I have had the original Kindle for a little over a year, and I love it more all the time! It's great for books, but about eight months ago I also started getting my newspaper via the Kindle. No messy newsprint, no newspaper to recycle, no missed issues, no stopping delivery if I'm traveling! The charge on the original lasts a ton of time (easily 5 days of reading time if I don't do downloads), and from what I've read, the Kindle 2 holds a charge even longer. The charger is dual voltage, so you can charge (though not yet download) if you are traveling internationally. The selection of books keeps improving as well. I really can't say enough good stuff about it. A bonus: it's a total "boy magnet"! Everywhere I go with it, men come up and ask about it. Hey, maybe Amazon should add that to the list of features! Seriously, though, it's just an awesome device, and it sounds like the new one is even better.