Rumble--my review


I loved it. LOVED LOVED LOVED it. No, it is not as intense as Amy's other workouts, but it's still more intense than most everyone else's. I am totally into low impact KB at this point in my life, & this one is awesome! My avg HR was 138, my peak 157.

The full routine, minus warmup & cooldown, is about 60 minutes. It is very basic, but it's fun & it's tough, & you can modify where you want to increase the intensity.

I did the bag work first b/c I wasn't sure how long the routine was & wanted to make sure I had enough time to do the tougher stuff. It was def. the hardest part of the DVD & I really enjoyed it. The only thing I didn't like was the hook kicks. There was some weird torque going on w/my post leg that made me a little nervous, so I just did side kicks instead.

The KB combos were fun, easy to pick up & short.

Maybe I'm in the minority in preferring more basic, straightforward KB choreo & shorter combos (it appeals to the ADD in me). It is similar to Tracey's Strike Zone, & I'm loving them both. :)

I'm sure I won't get to ASC3 until October b/c I need 6 weekends to preview it. :p
I, too, really enjoyed the first two combos (all I had time for this morning). Honestly, my HR was where it is in 4DS KB and KPC, but I'm used to this drilling style and really worked it.

Now, I will admit that this is not the workout for everyone. It's very basic - just Amy and Toni in a gym-like setting. It's non-impact. And it's just drills sort of like the drills in KPC and KM. Nothing dancy, nothing fancy - just a good solid workout. Compared to a Cathe kickbox, many will think it's really boring.
According to VF, there are problems with the Rumble DVD's and Amy will not sell anymore until the issue has been resolved. I think you will be getting a replacement dvd in the mail.
The rest of us will have to wait to purchase it.
The problem with the DVD's is that from the chapter's menu, you cannot select the stretch. She is working with the manufacturer to get this resolved and will be sending out replacements.

Honestly - she's a class act. I really appreciate an instructor being so worried about quality that even a glitch like this, that most people will never notice, will be resolved.
I hope it's resolved quickly. I would like to purchase this one. It sounds like something I would enjoy:)
I'm so happy to hear a positive review! I ordered it after hearing about it on these boards, and have not received it yet, should be here by Tuesday. I don't have a heavy bag or anything, so I'll just have to do it without. I'm hoping Cathe moves forward with her rumored MMA series so I can have an excuse to buy another piece of equipment. ;)
The total Amy fan that I am, this wasn't love at first try for me. I now have 1 lb. weighted gloves to try it with to see if I like it better. I liked the crazy stretching and breathing though...what a great stress reliever!!!

The production values are good and consistent with what Amy has delivered in the past and the combo's move stopping between combo's or anything like that...just way less intense then I was hoping for.
I just got done with "Rumble" a few minutes ago, and am glad I came here and read, because I could not for the life of me, get the DVD to go to the stretch. I ended up picking a premix, and skipping to the stretch. Which, by the way, I skipped anyway after a few minutes. It moves too fast for me.

I have read the reviews on Rumble and now that I've done the workout, I can give mine. I actually really enjoyed this workout. When I previewed the video clip, it did not look challenging to me and I wasn't crazy about her modifier. It's not a tough workout by any means, but you get out of it what you put into it. My heart rate was definitely up there. I did wear the weighted gloves straight through, and did the entire video straight through. I finally have another video I can use my bag with. I had my HRM on, and I was extremely pleased with the amount of calories I burned.
Another one to gush over Rumble. :) It's not as intense or as high impact as Amy normally does but you can add the impact very easily. I used my weighted gloves & 1# DBs from the warmup and had a great workout. She does the breakdown Combo 1 & Combo 2 and then the finished Combos 1 & 2. And then the same with Combos 3 & 4. Can't wait to try it again.
I love it too! Haven't done the bag section yet, just the cardio portion and stretch, but I also used 1-lb gloves and felt I got a great workout. The stretch was unique...I really liked it! :)
? about bag chapter(s)?

So nice to see these reviews, Thanks all. I hesitated on ordering Amy's Rumble because of the bag work. How much of the DVD has the bag work on it? Do I have to resort to a premix to do the workout with the bag?

