No Connie. It is not a fact. It is your opinion, and your opinion is informed by your Christian belief. No-one who is not gay can say with assurance what gayness "is."
Back to the original poster: what is it exactly that you are arguing against here? The fact that the conservative right attacks the new angle on Spongebob? The fact that Spongebob is seen as a gay icon? Or the fact that the media have reported on it?
For myself I can say, that since you read this in the BBC news, there may be a touch of "cultural interest" to the article such as it was reported, i.e. a British/European interest in "what's going down currently in the US". Many Europeans, myself included, cannot believe the amount of power the conservative right has in this country over political questions affecting sexual and gender expresssion, and reproductive rights. To us (Europeans), reports such as these are often seen as a sign of "look where they (US) are heading, we do not want to go there." It's a sense of "what could happen to us if we are not careful."
I see no reason why this report should not have been included in BBC news. I find it of great interest myself. Far more interesting and with greater social implications than US news reports of Clinton's recent chest operations.