Road Trippers 4/5


I got an excellent report on my tests - heart is excellent, urinalysis is excellent, cholesterol is excellent (both the good and the other), blood count is excellent, liver is excellent, thyroid is excellent......on and on....and I am very happy about that, that shows that good eating is about those extra pounds -and when am I going to look like what I am eating?????? Guess when the extra pounds are gone!!!!

Workout for Today
Yoga Shakti, I used the matrix and made my own thing, I love the lunar stuff - swinging and swaying, felt really good on my hammies this morning!!!

Nutrition for Today low day 2
Still attending Holy week
B - egg whites, strawberries, milk
S - celery and carrots
L - not sure another church - have been able to be good here so far
S - Smoothie and chicken breast
D - Chicken breast and lettuce, cucumber, tomato salad

Blurp - Married 22 years, one DD, two GS, 2 Cats, 1 toy poodle, house across from the lake in ruralville!!!! Love jammy days!
Good morning everyone! Yesterday was a circuit day with HCE#1, so today will be pure cardio:7 I'll be doing an interval run of about 6-7 miles when I get home (I'm at work now) and later today will be 45 minutes or so on the stationary cycle.

Kathy- Congratulations on the clean bill of health!! That's always a big relief to hear such things, even when you are already fit.

Beth- A pedicure sounds great for your "prize", but personally, I'd go for a massage!

Gin- Good luck on your 5k this weekend (if you go)

Jennifer- Hope today goes better for you!

PaWendy- If you are really in need of a good deep tissue massage you may want to consider getting a foam roller (unless you already have one!) I have found it to be absolutely invaluable post workout to help prevent injuries, and alot cheaper than getting a professsional massage. You can get them at Target for $20-25.

Jacqueline- I've come to consider my iPod an essential part of my running gear.... almost as important as my shoes!! Either for listening to music while I run or a downloaded iTread workout. If you haven't tried any iTreads I highly recommend them!

Melissa- Good for you that you made the big decision to come to the RT despite your families misgivings. You won't regret it and I look forward to meeting you!

Robin- Got through the drop sets of pushups in GS CT :7 :7 Good for you!

Cheryl- I'm another HUGE drillmax fan!! It is so innovative and challenging, I can't get enough of it. I do some version of it at least once a week. I'm so in awe of your achievements in karate!!!
I didn't even know there was a degree beyond black belt--- how far up does it go?

I'll be rooming with Carole (Mckmain) and Susan (singing goddess) on the RT and we've decided to come in a day early (Thursday pm) Anybody else arriving early?

Good morning everyone!

Will today be the day that my new workouts are delivered? I'm going to have to stalk the UPS man...oh, here's a little blurp: my DH works for UPS so I harass him whenever I'm getting something delivered :)

Today is PUB...come on biceps...make me proud!!!

Blurp: I just found out yesterday that I am going to receive my University's history department award for outstanding achievement in history classes. Or something like that. I'm excited...especially since I am getting my degree to teach History :) . It also validates my choice to quit my job and attend school full time.

Have a great day everyone!!!
Happy to be checking in today.:7 I did one half CK, KM combo's 1-4, LIC bonus cardio with 5 pound dumbell, BM abs and and stretch. Very pleased with self.

Would like to arrive early to RT. Not sure can do. Office will need to close on Fri. as I am the solo girl with no coverage on Fri's. Only been there 2 years. I have never worked longer than 3 years anywhere! Bore very easily. LIke to be challenged. Not quite sure I will find "dream job".

Blurp - married 10 years, have a 5 yr old daughter. My entire family all live on same road. It's a country thing.
Good morning, Road Trippers! Today is a rest day for me, which is good because I have major DOMs from the workout yesterday.:) I didn't earn my sticker yesterday. My enabler husband brought home a chocolate cake!!x( I know, I didn't have to pick up the fork, but....
Blurp for today is that DH and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary this year. On our honeymoon we went to Disney World and we will be going again this year to celebrate (with the kiddos, of course!)

