~~Roaring 40ies April 27 - May 3rd~~

I'd like to wear the 1st one --- shorts, but I think it will be too cool.

2nd one is white/black little gingham crop pants...can't tell it from the picture, this is one of my bargain outfits, I got both shirt and pants for $6! And in a size 6 to boot!

3rd one, my sis says this top makes me look skinny, must be the vertical movement, I don't really want to wear jeans (but I will if you all tell me to), they are a size 6 though!

4th one, I had to take a pic of the top with black shorts

5th one, just a close up of the shirt with me looking dopey

6th one, another bargain outfit

7th one, the bargain outfit with shirt tucked in, it's been ages since I tucked a shirt in, not sure about that.

So, girls, let me know, what you think I should wear!
Hi everyone

Lisa - go for the patterned top, definitely. It looks really nice and is fitted and shows off your hard work! If you can get away with shorts, do it!
Take it easy with the knees!

Kathryn - now that is priceless! LOL! Well done on the weight loss. I'm not really sure what this armband thingy is you're wearing. Does it shout 'Step away from the fridge' if you reach for something calorific?!

Mary - sounds you're working those legs hard!

Vilma - I understand about watching what you spend. I just used my 20% discount. I was going to get CTX but decided it was too much money to spend at the moment so I went for a couple of cheaper options instead.

Murph - how are you feeling? Are you on the mend now?

I was planning to do Drill Max today but I got the new Amy Bento, Kickbox Surge, this morning and couldn't wait to try it! It's really good and easier to pick up than KBX. Not so sure about the med ball abs. Unfortunately, in my enthusiasm I've picked up a twinge in my left inner thigh. Hope it's gone by tomorrow. Should have previewed rather than throwing myself into it.
I just ordered Abs Circuits and Stretch Max with my 20% discount. With STS cardio coming later in the year that really is it for workout DVDs for me for a while!

Bye for now.
Hi Girls! Hope that you are having a good day. Today I did squat rack legs, I have trouble getting that weight above my head! I did wear 2 weight vest! At least I had some weight there! I also did a 3 mile Leslie with only 1 weight vest, I need to do something before we go to Disney! Lisa, definitely the patterned top! Very cute! I want to hear all about what the girls say! Wish I could be a fly! How was plyo legs? Ronne, so you really like the new Amy Bento? She has a hip hop walk one she is filming in the summer, sometimes (well, always) her cardio is confusing to me! I am a very simple girl! Any pics of the new digs yet? Vilma, CLX is only 30 min? That would be great! Murphy, are you brand new? Kathryn, does the go-fit make you more aware of what you are eating? Does it show how many calories you burn thru the day? I want one!! Andrea, how are you? You are a funny girl!! Have a good day! The dryer is screaming "MARY!" Mary
Lisa that white top in the last pic looks very nice, it gives you a nice shape. Wear that with the jeans? Or with the black shorts?:cool:
I agree with Ronne the patterned top is good too.:cool:
Try not to wear cropped pants. :eek:
You, could always put tights on and then the shorts to help with the cold. I love that look BUT BEWARE!! You need to watch looking like mutton dressed as lamb.:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I've probably been as helpful as a wet sack. Sorry. :confused::confused::confused: BUT you are looking fantabulous!!!!!!!!!!! Super effort! Inspirational, is she not girls?:D:D:D:D:D
I needed to edit to add this: Lisa you look IMO, very slim in the jeans!!
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My house is haunted!

Girls, I'm sure I've got a ghost! My largest chef's knife disappeared several weeks ago. DH and I spent an hour or more searching the whole house for it and couldn't find it. The kids swore they didn't touch it (and I doubt they would, since I'm afraid to handle this very large and sharp knife). I finally gave up looking for it and then my small paring knife disappeared. :eek:

I started hunting for that (never found it), but guess what turned up under the couch? Yup -- the missing chef's knife! I know that DH and I both looked under that couch (it's close to the kitchen, where the kids watch TV). Now I can't find the paring knife, and it's not like anybody in the house cooks or cleans (except for me).

This morning DH and I walked in the kitchen at 6:30 and heard a clicking noise... the light in the oven was going on and off, then stopped. We never figured out why, but it wasn't on when we got up at 5:00 and I hadn't cooked anything...

I may be forgetful with things like keys and children, but not with huge knives! And then there's that light....Time to move.

Anyway, about the GoWear Fit: It's a monitor that tracks a bunch of different measurements (heart rate, sweat, steps, etc.) to calculate your physical activity. You load it onto the computer, where you also enter what you've eaten. (Sorry, it doesn't keep track of that!). It has targets for you to hit each day (activity, steps, calories to burn). Then it tells you what your balance is (and whether you're in a gain, loss, or maintenance mode).

