sunday's 10K.

Good morning to all of you, Christine, Jess, Mattea, Amy, Sarah, Shelley, Laura, Barb. Hmmmm, I think that's it!
Good morning cheetahs (I like that name :)),

I typed a post yesterday, but I got distracted before hitting send, and by the time I returned to the computer it was gone. (No exercise other than biking with my son and his friend who are ages 3 and 4 respectively. :) I didn't elevate my hr, but it was fun!)

Thomasina, I'm so happy your dd has returned home so that now you and your family can begin healing and rebuilding. Have fun at the bbq! This is my favorite time of year, and I'm always looking for an excuse to have a cookout. (Both terms seem familiar to me. I'm not sure which I use most. :))

Gayle and Elaine, good luck on your races this weekend!

Judy, hope you enjoyed your run and your arm workout. I haven't worked my arms all week, and I miss it, but I'll be fresh next week.

Wendy, great job on your first outdoor run! (BTW I'm still trying to build up to the speed you already have on your first run. :p)

Shelly, have fun on your trail run!

Carole, I feel that way too about the floorwork. Maybe I'll try Barb's suggestion and do that part first.

Jess, hope your appointment is quick and painless. I am overdue (July 2004), and I usually avoid it until I'm out of bc pills. :) School ended yesterday so no outdoor runs for me unless I go early before dh leaves for work or in the evening when he gets home (or on days I send them to camp ;-) ).

Hi Barb, Marcia, Mattea (you can do it!), Kristi, Christine(I hope you're feeling better!), Laura and Sarah :)

Have a great Friday and an even greater Memorial Day weekend!

ETA I was so busy trying to get caught on hellos that I forgot about today's workout. Today is 5mi speedwork. I'll probably do it on the treadmill since the kids are home today.
I just adore you ladies!! Thanks so much for the well wishes. I am feeling better today - good enough that I even managed BootCamp this morning (missed circuit training - figured this was a good one to do - not too heavy, but fun).

Thomasina - I'm SOOO happy your DD came home. I was thinking about you so much this week. It's so tough when our young ones do crazy things.

Gayle- Yep, even after Tony, Cathe can kick my butt... I do believe the woman has steel for muscles. She's such a great role model!

Barb - What's Slideboarding? Is that like the old Reebok ones? Are there any good videos for that?

Marcia - SCHOOL'S OUT FOR THE SUMMER!!! Yeah! I'll bet you still have that feeling we all got in high school.

Mattae - You ROCK! I'm reading your post thinking that you really have this multitasking thing down the right way - running AND shopping? How cool is that?

Laura - I really hope you're feeling better soon. I hate being sick, especially this time of the year!

Elaine - Way to go on upping your weights!

Pamela - enjoy your speed workout!

Carole - enjoy your workout today - sounds fun. And have a great time on the run this weekend! I do envy you your ability to run such distances - but you're motivating me to be able to do the same, so thanks!

Wendy - a treadmill is very different from an outdoor run, so it's not surprising you're having difficulty making the switch. But, it won't take long. Then the treadmill will feel weird. I do both, and regardless it takes a good mile before my body stops trying to get me to stop and accepts that I will be running.

Sarah - you're the one who made me get off my pity pot (as my mom used to call it) and get my butt in gear (all 2 tons of it right now - or that's how it feels lol). I swear every time I want to slack, I think of your posts that emphasize that even if we're tired and sore we need to push to reach our goals. My alarm went off and I talked myself out of getting up and exercising. I laid back down and suddenly there you were, urging me up and at 'em. So, I got up (with a few choice words), and mosied downstairs, and did my workout. Thanks so much.
Christine--so glad you are feeling better. I think it's hard to know what's "Slacking" and what's trying to figure out how to rest, active rest, or have an easy day. Sometimes, I have days where I just crash- do nothing and I don't know why. It feels good when those days end!!!

Here's a pic/ref to the slideboard. I don't have a video, but Carole said she had an old CIA one. I got it after PT for my hip. It was part of a series of exercises things to do to build strength on ITB band. I do it now as a warm-up for running, say 10 min. -15 min and sometimes follow up after a run with 5-10 min.

You can do intervals on it: say skate/slide steady for two minutes, then up your speed for a minute. I don't do this now, but have in the past. It's definitely challenging to go fast -- like speed skaters on an IMax only you can push off. You can also hold a med ball while skating.

It has the effect for me of loosening up my hips, legs and shins. truthfully, I wouldn't use it if it wasn't part of the PT regime. It's necessary for me (not to be negative here-- you may want to try one out before investing -- I was used to using it during 8 weeks of PT so I knew what I was getting into)

Have a great day!
Aghhh I'm so far behind. My dh is home for a four day weekend so everything is so off today. He needed the computer all morning so I have about 5 min. here. Just wanted to say I did gymstyle legs and then the abs from SPJ. I will have to go catch up. I'm dying to see how you did Wendy with " Wendy Hits the Streets". I will have to go see this evening. I know you did great. Ok, I'm being scooted out of the way. See you tonight.
Hi again all!
I realized that earlier I forgot to say hi to Laura and Amy! HI!!;-)
Laura-Sorry you've been feeling under the weather, but it sounds like you're on the mend. Get a little extra sleep and bulk up on the garlic. If nothing else, it may keep your competitors away in your race, lol! Awesome pic by the way, you look fit and TRIUMPHANT!

