**ROLL MY EYES** OT childrens cartoons

I totally agree!

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
Yep, some people have too much time on their hands.

We (my sone and I) watch Spongebob every night before bed - even though I'm an *adult* I'll admit that I find it amusing.
These people are nuts!!! Just because a kid watches SpongeBob hold a cartoon characters hand doesn't mean they are going to (GOD FORBID!!) turn out gay! It's the fear and ignorance that make these people go beyond the beyonds. Get a life James D. and Focus on the Family. It's called tolerance. Another thing is if you don't like it, don't watch it. That's all I will say about that. This topic may turn really ugly, but I had to post. It probably should be deleted.

>Yep, some people have too much time on their hands.

You are absolutely right on that one!! My kids love Spongebob & some of the episodes are hysterical!

Yeah, I remember when they tried that nonsense with Tinky Winky. Although...our gay male friends do have a Tinky Winky doll. Of course, I'm pretty sure they got it AFTER the nuts decided he was a bad influence because he carries a purse.

I love Spongebob. And I'd love him gay too. I don't think I've ever seen him holding hands with Patrick...
You know...even if there's acutally an intention to portray Spongebob as gay, I'd be very glad to let my daughter be exposed to him. There are gay people all around us, and they are becoming less afraid to hide who they are. I want my daughter to be able to feel comfortable with people from different backgrounds, cultures and personalities.

Plus...who's to say that she might not be gay herself? I don't want her living ashamed of who she is. Life is tough enough without the judgements of people who don't know her. I would love her just as much and support her right to be who she is.
They talk about a video on that page, but I didn't get to view the video.

Some people view gayness as "who a person is" but it really is "what a person does." I am not saying it is as controllable as avoiding sugar, I am just pointing out a fact.

Whether it is right or wrong I will keep my opinion to myself, after all, this is Cathe's fitness forum.

Even though my opinion is so important, everybody wants it (tee hee)
Even if what he is saying is true he's still stretching beyond the boundries, I mean really. Here is the We are Family Foundations website, I can't find one comment in the view he is portraying unless you think tolerance of the many differences we have is pro-gay? I think it's wonderful, we need to teach our children not to hate, period.


Our Initiatives
The We Are Family Foundation has three distinct directives in its mission statement. First, to create educational media that promotes understanding, respect and multiculturalism to all ages; second, to support those programs that currently exist promoting these issues and third, to support those who are victims of intolerance
No Connie. It is not a fact. It is your opinion, and your opinion is informed by your Christian belief. No-one who is not gay can say with assurance what gayness "is."

Back to the original poster: what is it exactly that you are arguing against here? The fact that the conservative right attacks the new angle on Spongebob? The fact that Spongebob is seen as a gay icon? Or the fact that the media have reported on it?

For myself I can say, that since you read this in the BBC news, there may be a touch of "cultural interest" to the article such as it was reported, i.e. a British/European interest in "what's going down currently in the US". Many Europeans, myself included, cannot believe the amount of power the conservative right has in this country over political questions affecting sexual and gender expresssion, and reproductive rights. To us (Europeans), reports such as these are often seen as a sign of "look where they (US) are heading, we do not want to go there." It's a sense of "what could happen to us if we are not careful."

I see no reason why this report should not have been included in BBC news. I find it of great interest myself. Far more interesting and with greater social implications than US news reports of Clinton's recent chest operations.

I wrote:
Some people view gayness as "who a person is" but it really is "what a person does." I am not saying it is as controllable as avoiding sugar, I am just pointing out a fact.

Clare wrote:
No Connie. It is not a fact. It is your opinion, and your opinion is informed by your Christian belief. No-one who is not gay can say with assurance what gayness "is."

******* ******* *******

So Clare, you sound like you know for sure that you can't know for sure. Well, I disagree with you on that.

You don't have to be a horse to judge a horse race.

Not all Christians agree with me about gayness. You assume that it's my Christianity (thank you for remembering) but it may simply my scientific background speaking. There's a difference between having a desire and acting on it. That is behavior and choice of action. As opposed to having blue eyes. There's no choice possible there.

The distiction is by definition, and opinion does not enter into it.

We can argue about the superior Europeans who look down their noses at the Christian-inspired morally sensitive Americans in another place.

BTW I enjoy Sponge Bob with my son. It's so silly. I like Gary the pet snail, who... meows.


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