Restarting STS September 21


Hi Everyone,
I just got back from a Caribbean Cruise :D and ready to restart STS. I only got through a few discs when I started a couple of months ago, but now I'm ready to commit to doing the whole series. Anyone starting on Sept 21??
Lori - I am starting STS for the first time Tuesday, the 22nd. I am just finishing up by 1 RM's. That has been a day after day workout for days!
Hi Debbie - maybe we can cheer each other on. I started STS a few months back, but did continue. This time I'm determined to complete it!
I'll admit it too, I only did Meso 1 and 2 and my one week break was the week of August 24. Dreading the heavy lifting of Meso 3, I got lazy and finally decided to do some running and other Cathe workouts until the STS tower arrived, which mine will be here on Friday! I'm starting Meso 3 on Sunday! Woo hoo!

I hope we can all get through STS completely and celebrate our accomplishment! Good luck Lori and Debbie!
Thanks Brandie! and good luck to you too. I wish I could get the tower, but the shipping up to Canada is not affordable...
Luckily I don't need the Tower - we have something else here already that my husband has.

I did get my Pace Weights and my Troy Lite bar and weights today so I am super psyched to start on Tuesday. Because of kids/schedules, etc. I picked Tuesday to start instead of Monday.
I'm going to start the week after you guys. I just got a troy lite barbell (the first time around I used the Ivanko aerobic bar from the old firm vids and think it is so big around that it hurt my wrists....much more comfortable with the troy), a new HRM AND the tower today. My husband is wondering what all these gizmos arriving at the house are!
I'll join you. I was going to wait till Nov. but decided today to start Sunday. Want to do a check'in?

I did M1 & M2 in Mar. & Apr. but I've never done M3. This time I want to finish it.
Guess when this rotation will be completed? Just in time for New Years Eve!! WOOHOO!!!

I don't have the tower either. DH would kill me if I bought it. I use my Fluidity bar. I works fine.
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Hi Cindy - sounds good! I need to be accountable, so a check in is a great idea.
I haven't been a total sloth, have been doing Cardio Coach several times a week, but need to get back to the weights.
I want the Tower, but the shipping to Canada is beyond my budget right now. I just make do with what I have for now.
Have a great weekend!:D
I've gained too, but just got back from a cruise. So much food, so much laying around on the beaches. I did get into the gym on the elliptical and bike a few times, but there's no way I could burn off the calories gained.
Now back to reality...
Hey Everyone-

A group of us who all started STS again in sept have a check-in if you would like to come join us. Its called Let's Do This Again STSept-Dec!. We are all on different schedules, discs etc, depending on where we are in the process, so its not too late to come on over and join us.

I'm restarting STS today. I only made it through Meso 1 before I quit. I'm determined to see it through this time round.
I'm planning on starting next week so I'm right behind ya! Have FUN!! I thought about starting today but I'm getting over a cold and feel like it might be smart to wait a week (though it's hard knowing that you and others are starting today - LOL!).
I think my body responds better to a mix of weight training and cardio. I have great results with Cathe strength. If I needed to lose I usually did MuscleMax and cardio before STS came along. I had good results the first STS go round and I only did M1 & M2.
I only gained 3 pounds w/Insanity but still!!! I'm going to do a STS/Insanity rotation as I love the intense Insanity work plus ShaunT is HOT!!!
BTW...I'm a small pear...if that helps. And my legs respond well to heavy lifting. I know some pears prefer barr or floor work. I like weights.
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