Rotation that made my lower body smaller!!!


Hi guys!

I just wanted to pass along a rotation that
I made up myself when the Body Blasts came out. I've been
doing it for probably eight weeks. I took two weeks off and
started it back up again last week.

Something about this rotation has made my butt smaller. :D
Sorry to be so, um, GRAPHIC but it's TRUE. I notice a really
big difference in the glute area. Or should I say SMALL
difference. LOL.

I put on a pair of jeans I hadn't worn since October the other
day. In October they were tight through the butt area. Not
anymore. They are BAGGY now. I couldn't believe it. Baggy in
both the thigh and butt area.

I haven't changed my eating either. So I think it has to
have something to do with this rotation. I think Legs and Glutes
is most responsible.
Here is what I have been doing if anyone is interested.

Day one: Push/Pull premix of two sets for upper body plus
PLB floor work plus BC core work

Day two: Imax2 and once in a while when I'm feeling energetic
I'll throw in the cardio only from BC. Not every week.

Day three: Legs and Glutes. Some weeks I do Extreme and other weeks I just do it as is. I think this video is the reason for my
smaller thigh and butt area. Since I've been doing this tape
I've noticed the difference

Day four: Either PS Upper Body or PUB

Day five: Kick Punch and Crunch..I think this has helped too

Day Six: Step Jump and Pump with light weights. I wanted to
really focus on weights but I go really light with this one due
to the other weight work I have done during the week.

Day Seven: Rest

I've done Cathe tapes since about 1996 and this is the only
rotation I have done where I have noticed such dramatic changes
in my lower body. I have a pear shape and I always used pretty
heavy weights for LB and did traditional excercises. I always
had muscles in my legs, but the thighs and butt were not as
small as I would have liked.

I love this rotation so much I don't want to change it! LOL
I'll probably switch up for a couple weeks of a CTX rotation or something.

Anyways, just wanted to share. I really suspect Legs and Glutes
to be the reason behind this. (No pun) It's so different
from Cathe's other leg routines.

Melanie :)
Melanie -

Thanks for sharing your rotation. I'm going to give it a try after I finish my current S&H rotation. I'll let you know the results...hopefully they'll be as good as yours!

Hi Michele!

Yes, let me know. I know everybody is different so it might
not be the same for you but I'm interested in knowing!

I'm pleased as punch with it. I never used to do rotations. I'd
just kind of pick something at the last minute. Since last
May I made an effort to start doing rotations and found I like to do them.

I just mish-mashed this one together when I got my BBs. I wanted
to focus on weights but also have three days of cardio, so I just picked these things. It seems I hit on a pretty good combo, for me
at least.

I hope you like it as I have!

Mel :)
Thanks for sharing this. I printed it out. I have seen some results with L&G, but I am going to start this. I have big thighs and rear. I would love to slim them down.

:) Beverly
My favorite words that you said are:

"I haven't changed my eating either." :)

Thanks for sharing! I'm in the middle of a different rotation, where I split weights and do cardio each day, but just decided to make sure that I do all of L&G and KPC somehow in there each week to thoroughly work the lower half, so this gives me great encouragement! (And some ideas for when I'm ready to try another rotation).
Thanks for sharing Melanie. I am also a pear and lift heavy for LB weight work. I'm currently in the middle of another rotation so I'll give a try as my next rotation. Also, I've seen greater results using rotations instead of just doing whatever I felt like on a certain day.


I really like that fact too, about the not changing my eating.

I've also noticed general fat loss all over since doing this
rotation. So I'm pretty happy with it. I really suspect Legs
and Glutes to have done most of the lower body improving, but I have a feeling KPC kind of added to it. KPC also has really helped
my abs.

Hope it works for you!

Melanie :)
Hi Diana

I always did very traditional weight work for the lower body
with heavier weights. I had muscles, but I wasn't as firm as I would have liked, if that makes sense. I'm really really happy
with the results of this rotation.

And yes, I've found, as you have, I have better results while following a rotation. I like rotations now because I always know what I'll be doing the next day so I can get stuff out the night before.

