RT check in Friday April 13


Hello all!

PLB and CM1 is done! I can't use a BB on the leg presses. I'm afraid I'm going to lose my balance, so I keep it fairly light with DBs. I don't go higher than 35 on my BB with the othere exercises as I have a difficult time raising that weight over my head. It would be wonderful if I had a BB stand so I didn't have to hoist from the floor. I don't think that would look pretty in my living room. ;)

Michelle,Lara and whoever else watches it I love LOST. This week's episode was great. Originally I had my doubts about this season, but It's shaping up. I didn't watch the show originally, but I rented back episodes and finished catching up on line and I was hooked!

Have a great day.
Phyllis http://www.smileyhut.com/silly/arrowhead.gif

Good Morning
My bi's and tri's are so so sore! Today is cardio or legs cant decide right now.
Phyllis you litrally worked your butt off this morning! PLB is so difficult and i'm always so sore afterwards! Great job on those abs:)
Good morning all.

So, my battle with the Peanut Butter did not end well yesterday. I started out strong. I kept opening the fridge and picking up the jar, but then felt pretty smug putting it back and closing the door.I did start to beleive that I might not need professional help for my addiction. Then I finally opened the jar and sniffed. Well, eventually I just caved... I stuck my spoon right in and boy if that didn't give me the natural endorphin release I needed! So, I'm thinking that maybe this wasn't the best week to give up PB since it is PMS week... yup, I'm going with that one. (I'll try again next week!)

Beth... I live in Orange County NY. How is the snow up there where you are? I am supposed to go to Lake George this weekend but they are saying another foot of snow, so we may cancel!

Lara... my favorite PB is Crazy Richards chunky. I always pour out the oil, you know, to justify the addiction! LOL

Phyllis... Wow, great workout this morning! PLB kills me!

Randi... Go for the cardio ( I will think of any excuse to put off lower body!)

So, I am off to teach cardio/sculpt this morning. That will be my only workout today as the rest of the day is booked and tonight my kids have a gig. Maybe I'll sneak in some extra abs somewhere.

Have a great day all!
Good Morning RTers!
Today I did CK and it is always a fun one. I love it when Cathe asks the guys to come forward, because then I know it is almost over!! I was drenched....AGAIN!!

Vicki--You are too funny with your love affair with peanut butter. Last year I had gum surgery and for 2-3 weeks I couldn't eat pb or ANYTHING crunchy. I just drove me crazy. but I did lose 5 lbs.!!

Have a great day!

Morning Ladies!

Well it's cardio for me today, don't know which yet.

Phyllis- I did watch Lost yesterday...you were right, this was a good episode! I knew Juliette was up to something.

Randi- I agree with Vicki, go for the cardio :)

Vicki- have you tried Peanut Butter2? I really like it, tastes good, less calories(which equals less guilt for me).

Hope everyone has a great Fiday the 13th!

Hey guys
Ended up doin PLB I just wanted to get it over with! I just got done and I swear i'm already getting sorex( I might have to do a low impact cardio tomorrow depending on how sore my legs are!

Gin I don't have CK but I might have to get it some day everybody says how fun and tough the workout is!

Vicki have fun teaching your class!
Michelle have fun doing cardio and have a good Fri the 13th
Off to work
Goodmorning Roadtrippers!

Last night was very busy for me - had to run some errands after work and then give three very stinky wiener dogs baths. I did throw in the drop set of pushups from GS-C/T and did several rounds of crunches before hitting the shower myself. Unfortunately, there will be no time for a workout tonight because I have to go straight from work to my second job and will not get off until 11 something. I do plan to make up for it tomorrow and Sunday. Looks like a lot of us are going to be getting some pretty nasty weather on Sunday and Monday. I heard the word Noreaster and then something about it being the biggest one in 50 years and I turned the radio off! :(

Phyllis - I'm still amazed how some of you can do so much so early in the day! Sounds like you got a tough workout in there!

Randi - You'll be feeling those legs tomorrow! ;)

Vicki - LOL at your peanut butter story. Just hearing you describe the "addiction" is making me want to go grab a spoonful!

Gin - I love CK! I need to pull that one out again. It's been a little while since I've done it.

Michele - Enjoy your cardio workout today!