I never track what I eat so I quickly found out that it was much more than I thought. Just the act of having to enter it in the computer made it easier for me to cut down when I saw the calories add up. It's also a very motivating way to want to move more (Mary -- climbing Mt. Washmore really is a workout!)

Ronne, I wish that it would tell me to step away from the fridge for the next week of PMS... because nobody else would have the nerve to! Glad to hear you like "Surge." I'd pre-ordered it and forgotten about it, so I was quite surprised when it arrived the other day. Also glad to hear that it's easier to learn than Kickbox Xtreme, which I love but was so hard for me to learn!

Andrea, why is it that I think of that "mutton as lamb" quote more and more these days? I'm starting to worry that I've out-aged my wardrobe! (Please, don't make me go shopping! I hate it!)

Okay, I must go to bed because I've got to drag my sore body out of bed tomorrow and get through LowMax and an ab workout. Then I get Friday off (hooray!).
Hi. Lisa what outfit have you decided on?

Kathyrn I too have a "pesky" ghost. My ghost takes things and then I can never find them for a couple of weeks then the item re appears and I know I searched where I found it. But not knives. I havn't had a missing item for a while, so maybe, with the renovations its moved on? The first couple of times it happened, I thought it was just me, forgetting where I put something but then it happened too many times.
Hey everyone, quick fly by. I think I'm wearing the green patterned top and black shorts. The sun is shining and it's only a bit cooler than yesterday at 66. I know you southerners are amazed we can wear shorts at 66, but we do. 66 and sunny, yes, 66 and cloudy, probably not.

I'm worried about my dog, she still isn't eating---I think she is drinking--a little. I'm going to call the vet and take her in this afternoon once DH or DS gets home with a car. And she threw up what little she ate yesterday again, we are on day 4 so I think it's time to go have her checked out.

DH gets home from Chicago today, yea!

Kathryn, I've lost my paring knife too. I blame it on DH who totally doesn't know where anything goes on the rare occasion when he unloads the dishwasher---I swear it's like he hasn't lived here for 17 yrs!

Gotta run ladies, sorry it was all about me today......
I'm back for a bit while I wait for my friend to pick me up. I made an appt with the vet at 4 today, I sure hope my sheltie is ok, I've never seen her this sick. I had me a little pity party too wondering what I'll do if something is seriously wrong --- she is 12. I also got the throw up cleaned up, glorious, can't blame her though. :(

Kathryn, I still haven't found my paring knife but I'm not looking too hard. Wouldn't it be cool to invent a device that monitored what you ate automatically? That's great about your weight loss. I try to eat only when I'm hungry but I find myself sometimes eating when I'm worried I'll get hungry before I find something to eat. Kind of like today when I have a food date planned but you never know how long people will take to actually EAT. Then of course at night, I HATE it when I wake up in the middle of the night hungry causing me not to get back to sleep. One night/morning this week, I stumbled to the kitchen to just cram 1/2 a protein bar into my mouth trying not to really "wake up". Doesn't always work but it worked that time. I'm rambling now....

Ronne, where are the pics of the renovation? Is it ready to be filmed? BTW, I HATE taking pics of myself I look pretty awful IMO.

Mary and Murphy, I'm finding I'm more sore after plyo legs than squat legs, how about you all? And I'm lifting heavy on squat! Maybe my slow twitch muscle fibers are more developed than my fast twitch...not sure that makes sense I think I'm just regurgitating something I read but still don't know anything about.

Well, off to surf the boards. I hope to report in later with good news on both what the girls had to say and what the vet had to say. bye!
Hi everyone

Woooohoooo, Kathryn! Spooky!
Nearly every outfit I put on these days (when I'm going out) I ask DH 'do I look like mutton in this?'. I just have a dread of dressing too young for my age. The thing is, now I'm pretty fit and slimmer, I want to wear tighter fitting clothes - I don't really need these clever things that hide pooches, etc. but I don't want to look like a teenager (or a prostitute!!!:confused:) Oh well, it's a fine line!
That device sounds pretty nifty actually.

Lisa - good choice on the outfit. Hope you knock 'em dead. Tell us all about it tomorrow.

Mary - it sounds like you're going well with STS. Have your muscles started popping yet?! Yes, I would say the new AB is the easiest to pick up choreography-wise that I've bought. There are a couple of 'duh?' moments but I think I'll get there with practice.