This rotation sounds great! Just curious, did you go lighter with the weights than you previously used for LB? Thanks for sharing with us!

Hi RS,

I just use the same weights Cathe uses in Legs and Glutes.

They are lighter than what I usually use. I pretty much follow
Cathe's weights or heavier when doing her LB videos. So
for example, I'd do squats with anything 35 and over. Or lunges
with 25 and up. On PLB I got really crazy a few times and
actually was up to (if I remember right) 65 pounds on the
last set.

So Legs and Glutes is way lighter than my normal way of lifting. And I like it better too. It seems to feel better to me in some way.
I don't feel as tired or worn out after I'm done.

I guess I just shocked my body because for years I'd done
just normal, heavy leg routines and all the sudden switched
to this lighter way with different excersises. I'm certainly
no expert but this seems to make sense to me.

And on the leg work for SJP I WAS doing 45 for squats and
25 for the lunges. I have since lowered that to 25 for squats
and 21 for lunges.

Hi Liz!

WOW!! No I don't mind! :) I'm flattered that you would
take the time to post it over there.

I hope it works for you too.

Melanie thanks for posting this. I am just finishing a rotation with slow & heavy and I wanted to do a rotation to target my lower half. I printed that rotation and will give it a try.

I am intrigued by this rotation, and I'm wondering what you think would happen to an apple-shaped person who would like a rounder bulgier (as in more shapely but not wider) butt.
Hi Joy, :)

I honestly am not sure. I'm not an expert in this stuff by any means. I would assume that it would tighten up your lower body area. What shape it would end up being I couldn't say. But I would definitely think it would tighten and firm things up.

I'm sorry I couldn't answer better. I just don't want to give out bad info. I'm not sure about all this stuff myself.

Melanie :)
Hi Lisa,

Legs and Glutes Extreme is a premix on the DVD. Basically you do the
whole routine twice except for the floor work, which you do once.
You do the standing section without ankle weights twice, then you do
the standing work with ankle weights twice, then the floor work once.
It takes about 80 minutes to do the whole thing.

Some weeks I do Extreme and other weeks I just do it as is. It kind of depends on how I feel.

The upper body weights I use vary depending on which workout I use.
I'll just give an example of the stuff I'm doing now.

Yesterday I did the Pure Strength upper body. I basically followed Cathe's weights and on some I used a little more. Let's see if I remember.

Chest Presses: 51lbs and for the last set dropped to 45.
Presses with dumbells: 20lbs
Flys: 12 lbs
Super Set: 10

Arnold Press: 15lbs for two sets, drop to 12 for last set
Seated Clean and Press: 10lbs first set, 8lbs second
Side Lateral Raises: 10 lbs first set, 8 second
Reverse Fly: 6 lbs both sets
seated side lats: 6lbs

Close grip dumbell press for tris: 20lbs all three sets
French Press: 10lbs first, 8 lbs second
Cross body kickbacks: 10 first set, 8 second
French press: 8
Dips with barbell: 35lb barbell each time

Tbar Rows: 10 for warmup..40 for the heavy sets
Bent over rows: 51 all three sets
One arm rows: 20 for two sets, 15 for last set
Shrugs: 10 for both sets

Bicep Curls: 41 for first set, 35 for second
Seated hammer curls: 15
Seated bicep curls with rotation: 12
Negative Curls: 35 both sets
Concentration Curls: 10 both sets

Whew! I can't believe I remember all that. Anyway, that's basically around the range of weight I use. I can go a little heavier or a little lighter depending on how I feel that day.

Also, on the day I do Step Jump and Pump I have started to go REALLY light due to the fact I was feeling overtired when I used heavy weights that day. I figured I did two heavy weight sessions that week that I should go lighter that day.

And the day I do Push/Pull upper body for two sets, I tend to grab the heaviest weight I can manage for two sets. They are a little heavier than PS due to less sets.

I hope this helped.

I hope you like the rotation if you do it.

Melanie :)

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