Road Trippers 4/5

Hello, everyone!

I haven't posted in a day or two. I am going away for the Easter holiday to visit family in De., so I've been real busy!! I'm leaving Fri. and will be back on Tues., so I won't be checking in for a few days. I will be bringing my portable DVD player, and a few Cathe dvd's. There is no way I could go 4 days without working out!!:)

Blurp: I am a single mom, and I am self-employed as a hairstylist! I am considering becoming certified as a personal trainer some day. My daughter is 5, and I never thought I could love another person as much as I do her:D Of course it can be challenging, but its well worth it. I have a huge amount of respect for you moms who have several children!!:7

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!Talk to ya soon, Nancy~~
Good Afternoon RTers!

Checking in with a rest day as I have strep throat AGAIN (had it in Feb, too). UGH! I'm sick of being sick. Eating has been crappy, too, as it hurts to eat most anything.

A bit about me: we breed rabbits. My son (age 8) and I do Holland Lops and we currently have a litter of 6 day old bunnies (5 in this litter). They're very cute!

Hi Carol sorry you have strep throat again! My DD Alesia ( she is part of the RT) had strep throat last week! I hope you feel better soon!
Take care!
So, this is my second time posting here, I didn't get a chance yesterday as the computer wasn't cooperating. Of course one of my 15 year old sons finally figured out how to fix it ( since when do our kids become smarter than us??!)

So far today I have been procrastinating on the workout, but as soon as I am done here I am heading to the basement for Mucle Max and 30 minutes cardio on the elliptical. Then tonight I teach a cardio sculpt class.

Kathy, congrats on the great bloodwork.

Brooke, I also met Billy Blanks on a cruise last year. He actually approached me after seeing me work out next to him every day of the cruise. That was pretty cool. He was very nice and very complimenntary and had alot of the people from the infommercials with him as well including his daughter.

Robin, Kudos to you and your family for all you have been through with your son. My two oldest boys (15 yrs.) have Cerebral Palsy (they are two of triplets, their triplet brother passed away at age 6 yrs. and also had CP) and I know the daily struggles and triumphs of raising a child with a disability. It sounds like he is doing well, and obviously has had the love and support of his family to get him where he is now.

Blurp... I met my husband on a blind date almost 20 years ago and we have been married almost 18 years. He is simply the most amazing man in the world and I am so completely blessed to have him in my life.

To everyone else, one day at a time. Go easy on yourself if you haven't had a perfect eating day or workout day and just strive to do better tomorrow. Celebrate your successes and let the rest go! ( easy advice to give, hard to take... I know!!)

Okay, enough procrastinating... time for the torture ( I mean workout!! LOL)

Have a wonderful day!

I am checking in with a rest day. I had not planned on taking one today because I have been eating EVERYTHING I can get my hands on this weekx( I was exhausted when I got home from work, so I listened to my body and took a 1 hour nap---I have not done that in a long time, and it felt wonderful!! I plan to get back on track tomorrow with an extra long workout!

Kathy..Congrats on such wonderful test results!! Your hard work looks like it has paid off.

Josie...Congratulations on your outstanding achievement award.

Beth..I love Disney World. I am sure you will have a wonderful time celebrating with your family. I wish I was driving to the RT as well!, you dated 13 years. I have dated my BF for 10 years. We have talked recently of marraige, but nothing is official yet. Did you constantly get asked questions about why you weren't married?

Gin...That is too cute about your dog! My dog sometimes licks my weights, but I think it is because she likes the leftover salt from sweating so much.

Melissa...I adopted a cat 9 years ago, and I still can't pet him without him biting me (which results in bleeding and scars on my arms and legs:( )--talk about crabby!!

Colleen...I may have to inquire to my doctor about Xanex to help calm my nerves on the plane!

Cheryl...2000 has been awhile. I also hesitated when thinking about the road trip because it involved flying. Good luck on your flight. I will be thinking about you as I am taking off also griping my seat:)

Brooke and cool that you got to work-out with Billy Blanks!

Tracy..It looks like you have had some good workouts this week. I also LOVE to shop for clothes!!

Robin..What an encouraging success story about your son with PW. I can only imagine how tough it was to fight 4 years to get the services you and your son deserved. I am glad your son is making such good progress.

Nancy...Have a wonderful Easter visit. You sound like me when I go on vacation. I always have a few Cathe DVDs in tow.

Vicki...I am a pediatric physical therapist. I work with several children with CP (and don't tell anyone, but they are often my favorite children to work with). I hope your sons are doing well. I am sorry to hear about their brother.

Carol..feel better soon!

I hope everyone has a great Friday!!

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