I can make the July one, but not the August one. But I'm supposed to be out of town on the registration date for the July one. Guess I'm not going again this time.:(
OH MY!!! I can't believe I'm saying this, but this sounds like more fun than last years!!!!!

Maybe it's the jammies...:7 :+

Teresa, I'm trying for July, and so is Carolyn. But we will missss youuuuu!

edit: and who will drive without you there???:p
We will post details regarding hotel, transportation logistics, packing tips, flight tips, etc. soon.

Oh darn - I wish we could all go together! The dates for the first one don't work for me because I'm going to CO. that weekend. I think I'd be much more relaxed driving this time having done it once before. :p
I had a great time last year and I'm seriously considering the July one. My kids will be starting school around the time of the August trip so that might not work as well.

I've been doing nothing but thinking about this, and I'm bound and determined to make the July one. I just need to find someone who can register for me. Preferably someone who's a really fast typist:p
Allie!!!!!! You won't be able to register me AND you and get both of us in - I don't think anyone is that fast. I was thinking maybe someone who isn't going.;) I have a few irons in the fire. And if I make it in, I can't wait to meet you (and Tracey, of course:p).
I hope to go on the July RT

Can't wait to meet Cathe and all of you here in Cathe Land:)
My kids are so funny, they saw my excitement over the RT news
and are asking all kinds of questions. I think my littlest one
thinks it's like Disney Land:D

It will be a dream come true for me, and watch out Ladies
I start practicing for fitness idol today LOL!!}(

Brigitte:) :)

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