Today was DM for me. I decided my problem with it is I've been going all out right from the beginning and I need to conserve my energy a bit more. That seemed to do the trick. I was a wreck by the end but not as much as normal!

bye for now
Kathryn, I've lost my paring knife too. I blame it on DH who totally doesn't know where anything goes on the rare occasion when he unloads the dishwasher---I swear it's like he hasn't lived here for 17 yrs!
Lisa, my DH does the same thing! On the very rare occasion that he unloads the dishwasher, he doesn't know where to put many of the odds and ends. His solution? He opens the nearest drawer or cabinet and flings the stuff in! (There, problem solved!)

I'd much rather that he leave it out on the counter and let me put it away in the right place. Then I stand a chance of finding it again when I need it. My kitchen is one of the few places in which I'm extremely organized. I truly have a place for everything and expect it to end up there!

Lisa, I hope your get-together goes well and you bask in the glow of all of those compliments that you're sure to get! Have fun and let us know details!

Gotta haul DD to the doctor (a check-up only). Bye!
Hi ladies, lunch was good. I even ran into another old friend at the restaurant who also said I looked good. I'm sure they meant physically but I wonder if I looked happier then they remember when we used to work together. Maybe I'm an inspiration to them that there is life after IBM since they just got laid off today.

Kathryn, I found my knife! I looked in the drawer next to the dishwasher (where I would NEVER put it) and there it was! Hope you find your's soon!
Hi everyone! Today was LM, not a favorite, I just couldn't decide! Lisa, I'm so glad lunch went well! I'll bet they were so envious of your figure! You have worked so hard. Kathryn, no ghost in this house! I'm the only one who empties the dishwasher! I'm glad the GoFit is working for you. Ronne, I know what you are saying about dressing appropriately, I don't want to wear they polyester pants with the elastic waistband, (we aren't even halfway there for those!) however I don't want to wear the low riders with my thong straps showing either! Hello to Andrea, Vilma, and Murphy! Hope I didn't forget anyone! Have a good night all. Mary
Hi girls,

I came by to see why Lisa was trying to decide what to where. :p Actually, I didn't realize that she was until I saw her pics on FB. Kathryn was offering her suggestions so I was just being nosy coming by here to find out why. :D You've done a great job with your wt loss and and fitness gains Lisa. Congrats. I'm sure it felt wonderful today.

I'm in my 3rd week of Meso 2 and enjoying it. I've gained some wt trying to eat intuitively.
I'm about ready to give it all up. Things have got to turn around though because I will not go on the RT this size and I'm really looking forward to that.

Anyway, I thought I'd drop by to say hi to everyone.
Hi All, just a quick post for me, I'm tired, did not sleep well AT ALL. I think it's a combination of hormones and stressing over the dog. You really don't realize how much you are worrying sometimes....I don't like this feeling at all. Still waiting to hear from vet about the bloodwork they did yesterday, but he is thinking it's pancreatitis. Dogs can die from it and hoping my little girl's case wasn't toooooooo bad. So hoping it's just dietary changes for her, will see. Guess she can't eat like a young pup just like we can't eat like teenagers. :D

I did do Meso 3 C/S/B, but my heart isn't in it. I now need to get the carpet in my bedroom shampoo'd....there is an aroma in there I"m noticing since she's been sick even though she didn't throw up in the spot I'm smelling...EW! So I want to just clean it all, but I can't until I get the vet call, so I'm in limbo, sigh.

Rhondalyn, thanks for stopping by, you should stop by more often!

Mary, LM is not a favorite of mine either.

Man, I just want to crawl back in bed.......
Hi All,

Everyone has been asking how I am feeling. Well, the cold symptoms are gone but know I have a paoin on the left side of my chest. I only feel it when I take a deep breath, as deep as I can go and hold it for a second. It feels like a muscle spasm or something. ??? I called teh doctor but they are on summer hours! ??? I thought summer was later in the year but okay.

Anyway, today is chest w/ STS so I may have to go light. :-( See you Monday.

Lisa - What did you decide on? I have not been able to post for a day or two but I also liked both tops with the black shorts. I liked the pants too but I think the the patterned tops looked nice with the shorts. BTW, I too am more sore aftr plyo legs than squat rack. I was calling Cathe a lot of names during the plyo's. I also think those are the only ones were I keep looking at the clock. :)

Hi everyone, well I'm very sad, the vet news was not good. My sweet 12 yr old sheltie is in kidney failure, was given
3 options:

1. dialysis - too expensive, can't do

2. hospitalize her for 5 days, have vet give iv and flush out system with meds, may buy her 2 wks, may buy a year, special diet

3. put her to sleep

we are going for option #2 right now at an approximate cost of $1000.

So, I've been on the stress diet today with hardly able to eat.

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