RT Slogan???

RE: Hi Leanne!

>Actually, We're in this together!" is one of our choices. I
>just can't edit the post as the time has expired to add it to
>the list. Sooo, does that make it your first choice? :7
>Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")
>If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You

Yep, Deb! :) Sorry I didn't notice that it was an official choice!;-)
You gotta earn it!!

Oh yes you can.

& I like someones suggestion "What you do to one side you do to the other"

>How about "Gosh, I wish Robin was here...."

Tee hee! Robin, you KNOW that it will say that underneath whatever slogan gets picked! ;-)
Oh Robin...I agree. We do wish you were there!! But you will be coming to the Friday morning class, right?? Okay, I am such a numbskull.:eek: Did I just figure out your avatar? Is that a ROBIN?? Too cute!

I like the following:

Arrrrre Yoooooou Ready?
Arrre Yoooou Working?
You are not done!!!
Be Careful What You Wish For!
Don't say anything, just get up there!

and something like, "I know this is difficult, but work harder!"
I really like Embrace the Challenge.

I love it when Cathe says, "Another one that makes the heart rate go CRAZY!"
Is it, I know you're tired but work harder? I love that! I think it's in IMax2??


Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
It's in IMax 2 and she says "I know you're tired, but jump higher!".

I always think, you know, those two things really don't go together AT ALL, Cathe. :p

And then, daggnabit, I jump higher. :D
I like a lot of them, but "You Gotta Earn It" is great. My second choice would be "Yes, you can".
I also like the one suggested "We're in this together".:+
I would like to vote for "We're in this Together"

And "Let's kick some butt" Hhhhmmm. Can we put them together?
Or is that too much text on one shirt?:+ Or maybe one on front and one on back :p .

I'll be happy and treasure it always no matter what it says :7

I'm with Brigitte, I'll be happy with whatever you decide! But since you asked (and hopefully I'm not too late!) I really like "We're in this Together" and "No Time for Down time!" Thank you!

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