Roadtrippers Tuesday July 17th


Hi ladies. Just getting us started. I hope everyone is having a good week so far. I did GS C&T last night and walked this morning. Tonight will be GS BBS.

Belinda - I am praying for your mom and keeping your family in my thought. Big hugs to you...
Hi everyone! I had a great workout last night. I did S&H Chest & Back followed by KPC combos only. I was supposed to do Imax 2 blasts only, but my knee was bothering me a little from S&H Legs the night before. Tonight I'll probably do Imax 2 in its entirety.

I ate really clean yesterday too so hopefully this will be the trend for the next four weeks leading up to the RT. I do think I need to cool it on the blueberries though! x(

Everyone have a great day! It's beautiful here today. It's gonna be tough to be on the inside looking out. :-(
Good morning roadtrippers! What do you think of the latest blog pictures from higherintensity step and the weights Cathe is using?
Wow:eek: I only recently purchased some 30# DB.... looks like I'll be getting to use them more:)

Belinda- If you get a chance to read this our prayers are with you and your family. Stomach cancers are usually pretty localized so there is definitely room for a lot of hope. (I'm a critical care RN BTW)

Cheryl- Well, I'm not exactly a veteran marathoner since this will only be my second. I do like the challenge of the distance runs though. It's really all about strategy and pacing, very much a mind game. I'm not the one doing the 3 day event... Can't remember off hand who that was. Anyway, there are the ultramarathoners who
do run 100+ miles!!!:eek:

Hi Randy, Melissa, Tess! Hope your getting in some great workouts!

For today it'll be more BBC- Butts&Legs w/ Cardio. Then it'll be Mindy Mylrea's Cardiotoolbox.

Have a good one!

Good morning.

Belinda: I will be praying every day for you and your family. I am so sorry that you are going through such a tough time. You have friends here who are keeping you close at heart, I'm sure.

I only have a second for now. I just got back from teaching two classes in a row! I am so shot!! I took a quick shower ( since the sweaty smell factor was in effect once again!) I have another one this evening, so right now I need to hit the books.

BBL, have a wonderful day!
Hi everybody!

Just wanted to jump on and say hello!

Today is CTX Kickbox for me. I've just started "Eating Clean" the Tosca Reno way and so far it's been awesome. Looking forward to feeling better all the way around. Not to say I won't have some good pizza or ice cream every now and then......}(

Belinda - I'll keep your mom in prayers, they sure are special people. I'll also keep you in my prayers also.

Hello to everybody else - aren't we pumped for this RT? Not too much longer now!!!!
Do you gals remember who the person was who got invoice #1? I think that is the person I am thinking of who is a runner(marathoner).

I will be doing Drill Max tonight. It is our wedding anniversary (31), today. So, my husband and I will be going to the movies. My 33 yr old and 23 old will be taking my youngest five to a Whitecaps game (a baseball minor league game).

The time is flying by, our RT will be here before we know it.

Belinda - I posted on your newest post, also. Just to let you know that I am praying for you and your mother. Please keep us posted .

Vivki - you just keep on studying. Don't panic though - try to stay relaxed and calm (yeah right)

Afternoon everyone:)

I just finished BM2 Timesaver cardio+ Squeeze abs.
Went back out to try blueberry picking again...the kids lasted 15 min. Then they spent the rest of the 2 hours in the car:-( So mom managed to pick 14lbs! That is not even close to what I need to make it till next year :(

Shelly- When I saw Cathe using a 62 pound barbell!! I'm just in awe:)

Belinda- I will keep your family in my prayers.

Cheryl- Happy Anniversary!!

Hope you all have a nice afternoon!!


Went to step class this morning at 6am and enjoyed it. Hopefully will do some yoga tonight as my yoga video FINALLY came in.

Good Afternoon RTers!

I just finished up Imax 3 and seg. 3 of Stretch Max. It was a good workout, but in my clumsiness, I fell over my step on the first blast when she does the double-footed hops on and off the step, lol. I was NOT hurt, but it put a crimp in my confidence!

