Rebuy VHS to DVD


I currently own Power Hour, Maximum Intensity Strength and Body Max on VHS. Do you think it's worth my while to rebuy them on DVD?
I still own many of Cathe's older workouts when they only came in VHS. I personally don't see the need to rebuy them on dvd just yet. Maybe I'm cheap that way but its the same workout except on a different format.

I told myself a long time back I will rebuy them on dvd only when the vhs version finally gives up on me.

I have Cathe's vhs workouts some older than 10 yrs old and they still work fine; as a matter of fact I am doing CTX UB split that came on vhs today. lol
I agree that if the videos are working fine, there's no need to rebuy. These workouts don't have premixes (one big plus of DVD's over VHS) so you wouldn't get that benefit.

The only reason I'd see to rebuy them on DVD (unless your video copies go bad) is if you plan to do the workout in a different order and jump from one chapter to another in the workout.
I guess you're right it is kind of silly to spend more money on the same workouts. I just have this thing about using DVD's as opposed to VHS. I almost never pull out my VHS workouts.
I don't think it's silly if you'll get more use out of them. I did replace my VHS with DVDs of these workouts and don't think it was a waste of money at all. I definitely use them more (and differently) than if I hadn't replaced them. Although they don't have premixes you can mish mosh ad inifinitum with them. Say B-Max step and circuits followed by the lower body portions of PH and/or MIS, that'll get your legs shakin'! Working one upper body part by combining any of the 3 upper body routines on the DVD is a quick and easy way to get the arms buzzing. I'm a thrifty gal also but don't feel that this purchase was in any way frivolous.

Take Care

If you own a DVD recorder you can just copy your VHS tapes to DVD. This is legal if you are making copies of your own tapes for your personal use. This is what I have done with many of my VHS tapes. I have also create my own "pre-mixes'" by creating separate chapters while recording. For example- I have created an all lower body DVD, an all upper body DVD and an all ABS DVD.. I have also created a cardio mix DVD utilizing segments from Interval Max, RS, Body Max 1, and MIC.


Could you tell me what kind of DVD player you own or what I should be looking for when buying one. I would love to do this but have to admit I am not that technical when it comes to TV/DVD things. I have a fair number of videos that I would definitely do if I owned them on DVD.
I have a Sony DVD recorder and and a Panasonic DVD recorder. You can probably use any brand of DVD recorder to copy your VHS tapes to DVD. Just start the VHS tape playing on your TV and press record on your DVD player. The VHS player and the DVD recorder should be connected to separate inputs on your receiver.

For VHS tapes that are copy protected with macrovison you can use various methods to remove the copy protection. For an example- see this WEB page ( Cathe VHS tapes are not protected with macrovision- at least the ones that I own)

>Could you tell me what kind of DVD player you own or what I
>should be looking for when buying one. I would love to do
>this but have to admit I am not that technical when it comes
>to TV/DVD things. I have a fair number of videos that I would
>definitely do if I owned them on DVD.

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