resistance bands


does anyone know what type of bands cathe uses--- i understand that there are different types (levels?) where can i purchase?
Hi Thinsgreat! Yes, we were using green (medium tension) dynabands cut at a 6 foot length in most of my DVD's except for the upcoming STS series. In STS and from here on out we will be using green medium tension bands that I have in my Fitness By Cathe line (available very shortly). These green bands have a little more tension (making the exercises a bit more intense) than the dynaband green bands, so keep that in mind with whatever band you end up selecting. Funny story...we started out STS rehearsals with the dynaband green bands and then about three weeks into rehearsals our Fitness By Cathe resistance bands arrived and we quickly converted at the next rehearsal...YOWSA, I almost thought I was going to have to rewrite some choreography and or downsize some reps but remembered that most of our customers will still have the dynaband bands anyway. But no worries, you can't go wrong either way. We eventualy got used to the increased tension of the new bands and all was (and is) good:)
thanks cathe---i really enjoy your videos, i do have another question that i hope you can help with: "whole body workout vs body parts workout"

i'm curious how many people do total body workouts (w/ weights )maybe 3 days/week vs.isolating: monday-chest/back, wed-legs, fri-shoulders, bi's....

Is there a difference--- is whole body (more reps, right?) only for endurance and the parts for strength? can you do the whole body for strength--- sometimes i get bored doing an hour of leg work.

would you consider the isolated workouts more advanced than whole body?

can i keep doing whole body just in different order to keep shocking the system or do i need to break it up?

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