Re: Different definition in arms?


Hi Cathe:
I posted this question on the open discussion forum and received a few replies but thought I'd ask you. I am noticing that the definition in my left arm is more defined than in my right arm. I am right handed and figured that I would have more definition in my right arm than the left. Though I feel that my strength level on each arm is about the same, they look different. How can I improve this? I know that my body is not perfect and we should accept that, but to me it just looks a little noticeable.
Thanks Cathe.
Hi Erin, I had noticed something similar in my right leg. My quad in that leg seemed bigger and more defined. Everyone kept telling me that this leg was probably somewhat stronger but I didn't feel like I was working it differently and that I shouldn't worry about it etc.. I finally went to the doctor and discovered I had a lipoma under the the quad which was pushing my quad up and making it seem bigger. If I went to the doctor earlier, the surgery to remove it would have been easier and the incision smaller. In your case, maybe it is just a bigger muscle but my experience makes me caution anyone with an odd and seemingly inocuous symptom to just see a doctor, just in case. :)
My husband has greater definition in his left arm though he is right handed. He thinks it's because his left arm has to work harder to lift the same amount of weight as his right, hence the greater definition, bulging veins, etc. He could be wrong though.

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