Beth - I got into figure skating because I couldn't skate forward without hanging onto the wall either! I went to a friend's birthday party and I spent the entire night clinging to the wall. I was so frustrated that I begged my mom to get me lessons so I wouldn't look like an idiot if there was a next time. The lessons progressed and the next thing I knew I was in competitions and going places like Lake Placid etc... Met a lot of cool people too - Michael Weiss, Tara Lipinski, etc... Sorry to hear about your DS's peanut allergy. I had a friend in high school with that and he had to constantly watch what and where he.

Belinda - I will check and see what base they were at. That is a real pain about not being able to get the same job here in the states! :(

Colleen - I am with you on having a bunch of rags for workout clothes! I went to Kohls yesterday and picked up a few things. I'm saving them for the roadtrip because they are too "nice" for just working out at home. ;) I'll stick with my rags for that.
Good Morning, RoadTrippers ~ :)
How Everyone is Having a Great Day....It's FRIDAY....Yipee!!! :)

I finished my 1st week on BFL, Sunday will be my cheat day for the week, I will probably keep it to a cheat meal though....don't want to over-do it and then have no self-control when I get back to the program on Monday.
I'm so exciting, I am loving this program!!

Last night was UB. I really pushed myself, trying to stay Free-Style for the program. I am burnt out today, I don't know if it is from lack of sleep or yesterday's workout....probably a little of both. I didn't get to sleep until after 11:30 last night, and I had the alarm waking me up by 5:00 a.m. I was able to hit the snooze button until 5:30, then I had to crawl my rear out of bed and into the shower... :(
Tonight is HIIT, not sure what to do, any suggestions of a good HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)workout? Maybe I will throw in one of the Imax's and do the 1st 5 Intervals....
Eating is staying clean, I am surprised how easy it has been. As long as I plan my meals ahead I don't have any problem.

Take Care - Everyone Have a Great Weekend. I will BBL for personals.
Jenn ~

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"


Jennifer - The dog in your avatar is a cutie! Keep up the good work on the BFL program! I have both of Bill's books and have been trying to stick to the program as well. Planning ahead is definitely a big help!
Hi ladies! How are you all? I amd oing fine. Last night's workout was PS:C,S&T. Tonight will be PS:Legs. I am pretty sore in my chest and shoulders this morning. Eating has been very clean. Every time I feel like cheating, I just pick up Tosca Reno's book and look at all the pictures of clean food.

Phyllis: I would love to have a BB stand also. Heck I'd love a squat rack and a pull up station too but I'll never have that much room. :)

Vicki - Did I read in another post that you lost 125 lbs? Wow that is amazing. Your pics look great. I'd say if you can keep that weight off and still eat PB you're doing just fine. :) I love PB too. Where do you get the Crazy Richards? I haven't seen that one.

Michelle - Have fun with your cardio today.

Colleen & Liann - I have some ratty workout clothes too. I did go out and get some new shorts and sports bras though once I found out I was going on the RT. Problem is, they will probably be ratty too once the RT comes around and I'll have to get even more workout clothes. :)

Jenn - are you following the eating program on BFL too? I just bought the Eating for Life book too. I am loving the easy to follow recipes in there. What exactly is "Free-Style?"

Have a great weekend everyone.
Hi everyone, Today is turning into a DOR. Stomach is not feeling well.

I have a confession to make. Last night I had to work late and I consumed a king size bag of Peanut M&M's. If that wasn't bad enough I had ice cream when I got home at 10 o'clock and some chips and queso. Oh I think I just figured out why I'm having stomach issues this morning. Duh!

Today's plan is healthy eating. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Kara and Phyllis - I love Harry Potter too!! I have read them all and I'm anxiously awaiting the final one in the series. I am going to reread them closer to July.
Good morning fellow roadtrippers! I had a day full of meetings yesterday so no time to post:( I did get in a good 6 mile run with iTread and worked out some tension with KM:)

Today will be an easy paced 4 mile run and BM2!! I'll try to get back later with some personals

Hi fellow trippers. I've really been out of commission lately. With all of our snow they cancelled the festival that was to host my drill team's first parades this weekend. Rescheduled everything to next weekend so I've been pulling my hair out trying to get in touch with all of the families and see who will be available for next week - re-work my lineups, etc. And I'm trying to put together my kids' summertime activities with no help from DH at all - seems that I just can't get my head around anything lately. Sorry for the vent. Of course since I am a stress eater my eating has not been too good. I often think it's a giant spiral - if I can get one element under control, the others begin to roll into place. The eating would, of course, make me feel the best too.

