I think I'm ready to purchase, but not sure where to buy. FW online has them, but they are $19.95 just for 1 pair! I'm guessing i'll need at least 4, is this a fair price?
I got the Paceweights directly from there web site and it was $50 and that included shipping. I got one box and I love them!! It's 9 .5lb plates...I think it's plenty.
Thanks Carolyn! I was going to go with pace weights, but there's a Fitness Resource right near the mall here too. Sounds like this would be a lot cheaper!
edit: Darnit. The two Fitness Resources that I called are out of them. Which one did you get them at?
My mistake Pace Weights are for use with dumbbells...sorry...but still I love them!! I was on the fence about getting them for the past 6 months or so, but now with the feeling like STS may come soonish I decided to just get them and I'm so glad I did. I did Pyramid Upper body yesturday and by just adding 1 lb to each I got a much better workout than I have in a long time with that DVD!....Now I have to start my 1RM, but that task seems so huge I keep putting it off.
What is the difference btwn pace weights & plate mates??
I am looking for the ones to go on dumbells. I have a mish mosh of dbs, mainly hex steel ones, but my 15#s are Gold's Gym brand - round shaped w/steel on "rim", but plastic coated circle inside of that.
Pace Weights are made for the hex steel dumbells...check them out at this website:www.paceweights.com the ones called plate mates are for barbell plates.
These are plate mates. They come in 5/8 & 1.25 lb pairs.
These are pace weights.
I have plate mates and really like them. They work really well on my hex DB's and they even hold onto my troy lite BB rubber plates. They make for quick loading especially for a w/o like PUB. I also have 1lb wrist weights so with my 1.25 lb plate mates I can take a 15lb DB to 16, 16.25, 17.25, 17.50 and 18.50. Once I can do 18.50 then the jump to a 20lb DB is easier to make.
This is the first time I have head about the Plate Mates. They look like something that I could really use. Does anyone know if you can use them with the Rubber Encased Olympic plates with chrome Olympic Bar?
This is great to know. I haven't paid much attention to the talk about the Platemates and pace weights because I didn't think I have any weights or dumbbells they will work on. Anyone know whether Platemates can be purchased in "real" stores or are an online-only product?<---This has probably been discussed many times before -- apologies in advance if this is a repetitious question.
This is the first time I have head about the Plate Mates. They look like something that I could really use. Does anyone know if you can use them with the Rubber Encased Olympic plates with chrome Olympic Bar?
JJ, thanks for the link -- I'll check it out. Darn! I wish I had known about the coupon -- good for you! I should get mine tomorrow, so we'll see what I think of them.