The baby came
She was 7 lbs 5 oz and 21 inches long at 38 weeks. She would have been huge if I went past term.
I was induced at 38 weeks because my first 3 babies came VERY fast between 38 and 39 weeks and I live a long way from the hospital and the Dr. was afraid I would not make it there on time. Well she surprised us all and the inducement took almost 2 days but I'm so glad we did it and
Rachel was born on 12/2. She was stubborn and the inducement took 2 days. Other than being surprised it took so long, the hard labor part was only 3 hours.
Before they started the induction they did a sonogram to check the baby's postition. The discovered my amniotic fluid was dangerously low. The told me if the pregnancy were to continue more that 3 or 4 more days she could have had major problems so thank goodness I had come in for another reason.
I went in on 11/30 for cervadil overnight to get my cervix ready for induction. The next morning they started pitocin. The plan was when I got to 4cm to break my water. Well after being on pitocin for 14 hours I only got to 3 1/2 and 80% effaced so they decided to turn off the pitocin and let me get a good night sleep and start again in the morning. The pitocin was not painful at all, just made me very crampy and my husband and I joked that the day in the delivery room was a great chance to visit without our other kids.
The next morning my dr was not on call anymore but another dr from the practice who was SUPER nice came in and decided to break my water to get thins goimg. They started the pitocin again and within 1 hour the hard painful contractions started. The water breaking had sent me into hard labor. After 2 hours I asked for an epidural, and 1 hour later I had my baby girl in my arms!! So the hard labor part was only 3 hours but for the last hour I had an epidural. Pushing was painful but I can't complain- 2 good pushes and she was born.
The staff at the hospital was really nice. I was supposed to stay in post partum for 2 days but after 12 hours I was itching to go home since I spent 2 days in labor and delivery. I convinced my ob/gyn and the pediatrician to release Rachel and my after 24 hours and it was so nice to get home. Of my 4 children, the actual labor and birth was by far the easiest on me. Her apgar scores were 9 and 10 so even though the process was long, she tolerated it very well.
Anyway, Rachel and I are home safe and sound.
It still has not hit me I have 4 wonderful children.
Runathon and Briee, it made me smile to see you asking about me when I came back on line. I don't expect to be very active around here for the next few weeks while I adjust to the new baby but I wanted to give you an update.
She was 7 lbs 5 oz and 21 inches long at 38 weeks. She would have been huge if I went past term.
I was induced at 38 weeks because my first 3 babies came VERY fast between 38 and 39 weeks and I live a long way from the hospital and the Dr. was afraid I would not make it there on time. Well she surprised us all and the inducement took almost 2 days but I'm so glad we did it and
Rachel was born on 12/2. She was stubborn and the inducement took 2 days. Other than being surprised it took so long, the hard labor part was only 3 hours.
Before they started the induction they did a sonogram to check the baby's postition. The discovered my amniotic fluid was dangerously low. The told me if the pregnancy were to continue more that 3 or 4 more days she could have had major problems so thank goodness I had come in for another reason.
I went in on 11/30 for cervadil overnight to get my cervix ready for induction. The next morning they started pitocin. The plan was when I got to 4cm to break my water. Well after being on pitocin for 14 hours I only got to 3 1/2 and 80% effaced so they decided to turn off the pitocin and let me get a good night sleep and start again in the morning. The pitocin was not painful at all, just made me very crampy and my husband and I joked that the day in the delivery room was a great chance to visit without our other kids.
The next morning my dr was not on call anymore but another dr from the practice who was SUPER nice came in and decided to break my water to get thins goimg. They started the pitocin again and within 1 hour the hard painful contractions started. The water breaking had sent me into hard labor. After 2 hours I asked for an epidural, and 1 hour later I had my baby girl in my arms!! So the hard labor part was only 3 hours but for the last hour I had an epidural. Pushing was painful but I can't complain- 2 good pushes and she was born.
The staff at the hospital was really nice. I was supposed to stay in post partum for 2 days but after 12 hours I was itching to go home since I spent 2 days in labor and delivery. I convinced my ob/gyn and the pediatrician to release Rachel and my after 24 hours and it was so nice to get home. Of my 4 children, the actual labor and birth was by far the easiest on me. Her apgar scores were 9 and 10 so even though the process was long, she tolerated it very well.
Anyway, Rachel and I are home safe and sound.
It still has not hit me I have 4 wonderful children.
Runathon and Briee, it made me smile to see you asking about me when I came back on line. I don't expect to be very active around here for the next few weeks while I adjust to the new baby but I wanted to give you an update.