Rekindle the "Kindle" Question


A while back I saw a post where someone asked about the Kindle. I am now very fascinated with this device and am considering purchasing. I was wondering if more people have acquired this and if so, do you like it? I travel a lot for my job so see this as a great way to carry a lot of books with me. Amazon just announced their Kindle 2, so I am looking for any feedback.

My 94 year old grandmother ownes the original and loves it.....I played with it a bit and found it's very easy to use. I ordered the Kindle's on reserve order and won't be delivered until around the 24th of this month. A selling point for me is that amazon stores also all the books you've ordered. A copy of every book you purchased is backed up online at in case you ever need to download it again. Heck, you can change the page print, mark your page, read 2 books at once etc, just has so many wonderful features from what I could see. Now the new Kindle 2 can even read to you!!..I just had to get one for myself. I can't wait to get mine.
Thanks Robin!
Yes the features on this look amazing. I went ahead and preordered as well. One of the other things that got me excited, was when I reviewed some of the thousands of books available. Besides my favorite reads, all of the business books I currently use are available on Kindle. So I can use it for both pleasure and work and maybe even enchance my productivty!

Jo, I posted the thread on this that you are referring to. I ordered in November and my expected shipping date was March (it's an Oprah thing). I finally canceled and then reordered the Kindle 2. A co-worker of mine has the original Kindle and she loves it for all the reasons Robin mentioned. I want it and I don't even travel. If I traveled a lot, I would consider it to be a "must have". I can't wait to get mine!!
I have had the original Kindle for a little over a year, and I love it more all the time! It's great for books, but about eight months ago I also started getting my newspaper via the Kindle. No messy newsprint, no newspaper to recycle, no missed issues, no stopping delivery if I'm traveling! The charge on the original lasts a ton of time (easily 5 days of reading time if I don't do downloads), and from what I've read, the Kindle 2 holds a charge even longer. The charger is dual voltage, so you can charge (though not yet download) if you are traveling internationally. The selection of books keeps improving as well. I really can't say enough good stuff about it. A bonus: it's a total "boy magnet"! Everywhere I go with it, men come up and ask about it. Hey, maybe Amazon should add that to the list of features! Seriously, though, it's just an awesome device, and it sounds like the new one is even better.
Nancy & Jo,

I feel like today's Christmas....I just received mine. Yippee! really is so much thinner than the original. (I really couldn't tell from the web picture.)

I'm charging that baby up now. :) Then I have plans to order some books...hehehe.
Robin, I am so excited for you!! Mine will arrive on March 2. Unfortunately, my case won't come until the following week. No way am I taking the K2 out of the house without a case. Did you order a case, Robin? I CAN'T WAIT TO GET MINE!!!!!
Nancy & Jo,

I feel like today's Christmas....I just received mine. Yippee! really is so much thinner than the original. (I really couldn't tell from the web picture.)

I'm charging that baby up now. :) Then I have plans to order some books...hehehe.

MINE'S HERE TOO!! I just got home from work and it was here! My UPS notice said it would be here tomorrow so I'm delighted, surprised and, like you Robin, feel like it's Christmas! I just plugged it in to charge. It's much sleeker than I expected. I already have some books in my shopping list just waiting to be bought and downloaded! I'm beyond excited! I'll be up reading tonight!

Nancy, just wait until you see it! :eek: WOOHOO!!!! :p

Jo :D:D:D:D
Oh yes....2 cases the Kindle and the Patagonia (waterproof and zips) cases. I also bought the little book light....although it does look like my itty bitty book light might still clip onto the amazon case. My husband says I'm doing way more than my part to stimulate the economy (geez).
A while back I saw a post where someone asked about the Kindle. I am now very fascinated with this device and am considering purchasing. I was wondering if more people have acquired this and if so, do you like it? I travel a lot for my job so see this as a great way to carry a lot of books with me. Amazon just announced their Kindle 2, so I am looking for any feedback.


I have the original Kindle. I would rate it OK at best.

The parts that turn the pages are very sensitive.

Plus the cost of books is way more than used books at Amazon Direct.

Any book with illustrations look horrible on the Kindle.

Finally, the number of books is still limited.

I almost never use my Kindle. It is too much trouble and way too expensive.
My library card is pretty darn cool....and my tax dollars already paid for it ;)

Actually, a Kindle would be cool for work related reading.
Let us know how you like it Nancy. I just watched the Jon Stewart episode from a couple days ago where the CEO of Amazon was on showing the Kindle 2 off. It looked so SLIM!!

I have the original Kindle. I would rate it OK at best.

The parts that turn the pages are very sensitive.

Plus the cost of books is way more than used books at Amazon Direct.

Any book with illustrations look horrible on the Kindle.

Finally, the number of books is still limited.

I almost never use my Kindle. It is too much trouble and way too expensive.

On the Kindle 2....they have have corrected the problem with the accidental page turning that occurs on the original Kindle. They have also improved the graphics. As for limited books....I totally disagree. Besides the books on Amazon ...there are also thousands of free books available from an incredible amount of sources. You just have to do a little homework:

Heck, you never even have to buy an amazon book if you don't want to.
It's super slim! Very sleek. :D

Nancy - tell more! Are you as excited as I am? Today I got through all of the user manual...I can't believe all the features. I've already downloaded a couple of reference books for work and know this will be an incredibly wonderful productivity tool. I have a business trip next week so I'll get to try it out!

I downloaded several other books from Amazon that were all free! Yippee!

Jo :D
On the Kindle 2....they have have corrected the problem with the accidental page turning that occurs on the original Kindle. They have also improved the graphics. As for limited books....I totally disagree. Besides the books on Amazon ...there are also thousands of free books available from an incredible amount of sources. You just have to do a little homework:

Heck, you never even have to buy an amazon book if you don't want to.

Thank you for this link! I have to get busy reading!

Jo :eek:
Thank you for this link! I have to get busy reading!

Jo :eek:

Anytime...:) I also found 3 books on Amazon for free. I figured if they don't appeal too me I can delete them.

I also wanted to correct myself when I previously stated the graphics have been improved on the Kindle 2...I meant to say grayscale, which makes for much better illustrations.

Anyway, I do respect that some people just prefer the feel of a book in their hands. I also thought I would be one of them, but I'm not.

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