Really want to lower body fat


Active Member

I am almost positive this question has been asked before but I searched and couldn't find anything! :) So I'll ask it anyway!

To give you my depressing stats, I am 5'1", weigh 135, and recently was measured with calipers to have a body fat of 33%. Ugh!!! I just started personal training sessions with a trainer at my gym, and wanted to check her ideas with you!!!!

She is suggesting at least 5x week of cardio, and 3x week weight training.

Monday: Chest, Back, Shoulders (using pretty heavy weight, about 3 sets each exercise), and Abs; 45 min. cardio afterwards

Tues.: Kickboxing class with 30 added minutes of cardio beforehand

Wed.: Biceps, Triceps, Abs, 45 min. cardio

Thurs.: Recommended 60 min. cardio

Fri.: Legs, Abs, 45 min. cardio

Either Sat. or Sun.: 60 min. cardio, rest day the other day

When I hear people say that they recommend working muscle groups 2x week, how would you do that with this type of split rotation? For example, most of my body fat is below my abdomen (rear end, hips, thighs). Should I do a focused leg workout more than 1x week?

I really like the elliptical trainer, and just used the step mill for the first time tonight (the stairs to nowhere!). I also have access to a treadmill & bike. Oh, and I do have a heart rate monitor.

We are also working on my diet, she recommends about 60% carbs, 30% protein, & 10% fat.

Any advice or suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated!Jeez, I just re-read what I wrote and maybe I should pay YOU instead of my personal trainer!

If anyone else has suggestions, feel free to e mail me privately.

Hi, Jessica! You didn't post your e-mail address, so I thought I'd make a suggestion here.

You may already have thought of this, but for your cardio, I'd build in a good mix of aerobic equipment (treadmill, elliptical trainer, bike, etc.) with other forms of aerobic work (kickboxing, step aerobics, hi/lo) on a weekly basis that require you to work through varied ranges of motion and varied PLANES of motion.

Aerobic equipment is great but you are usually only "forced" to work in the forward/back sagittal plane of motion, and the range of motion is limited and repetitive. Thus certain muscle groups will not be challenged very much, especially those that move your limbs in the frontal plane (hip abductors/adductors, middle deltoids, etc.) Just like with strength training, you want a constant "body shock" to keep yourself working hard aerobically.

Just a thought . . .

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-02 AT 01:34PM (Est)[/font][p]This is one thing I tell clients . . .

You could stay in the gym 8 hours a day, every day, and blow all of your hard work in one meal. One big fat-ladden meal, like mexican or italian with lots of cheese, and your workout is negated for fat loss purposes.

Fat around the thighs, hips and low abdomen is usually the last to budge for women, because that is where your body tries to store it's baby-making energy. It will go in time, but doing extra leg exercises won't make more fat leave from just your legs. You can firm the muscles under the fat in an area, but you can't make fat disappear from just one area. It will leave in the opposite order you are genetically disposed to store fat, spot-fat-reduction isn't possible.

All that exercise is wonderful!!!!!! Keep it up!!!!! But exercise without proper nutrition will not allow you to maximize your results.
So maybe since I gain fat first in my belly that's why the 5 lbs I've managed to lose this January came off mostly in my arms? Lol, well atleast my arms are skinny now...darn, I never win.
Since you want to focus on legs more, I'd just choose cardio that really works your lower body, like spinning or jogging. It sounds like you'll be pretty busy in the gym (Lots of cardio!!), so this way you could just do 1 leg day a week to start.

good luck- and remember to ease into this program, take a day or two off if you feel you should, don't give up if you eat badly one day or skip a workout, and make sure you choose cardio you enjoy!
Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I am working with the trainer on my diet as well, as I know what damage I can do to a workout with a badly planned (or not planned at all) meal!

Did anyone find that when they first started using heavier weights that they saw a stall on the scale? I have been eating better for the last 2 weeks than ever before. I have been drinking a bunch of water, and staying away from salty processed foods. Could it be that my muscles are retaining water from the added workouts? I am already seeing improvement in my upper body, I am much leaner in the upper body than my lower body.

Oh well! After reading all the messages on this board I am going to keep up my hard work! I am worth it! :)

Thanks again,
Jessica -

Just ran across this thread and wondered how you were doing on your new program? My body is similar to yours and I noticed when started regular weight lifting that 2 pounds were added to the scale. Did this finally go away for you?
Personally, I think MOnday looks like too much. I would never try and work 2 of my largest muscle groups--chest and back-- and then follow-up with 45 mintues of aerobics. How much energy will you have left if you are giving thos big groups your all? Plus you are doing shoulders that day!