Barb-Thanks for the encouragement! I was so excited last night I had a hard time getting to sleep, kept talking about races with DH, lol. FIL might do the 5K with us as well, and the course goes right past my SIL's house, so it should be a nice family affair. And yep, he is one great guy:7

Christine-I thought that it was a handy piece of work myself;-) They didn't have any double ruffled petunias, but they did have some amazing basil plants that I'm going back for this weekend.

Also, you know all the race t-shirts you get that are usually too big to really be worn anywhere? I saw this woman who wrote a book "108 Ways to Transform a T-shirt" Or something like that, a good number of them don't even require sewing. I did something similar to my Cathe Road Trip T-shirt which was way too big. I turned it into a tank-top. I'll have to try and remember to post pics.
Ok I'm back. Let me see if I can do this. Ready Go

Carole- I just love hearing your workouts. Your very inspirational and completely motivating to me with your endless encouragement.

Thomasina- Yeah!!! so happy to here things are going much much better.

Judy- Good Job on th e6.5 miles. Yes, I have to have my yoga.

Gayle- Good luck with the 5k. Have fun at the potluck.

shelly C- Nice to have you back again. Missed ya.

Jess- Have a great weekend.

Elaine- Happy 10k. We will be thinking of you.

Pamela- I just love speed work. Expecially now that it doesn't kill me.

Christine- Great Job of the bootcamp

Mattea- Hey I have a 5k June the 4th too. I'll meet you at the finish line.

Barb- Nice workout. The half is getting close!!!

Marcia- Happy summer vacation

Laura- I'll go check your pic when I'm done. Hope you feel better.

Wendy- Yeah for you. You did it and that is what counts. I think you did a pretty good job girl. The wind is what does me in but soon you'll be saying ok one more mile.

Think that is it.
thanks mattea, I looked like a drowned rat though, between the rain and the sweat!

good luck gayle on your 5k, you'll kick butt!!

elaine good luck on your 10k, it is suppose to be nice this weekend here in ohio, finally.

carole is so motivating and an inspiration to us all. We are so lucky to have her here!!:)

DH comes home from his work conference this afternoon. We will probably go camping tomorrow and sunday . I have to work saturday though. Oh well no weekends in june to work!!
You all amaze me. I am just starting on a regular fitness routine and have just found "Cathe" workouts thanks to FitTV. I have now ordered a few and have the basic step. I am really enjoying it. For now, until my dvd's come in I have been taping them from FitTV. I did Bootcamp last night. Thought I was going to die, but I only had to stop twice for a break. I am not very good with pushups. Basically, I just want to say that you guys are a real inspiration! I have been learking here for about a week and have gotten some real good information and tips. I would like to thank you all for all the advice that you share. It has really motivated me to work hard.
Thanks for the welcome! I bought a treadmill about a year ago and work out steadily for about 3 months then time got away from me with the kids and travelling. I am just starting back up again. I am running on the treadmill for now and working my way to the streets, so to say the least, I have no advice or tips. I am getting all of my tips from you guys, which I must say has motivated me tremendously. I am married, but my DH is a truck driver so is only home 1 to 2 days a week so I am basically a single parent. I have two boys ages 12 and 15. I work full time as a legal secretary. For the last 1 1/2 years, I have been taking my youngest to Sylvan Learning Center and have to travel 30 miles to get there so two nights a week I don't get home until 9:00 p.m. and then still have to help with homework and other chores. Well, Sylvan will be done next week so I can devote more time to my workouts. Again, thank you for all of your input.
thanks barb and karen. I think I am going to order it. It is 14.95 for a 5x7 and you can have your finish time put on the picture also. I felt great. I had been waiting to finish a half and feel good at the end of it and not ready to fall down afterwards. Plus my sister in law and I finished the same time and I wanted her to know I wasnt tired. she said it was all she could do to keep that pace and she could hardly move afterwards . she said it must have beenthe pace. talk with you ladies later
Hey Just starting --
I am relative new here to this check in, too and lurked for awhile -- so I know the feeling of finally getting up the nerve to post something. It's great you posted and said "Hello." but after a few posts, it starts to feel like nobody is new and you've been here for awhile.

I have gotten great info and inspiration from this forum. I hope you will join in!

It sounds like you have a very busy life and it's you who are Amazing by finding time to workout at all while driving kids, basicaly single parenting and trying to find ways to be and feel better.

Gotta run, but wanted to say Hello and welcome!!!!

:) :) :) :)

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