Kathy-Congrats on your test results!!!

Shelly C.- 6 to 7 miles and a ride on the stationary bike! That is amazing.

Lara- I am with you on the fear of flying. I will actually be driving to the road trip.:)

Cheryl-Good luck on your black belt test. You will have to let us know how it goes.

Robin-I am a beach girl too!!We usually go to Myrtle Beach in the spring, but this year we can't:-( By the way, I checked out your picture trail yesterday. Greyor is adorable!!!

Josie-I hope you got your workouts!! Congrats on your award. My mom was a history teacher for years and loved it.

I hope to be back later to get to more personals. Have a wonderful day!

Hi fellow road trippers. I was a slug yesterday as not feeling that great - so I took the unplanned rest day - hate those. Today I was up at 4:15 and got in BMax2's scrambled eggs and the floor and abs work from B&G. Hope for some fluidity later today.

Saw "Meet the Robinson's" last night - very cute, very colorful, I wouldn't call it great, but fun. It can be a rather difficult concept for kids to become engaged in (time travel). My monsters enjoyed it.

My blurp - I have the luxury of being married to my best friend. We dated for 13 years, and for one of those years he was in South Africa fighting Apartheid - worked with Nelson Mandela. We wrote letters to one another weekly - so one day my kids will have about 110 letters that talk about (among other tings) the political climate and human rights issues in South Africa at the time (like people waiting in the desert for 3 days to be able to vote for the first time when Americans can't even take 15 minutes to go do it) - sorry - I digress.

Will check in later! Have a good day!


I'll be walking the Komen 3-day (60 miles) the week after Cathe's RT. Here's my webpage.
Good Morning RTers!

Today was HSC for me. I really like this workout...very fun and challenging for me!

Kathy--Congrats on the good report! I also get good reports on everything, but those last 5-7 lbs. just won't budge!! Frustrating!

ShellyC--Thank you for the good luck wishes on the 5K. I ran 3 (slow) miles yesterday to make sure that I could do it. I have had so many injuries lately and have to start my running over!!

Lorrie--4:15?? You are an EARLY BIRD!! You must go to bed early.

Blurp---Okay.. Here is something weird about my cute little Welsh Corgi. When I go into the room where I work out, she gets so excited and runs in there to LICK my weights!! What is up with that??

Good morning all!

Didn't start out my day very nutritiously (did I spell that right?). My DD and I had to drive my DH to work today since his truck is in the shop. We had plenty of time before she had to be to school so we went to IHOP. Now I feel like a slug. And I could use a nap! Pancakes are just sitting in my belly like a rock. Tasted good going down though!!:9

GS BSB is on my rotation for tonight. Looking forward to it. Will probably tack on some tricep work.

Trying to think of a good blurb...we have a cat! Exciting, I know! We adopted her from the MSPCA a few years ago. She lives in the basement by choice. I call her the "cellar-dweller". She's crabby.

Have a good one!
Kathy - congrats on the numbers! That is excellent. Sounds like you are doing great.

Josie - I added you to myspace friends, just in case you weren't sure who "Tess" was. :) That is great news on the award! I love history but I have a hard time remembering dates and timelines. :)

Lorrie - wow your DH has led an interesting life. That will be such a treasure for your kids to read those letters.

Gin - your doggie sounds precious! My cat loves to lick ME while I'm working out. The minute I start doing floor work, he decides he wants to be loving. Any other time he just ignores me haha.

Last night's workout was Tone it Up. My traps are sore today. Today will either be Cool it Off or cardio. I borrowed Cardio Hits from Karin (berry99 here) and it's been taunting me. :)

Blurp: My DH and I only knew each other for 3 weeks before we got married. This year will be 10 years. I guess you could say I believe in love at first sight. Prior to DH my longest relationship was 6 months. :)

Have a great day ladies!

Don't cha' just love spring :) In the 80's for a few days, then it drops into the 40's?!