On the topic of shoulders, I think a lot of women really want to build some size in their shoulders to "cap off" the upper body and make their waist look more narrow. I wouldn't compromise my shoulder energy by placing them with chest and back. I'd put them on any other day. Maybe Thurs. would be good--they have some rest after "helping" with chest and kickboxing, plus they get to rest before chest day rolls around again.

Just my opinion. Jeanne
Hey Jessica! I'm a certified fitness instructor and what I tell my members is to NOT weigh themselves but definitely do the body fat. My reason for this is that muscle just weighs SO much that you'll get frustrated looking for significant weight loss. I really encourage looking for changes in physique, clothing size, body fat and last (BUT NOT LEAST AT ALL) overall health issues. e.g. blood pressure, cholesterol, heart health, etc.

Here are my stats: 5'2", 135 (16 weeks ago before I was pregnant!:), body fat 15%, and clothes size? 4-6. And, of course, I carry must of my weight in my thighs and butt. Go figure. My weight is a guestimate because I have not stepped on a scale and looked in over 7 years. My baby doctor let's me step on backwards and is sweet enough not to comment!

Just my 2 cents. Good luck!
How do you manage to get to 15% bodyfat?? What kind of diet do you follow or recommend to your clients? Those are great stats!! Any advice? For fat loss, would you do a split routine or a total body about 3x/week? God, I am so in need of some GOOD advice that works.

I would love also to hear your responses. I am presently at 143 (5'4")and have been doing really well with working out and eating well. I took 7 pounds off the first couple months and have not budged from this weight. I do cardio 5-6 times a week for 45-60 minutes and have started adding weight training 2X week. I use various tapes, Cathe's and the FIRM and some Kathy Smith tapes. I have just ordered some new Cathe's tapes (rythmic step and Step Jam) and have been thinking about getting the CTX series. I am getting pretty frustrated being stuck at this weight although am definitely fitting better into my clothes. Last time I did this (before I sprained my ankle) I got down to 135 and felt pretty good although my goal is 128. Am I doing enough cardio and should I be doing more weight training (can't do heavy weights because of an elbow injury right now!!!). Thanks in advance for any advice. Sandy
I just read for people new to weight training, three times per week per body part is very effective. For more experienced exercisers, there's not much additonal gain over training two times per week per body part. With that work out schedule, you'll lose. I agree wholeheartedly that your diet will make or break you and I love to give diet advice so eat lots of frutis and vegetables. I shoot for seven to nine servings a day. I also eat tons of whole grains, starting with a high fiber cereal in the morning. Brown rice, whole wheat pasta and whole grain breads make up the bulk of my carbs and I eat egg whites, salmon, tuna, chicken, tofu or soy protein isolate (a chi'kin fillet today) as my protein choices. Beans too--they are a wonderful source of fiber. I strictly avoid trans fats, eat a little olive oil and use it for cooking. Cheese or butter are consumed in moderation. A treat here or there and I am one satisfied and energetic workout machine! Toss that scale. If you work out and eat right you might end up weighing MORE. Muscle is more dense than fat and weighs more, but it's also more compact and takes up less space. Let how your clothes fit and how your body changes be your guide. What's important is getting fit and feeling great! You go, girl!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
I have gotten down to 108 pounds at 5'6" and I STILL have about 1/4" of junk sitting on the very bottom of my stomach. I don't think I'm ever going to get rid of it. I couldn't eat any cleaner than I do (you know that, LOL) and I drown myself in water. I guess this is what finally sends people to liposuction, although I'm way to cheap and chicken to go that route.
108 pounds at 5'6" is not much at all! I'm really not trying to sound preachy (I might though since so many of my college friends have eating disorders and want to be like 90 pounds), but it doesn't seem like you weigh much, so I wouldn't worry too much! Maybe you're small boned, but I am too and I'm 100 lbs at 5' tall. I wouldn't go much lower with your weight. Lots of us have an area that just won't budge. Sometimes when people loosen up with their strict diets and workouts, they actually lose weight! Go figure!
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Stepping on the scale backwards was very funny. (wished I'd thought of that!)

I am similar to you in that my height and weight are the same, but my body fat is about 24% as measured only once last summer at my daughters swim camp. Do you recommend a preferred method of body fat measuring for non gym users? I only exercise at home w/ Cathe and few other videos.

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :-
Hi everyone,

Yes, my program is going well. I just got back yesterday from a week long cruise in the Caribbean, and was happy to see that I only gained 3 lbs.! I felt like I gained 40! But actually, I was happy with the food choices I made there, I went snorkeling in Cozumel, kayaking & parasailing in Haiti, and shopping everywhere! And I got lots of nice compliments from some single men I met. :) And I am heading back to the gym today.

I consider myself basically a body in progress. :)

Keep up the great work everyone! You all inspire me to not pick up the potato chips!


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