Amber, here's Amy's breakdown:

Rumble time break downs:

Cardio workout (no bag) 40:48

Cardio workout on the bag 24:04

Stretch 14:54
I did the workout this morning. You do not need to have the bag to do the bag section. I don't have a bag nor do I see myself purchasing one in the near future. That said, I still got a great workout without using a bag so don't let that stop you from doing that section.
I just did this one this morning, and I love it!
It is definitely in the running for my favorite KB workout!

Pretty much everything I didn't like the looks of in the preview either worked (the slower-paced first segment, which I thought was too slow looking was actually good as a continuation of the warm-up and a core work, especially when I thought of the "grab and throw" move as a wood chop, and instead of pivoting like Amy--just 'cuz I didn't wanna!--I aimed my kicks backwards, to get a bit more booty work!) or was easily fixable (kinda lame "speed-bag" arms that I changed from a "5-mile-an-hour, below-chest-height" move to a "10-mile-an-hour, shoulder-height" move; the too-short 'drills section,' which I repeated; keeping my eye on myself in a mirror rather than on Toni's "jabs" that look like hooks!).

I really like the sequence of moves. I also really like the way the bag section builds up combos rather than just doing one move over and over (I don't think I've seen that in other bag workouts, but there aren't very many out there in the first place, at least not that I've seen).

Of course, Amy is as positive and motivating as always. (AND when she says "feel the beat," she does as well!) A couple of slight not-so-helpful cuing places (ie: jab-cross-jab is the cue, and we do TWO of them, then 4 knee smashes).

I have a different type of bag from Amy (a "Wavemaster" that doesn't have the cool 'springy' part on it, and it's therefore more 'rigid), so knee smashes were a bit harder to do (and harder on me: I have bruises!) But my bag being more rigid also means I can really whale on the punches and kicks--especially roundhouses--and get a very satisfying "SMACK!! BANG!! BOOM!! --or other similar Batman-like sounds ;) out of it!).

I tried to keep my bag in place by putting a 35# dumbell behind it, a 30# DB on either side of the 35#er up against the base of the bag, and my 45# kettebell snugged up against the 35#er. It still moved! But I got it pretty much back in place by smacking it harder on one side! (I used to put it on a square of that kind of meshy stuff you put under rugs to keep them from sliding, but I forgot about it...and have no idea where that square is! Maybe a yog a mat would help. Also because the bag moving tends to scratch my wood floor.:confused:)

This may be my favorite KB workout! At least it's a serious contender.

The only thing I don't like much is the stretch: some moves feel great, others seem too ballistic, and my hips started feeling a bit wonky on one. Unfortunately, the only 'modifications' suggested are not using the weights.

I already had put Amy's first KB workout on my "get-rid-of" pile, because it wasn't my cup of tea--too much "non-kickboxy" stuff in it, and some odd moves, like hooks off the back arm, but I'm hoping there will be more "Rumble's" to come (without the wonky stretch section!).

Did anyone try to back-chapter? I did in the section after the drills, and I was taken back to the complete beginning of the DVD, to the FBI warning. :mad: (which I found you can't get past by hitting "menu," but you can "chapter forward" through). I hope the corrected version will remedy that.
Great review Kathryn. I found Rumble to be totally decieving. When previewing, it seemed easy and slow, but I found that once I was actually doing the workout, those slower moves are great to really power up. It's good to slow down sometimes and feel your muscles work.

The move you described Kathryn, where Amy grabs and throws, I found more effective for me to grab and knee smash. I love the way knee smashes work the butt and abs, so I found that more effective for me, than the stamp, grab & throw move. Another one I modified, where she does the soft block after the 2 uppercuts, I found it more effective for me to follow the 2 uppercuts with a cross.

I plan to do this workout again tomorrow, so I'll see what I come up with then, lol.
Another one I modified, where she does the soft block after the 2 uppercuts, I found it more effective for me to follow the 2 uppercuts with a cross.

Yeah, I didn't quite 'get' the soft block (Toni sometimes looks like she's shooing a fly away), so I just did a side forearm block. A cross is a good idea, too. And it would allow more core work as well (I love getting corework through kickboxing moves rather than floor work. I found the warm-up to this workout really good for engaging the core, if you put your mind into it).

I'd be tempted to do "Rumble" again tomorrow, but I know I shouldn't, so I won't (but I probably will do it again on Monday!)

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