Melissa, I love IHOP's pancakes..:p

My wokout today is BG, I love what this workout does for my lower body.

Blurp- I am a mom to 4(DS21,DD17,DS12,DD8) beautiful kids.

Have a nice Easter weekend everyone.

Michelle :)
Good morning!
I actually got up this morning and went to a 5:45 yoga class! This is unheard of for me who is NOT a morning person at all. I feel great now but I'm sure I'll crash after lunch!
Blurp: I hate flying! I think Beth and Lara can understand! But I will fly to see Cathe and you all. My doctor actually gives me a few Xanax pills each year specifically to take on the plane with me -- just to relax my nerves a bit. So, Kathy, if you sit anywhere near me on the plane, I'll be clutching your hand!!
Tess, only knew your hubby for 3 weeks before you married him - WOW! And still going after 10 years! I'm the opposite -- my husband and I were high school sweethearts and knew each other for 10 years before we married and have been married now for almost 14 years!
Have a great Thursday!
Today is my third childs 23 birthday. So, we will be going to lunch to celebrate. We go to lunch for all of the kids birthday. It has been a tradition for 30 years. With ten kids that can be expensive! We have 3 birthdays in August.

Beth - So your husband brought you home chocolate cake? What a great husband. Ha-Ha.

ShellyC - I hope Cathe does something similar to Drill Max when we get there as a surprise.

Michelle - Yeah, what's up with spring? We have snow here and it is disgusting to say the least. We had 50 mile per hour winds all day yesterday. Here it is spring break and last week we had 70 degree weather. It got down to 20 last night! Go figure!

Gin - how hilarious about your dog that licks your weights! It must be that he loves weight training, too! Animals are so cute!

Lara - I am just like you with flying! I absolutely hate to fly. I haven't flown since May of 2000. That is one of the things that held me back a bit about going on the Road Trip. But I want to go so badly, I will live, I hope! I never take anything when I fly. I just grip my seat with my hands until they are white when we take off! My mouth goes absolutely dry, too.

Tess - WOW! Only knowing your husband 3 weeks before your marriage. That is almost unheard of and you are celebrating 10 years of marriage. That is absolutely awesome!

Blurp - I have three cats - One is 19 years old - the other two are 4 and 2. We also have peacocks and this is mating season for them. So, it gets really loud around here for about two months!

Ugg totally missed check in yesterday because of an all day and all night negotiation. In at 9am out at 11pm!! UGGG why do I do this? Anyway even with that I was PROUD to say I ran 4 miles in the morning prior to work.

Today, is another slammed day so probably just do TimeSaver.

No time even for nutritionals


Married for 7 years, no kids, no pets, 4 nephews, 2 nieces who are spoiled ROTTEN


I'm sort of new here! Nice to meet you all, I'm really looking forward to August!

I've lost a total of about 50 pounds in the last few years, so now I am maintaining. I acutally love to workout, it makes me feel good. Which is good, because I also love to eat...

Workout for Today
- 30 minutes of Tae Bo and 20 minute of upper body weights (segment from Body Max 2)
- Will teach Body Attack class tonight at gym

A blurp from me - I was in the Tae Bo Amped infomercial. I did an on-camera interview with Billy Blanks, but they ended up not using it in the infomercial. But I got to workout with Billy and spend time with him and that was very cool :)
Good morning ladies,

My DD Alesia started to doing Cathe's Basic Step yesterday!

Josie Congrats on your award. Have fun with your GS! I love the GS!

Brook welcome! How cool is that working out with Billy Blanks!

Todays workout it going to be a 45 min. bike ride! Not sure what
cardio I am going to do!

Blurp: I am married almost 24 years. I meet my DH in Germany!

Hallo to everyone who follows today!
HI ladies!

Haven't checked in a few days, but doesn't mean I haven't been keeping busy with my workouts!