ShellyC -- I'm not brave enough to try the Mix and Max premix of CF. One day, though :) I got 30#ers for Christmas last year (my mom thought I was a bit of a nut when I asked for them, lol) and I'm glad we'll get a chance to get to use them more, too :)

Liann -- RTB is SOOO cute! Will you be keeping him/her or try to release it?

Belinda -- Many prayers for your mom!

Michelle -- I don't think I've ever even had 62# on my barbell before! It'll be a fun challenge :D

I hope you all have a great day!

Good Afternoon RTers!

I did a kickbox mishmosh of KPC w/u, combo 123 and KM combo 234, stretch then Stretch Max1 this morning. Fun workout!

Melissa--Yum-o on the blueberries! They are my favorite summer fruit.

ShellyC--Yes, I am also a runner and have finished 3 marathons...Marine Corps, Austin and Chicago. That was a few years ago and during the past few years I seem to keep getting injured, so I have tapered way down to running 3 miles twice a week. What marathon are you training for?

Belinda--My thoughts and prayers are with you concerning your mother.

Vicki-- You are the workout queen!!

Tina--I have also read Tosca Reno's book and follow a alot of it. I do feel better and have lost alot of the bad cravings.

Carol--I'm always afraid I'm going to trip with the double footed hops. Sorry that happened to you.

Good afternoon everyone!

I just wanted to quickly check-in. I don't have time for personals because I have to take my son to piano lessons. Yesterday's workout was LIC. Today's was KPC.

Belinda- I just wanted to say how sorry I am that you're going through this. I'm keeping your family in my prayers. Stay strong.

ShellyC- I wish I could fly out on Thursday. I don't think it's possible though since my kids will just be starting school. What flight are you on coming home? I'll have to look into the Bisbee thing. It sounds really interesting. I've always wanted to go there, it's about 2 hours SW of here.

I'll try to check back in later.


I found out who is doing that 60 mile run. It's Lorrie. She has a thread up on the RT boards for all of us to sign a shirt she had made to wear to that event. Mystery solved!!

I have not posted in a few days. All of this wedding/party planning plus my job have me completely worn out!! Yesterday was IMAX 2 and PUB Abs. Today was BMax 2 Timesaver plus Bonus Cardio. I really wanted to do more today, but I just couldn't fit it in:(

Melissa...I LOVE blueberries also. I always get carried away eating them just after they have been picked! They are SO good though:9

Randi...It sounds like you had a great workout today! I haven't done S&H Legs before. I keep meaning to try it!

Shelly...We are getting married on the beach on August 4th, so I guess I will be a newlywed at the RT (if I survive all of this planning :) ). I can't imagine using a 30# weight yet. I am doing well to use my 20s. Maybe one day...

Vicki...Good luck with your studying! Especially with your busy workout schedule!! You can do it!!!:)

Belinda...I will keep you and your mother in my prayers.

Tina...I love Tosca's book! I need to re-read it. I seem to have forgotten everything I read lately:(

Cheryl...I hope you had a wonderful anniversary with your husband!

Michelle...I think you are 14 pounds ahead of me with blueberry picking this year! I think I will have to beg my mom to share with me this year!!

Kim...I hope you enjoyed your new yoga video.

Liann...I will have to go back and read the posts about your rescued bird. I did see one picture, and I agree with Carol--it is SO cute!! I am glad it is in your care.

Carol...I think IMAX 3 will be on my list for this week. It has been awhile since I tackled that one!!

Gin and Shelly...I am always so envious of you marathoners!!!
Gin...I am thinking I might do a mish mosh of KPC and KM tomorrow. Last time I did this, it was so much fun!

Hello Jacque and Tess!!! I hope you had great workouts today!!!

Oh, BTW---I FINALLY booked my flights for the RT last night. I am SO EXCITED!!!
Have a great night.

I knew I remembered someone was training for a three day marathon. I just couldn't remember who it was.

You do walk alot though don't you? Like maybe 15 miles sometimes in a day?

Keep studying!


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