Today I did HSTA, a quick HIIT on the elliptical, and Fluidity S&T. If DS goes down for a snooze before our practice this afternoon I hope to do PUB.

I also haven't been around to read what's been going on with all of you - I'm sorry. I hope to spend some time getting re-acquainted this weekend. Happy Friday all.


I'll be walking the Komen 3-day (60 miles) the week after Cathe's RT. To view my webpage or make a donation go to:

Hi Tess... I get Crazy Richards at Shop Rite. I like it because it has no sodium and it's just the right texture. Maybe TOO right, that's the problem! LOL!
Good morning roadtrippers!!!!

I am still experiencing DOMS from GS chest & tri's that I did on Wednesday. Yesterday I did the Low Max step only premix and coremax balanced core premix. Today is going to GS legs and SJP step only. I have never done GS legs before and I am a bit apprehensive...looks scary}( !!!! Hopefully I'll make it through.

I'm not going to be able to work out tomorrow, DH and I have to drive to PA (from CT) for my grandfather's memorial service. We have to come back the same day as well b/c I have to work on Sunday. Lots of time sitting in the car...

Well, I'm off to go pick up my house and do the dishes...YAY!!!

Have an awesome day everyone!
Good morning fellow Roadtrippers!

After having such a tough time finishing up SJ&P yesterday, I decided my body was telling me it's had enough of the high impact for a couple of days. So this morning, instead of running, I walked with DH 2 miles (good pace - 25 min) and then did the cardio sections from G Force, followed by B&G stability ball abs. Now, I'm ready for a nap.

I have a major tech install going in for one of my products tonight, so keep your fingers crossed for me. I've been working on this project for about 2-1/2 years and I'm excited to see it finally launch. But we've had some pretty major stuff come up to make us all nervous, so any kind thoughts you could send my way would be appreciated.

Back to work. . . .
Hello again! woooboy I am wiped! I did a 4 mile run and was still feeling pretty strong so I just completed BM2 in its entirety. Okay, I'm ready for a nap now!!! Which is just as well since I work tonight.

Mona- This sounds pretty momentous for you! That's alot of time and effort you've put in. From one night shift worker to another I wish you the very best of luck!!!! Fingers are crossed.


Hi all, I missed checking in yesterday. Life just gets in the way sometimes. Yesterday was 30 minutes of Christi Taylor's Solid Gold Step followed by Gym Style Chest. There's some doms today, which is always expected after all those pushups! Today was 30 minutes of Amy Bento Kickbox followed by Gym Style Triceps, then abs.

Phyllis: I love the series Lost too. There's a few people at work who watch it and we always have a discussion on Thursday to go over that week's episode. I've even been burning copies of the episodes from Tivo and giving them out to our little group so they can watch the episode again. We're seriously hooked.

Vicki: I have to watch myself with peanut butter too. I just can't stop!

Gin: I have to drag out my Cardio Kicks. I haven't done that one in a long time. It's one of the four or five remaining Cathe VHS I still have.

Colleen and Liann: In 2005 I had to do a little shopping to have something presentable for the roadtrip. Well those clothes are mostly rags now. I have to make that trip to Kohl's too. They always have a good selection and decent prices.

Mona: I'm an IT girl and for every major install I get major butterflies. Leading up to the hour of the install I am second-guessing myself and for no reason. My colleague once put it all into perspective for me. He said, 'well if it's wrong, we'll fix it.' How true. We plan installs so that if there are issues we can fix them with minimal impact. I'm sure everything will be okay for you too. Congrats on completing a 2+ year project. That's quite an accomplishment.

Shelly: You've inspired me. I'm dusting off my running shoes tomorrow. Cold weather or no, I'm taking it to the pavement tomorrow. However, I don't think I have your stamina for BM2 as well. I think I have Leaner Legs on deck for after my run.

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