RT check -in Wednesday****9 DAYS****


Not counting today;) Good Morning!

Well I don't know how I did it, but I must have twisted my upper back the wrong way while I was doing BG??! It was so bad I had to go looking for my tylenol with codeine(motrin wouldn't even touch it)..lucky for me it wasn't expired:p. This morning it feels a little stiff but I'm not taking any chances so I'm resting today.

I meant to ask- Is anyone else bringing/wearing their heart rate monitors for class? I am so dependent on those numbers I will be wearing mine:D


Good Morning! :)

Michelle~ Take Care of your back, sounds painful! Hope you feel better soon! I don't own a Heart Rate Monitor, so I won't be bringing one. This is on my list to purchase (when I hit the Lottery) :)

Dragging a little this morning, but had my protein pancakes and banana and my energy is starting to lift!
Today is Cardio at the Gym, and then later tonight LB. Might stick w/ Buns of Steel again this week. Old, but good...I had some nice DOMS for 2 days last week! I'm really afraid to work my LB w/ weights b/c of my knee. Maybe I will do L&G this one doesn't use to much weight ...what do you guys think..Any suggestions?

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"


HI everyone. Hope you're having a good week so far. I am here but busy at work. Tonight I will do GS Legs or B&G. I can't believe the RT will be here next week! How exciting. I need to buy another flash disk for my camera before then. Hope you all have a great day.
Good morning all! Wow, we're starting the under 10 countdown now
:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 I had a great long run yesterday and we're still getting rain here in N. Ariz. Fantastic since we've been having such a severe drought! Just have to watch for the flash flooding now.

Michelle- very wise of you to take a rest day and not take any chances with your back. We want you nice and healthy for the RT!!!
I have a couple of HRMs but I rarely use them. I prefer to go by perceived level of exertion.

Tess- Hope your work day is going well! It's a leg fryer for you tonight}( . We definitely have to make sure our cameras are ready!

Jenn- L&G would be a great choice if you are concerned about your knee.

Time to get moving.. Today will be a 4-5 mile tempo run and HSC!!


Good Morning
Just finishe LIC cardio and abs only. Tonight I'm going to try to do S&H back and chest.
Michelle hope your back gets better soon. I pulled my neck some how this morning. I wish i had more then just ibprofin!
Off to work
It's me again with my intermittent check-ins!

I got in a couple runs last week, so I broke the streak of not working out at all.

Wish I could be on here regularly, but I'll see you in 9 days!!

Good Afternoon RTers!

This morning I did Leaner Legs and am planning on doing Core Max#2 and Baron Baptiste yoga in a bit.

Michelle--Take care of your back! My lower back has been bothering me also.x( I MAY bring my HRM. Not sure yet.

Jennifer--Don't injure your knee any further!! Can you do floor leg workouts? They can be just as tough!

Tess--Enjoy GS legs or B&G tonight.

ShellyC--How far are your long runs now? Enjoy HSC...fun!

Randi--Sorry about your neck! We seem to all be injured . How can this be happening right before the RT?

Laura--See you in 9 days!

Hello again! I used iTread set11 45 min for my tempo run today and got in 5 miles. This one is great for practicing sustaining a pace.
I'm pretty sweaty and tired now after finishing up with HSC, havent' done that one in a while and it felt great. I'm definitely ready for my nap now (I go into work tonight)

Gin- Baron Baptiste is one of the few yoga instructors I can tolerate. I just don't have the patience for yoga mostly and I prefer it to be more fast moving. Great workout for you today!
Yesterday I did 10miles of mostly hills, before the RT I will get in one more long run of 14 miles. I'll be taking it up gradually to runs of 20-22 miles before my marathon in Dec.

Laura- It's great to hear from you when you can manage to check in and we all certainly look forward to meetin you! That's great you got in some runs. As you can tell I'm pretty much into running myself. There is another checkin for Catheites who like to run here... we call ourselves the Cheetahs:D We'll be meeting probably for a group run on Friday morning, the 10th.

Randi- I'm sorry you've hurt your neck. I sure hope it's just a temporary little strain! Sending you healing vibes:) :) :)

Have a great rest of the day!


I am so jealous listening to your fabulous workouts!!! I have not worked out in 3 days and I am definitely not my usual self. I hope I can keep up at the RT b/c I am sure I will not have a ton of time to workout the next week and a half.
We are getting the last minute details taken care of for Saturday. We just have to hope for good weather (and NO rain) for the ceremony.
I will try to check back in later. Take care.
Hello everyone,

I am so excited that I will finally get to meet you all a week from Friday!!! I didn't get many workouts in last week because I over-committed myself to other things. Now this week I'm traveling on company business so my workout time is limited again. I did manage to do S&H L&S and T&B on Monday before I left, and then yesterday was a bust again. I guess all that lugging bags through the airport, rental car center, and hotel count for something, just not enough. My goal for today is to do some kickbox or hi/lo when I get back to the hotel. When I get back from this trip, my plan is to do the CTX series Sat-Thu to make sure I'm ready for the RT.

I never did get my eating completely under control, so unfortunately y'all will just have to see my fat belly and thighs from eating too much. I'll keep 'em covered up as much as I can so I don't accidentally blind anyone. :p

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