Rhea's April Rotation

Hi Rhea!

It's so great that you're getting all that sleep. I envy you that. When this deadline is over, I intend doing the same thing.

In the meantime, I'm slugging along with this manuscript...x(

I have a very similar consideration about the new FitPrimes and KickButt. I'm sort of following Jeanie's rotation as she's doing mostly those. I do admit that the intensive exercise gives me a really good feeling. And I think that's what I like most about it.

Well, rest up, get that yard work done -- my brother-in-law is moving in with us this weekend and so our house is in an uproar, so to speak. But I'm here in my office, while the fellows are doing all the hard work. (Like mine isn't...)

Have a great one.:7

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