This week:
Wednesday - Cardio Fusion (60 mins of it - didn't do drills 5 and 6)
Tuesday - Imax 1 (felt SO great afterward!)
Monday - Amy Bento Kickbox Extreme (60 min)
Sunday - Gym Style Legs

Doing GREAT with WW still - hopped on the scale and saw another pound lost - 9 lbs since March 11th! Only 17 lbs. to my goal.

Here is my "blurb" for today

-I'm 27 and celebrating my 4th wedding anniversary on May 3rd.
-I LOVE clothes shopping, especially since I've lost weight and have higher confidence/self-esteem.

Hi trippers.

I have been having a terrible time with my eating. I'm not sure what's going on, but I can't control what goes in my mouth. *sigh* I can't even blame it on TOM. I'm going through menopause and have no idea when TOM is anymore!!! I guess I'll blame it on menopause. I'm certainly feeling yesterday's workout. Today has to be a rest day for me. I have too much going on after work to squeeze a workout in.

Kathy, great news on all your blood work. I cringe to think what my cholesterol is. I used to get free screeenings when I'd give blood, but they haven't offered one in years. Funny that I work in a lab and have no idea anymore what my cholesterol is.

Phyllis, so how much vacation time do you have? I've worked in the same place for 26 years, but maxed out at 20 days of vacation after 15 years. I'd rather have more vacation time than a raise!

ShellyC, sounds like you have some great roomies. I'll be rooming with my DH, but he's been told not to expect to see much of me. He has plans to sight see in Philly and loaf in the hotel.

Josie, congratulations on the award. My DH and I love history, although I have a hard time remembering most of what I learn. So, are your tatoos historical? Like, do you have one of, say, Washington crossing the Delaware? Or maybe one of the beheading of Ann Bolyn? Or maybe the magna carta?

Swifty, I imagine having you whole family on the same road can be a good thing and a bad thing?

Beth, thanks for the comment regarding my grandson. I really should update his pictures. One of these days when my DD can sit down and help her computerally challenged mom. I've never been to Myrtly Beach, but, like I said, any beach any where, will make me happy.

Wow, Lorrie, your DH worked with Nelson Mandela? That is so cool. I'm afraid I've never done anything as far reaching and important as that. Teaching Bible school every summer is about as self sacrificing as I get.

Gin, I love corgies. A friend of mine babysat one once. What a cute dog!

Tess, well, I guess 3 weeks was all you needed! My DH says he knew right away he was going to marry me.

Melissa, gotta love a cat. We have 2.

Michelle, I don't even wanna talk about the weather.

Colleen, good job with the yoga class. And good luck with the flying. I don't mind the flying, I just hate all the hassle before you even get on the airplane. I used to think getting there was half the fun, but anymore, travel days are just one big headache.

Cheryl, we lost our old man kitty last year. He was 18 years old. I just finished repainting and recarpeting my DS's room, where Elmo used to spend most of his time. It was kind of sad to find tufts of his fur under the bed.

Kim, enjoy your long weekend.

Brooke, that's cool about being in an fitness infomercial.

Blurb - My 23 year old son has Prader Willi Syndrome. Some of you are familiar with this, but it is news to others and I never miss a chance to educate people about PW. It is a genetic birth defect (but usually not inheritable) that causes disfunction of the hypothalmus. This results in an uncontrollable appetite and a slow metabolism, leading to obesity. The urge to eat is overwhelming and we had to lock all of our food up. This included locks on the frig and freezer, the cupboard doors and the door to the basement. The syndrome causes other problems like retardation and behavioral problems. You can check out for more information. We had to fight with our county mental retardation agency for four years to get them to recognize DS as retarded and enable him to qualify for funds that allow him to live in a residence specific for his syndrome. Since he moved into the residence 8 months ago, he has lost 60 pounds (he still has 40 to go to reach his goal), has a girlfriend, and has a job. He finally has a life. For about 3 months after he moved, we had a life too,until Greyor was born, but that is a whole other blurb.

Whew, I've written a book. Sorry. Have a great day all.

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