Quit Smoking - would like some encouragement


Hi everyone! I finally quit smoking...again! I had quit for two years previously. Then, I had some REALLY stressful things happen all at once in my life and used it as an excuse to start smoking. :confused:

However, now I've got my head set and I've quit again. I'm very moody the past few days...I guess that would be putting it lightly! :p There's no way I'm going to start again - I'm too stubborn & I won't let myself screw up again. However, if any of you have anything that might help me not be such a .... well, you know ;) ..... I'd appreciate it!
Walk through it!! YOU CAN DO IT!
Scientist have proved that it takes 21 days to change a habit. Notice that I said CHANGE a habit. You cannot get rid of a habit, you just replace old ones with new.
So, when you want a smoke (YUCK!!!!!!) do 50 jumping jacks or listen to your favorite dance song and dance...do something else as a habit. You can do it!

Think of your lungs, your blood flowing through your body - keep the oxygen it is carrying clean and healthy for you all of your body...your skin, your heart, you muscles!!!

You can do it! And, at the end of day, if you have to be a bi&ch, be one...just don't smoke!!!

Congrats! I quite smoking 3 times before finally kicking it for good...The thing that made it stick this time is because it was finally for ME, I didn't quite to make someone else happy...My workouts are better, I FEEL better! Let that be the way you get through this!

Congrats again!
STEP AWAY FROM THE CIG's !!! You CAN do it ! You are strong !

Congrats for quiting and when you find life is stressfull chew some gum, exercise, hell - drink/eat if you have to, but DON'T smoke !

You are doing this for you health, your lungs are thanking you. And you don't reak of smoke wherever you go. You are adding years to your life.

All my aunts/uncles smoked and I grew up around them. I never smoked but I have no breath strength. When they do the ashma blow test I barely test into the normal range. So you are saving your health and the health of those who don't smoke who are around you a good amount of time.

Congrats to you, I'm proud. You can do this.
Hey Christie, you've done it before, . . I'm sure you can do it again. We're all behind you on this one. I know you can do it. Hang in there. Remember one day at a time.
You can do anything for a minute. Even quit smoking. Now make it another minute, and another minute, and another minute.....
Hi Christy!

I have never smoked so I can't speak from experience, but I can be here for you! I will give you all the support you can ask for! I know you can do it for good this time! You are in the right place for encouragement, support and understanding! Hang in there and if you get the urge, grab a set of dumbells and do a few sets!
Do this - guaranteed to work

Do Maximum Intensity Cardio and you'll not want a cigarette. In fact, you'll remember why you quit.
Congrats on quitting! You can do it...your body will thank you. My hubby quit 5 yrs ago and he used orange Tic Tacs to get him through the rough times. Find what works for you...like others are saying, grab some dumbbells, swivel your hips in a hoola hoop:), anything to get you through. You WILL succeed! Everyone is rooting for you!
Hi Christy,

My friend is going through the same thing. Actually she is probably 4 months down the road of quitting smoking. She has smoked for over 20 years. My mom quit cold turkey 10 years ago. It is so hard I feel for you. I smoked occationally but never got hooked as it made me sick.

Everytime I have a issue that I don't like such as the dentist I say to myself that this will all be over with tomorrow. Tomorrow it will be done. My friend had a drag of a cig this weekend and her lungs hurt and it was not as it once was for her. Think to yourself a week from now this will be much easier, maybe tomorrow this will be much easier.

Best of luck. You can do this for your health which is the most important!

Read Allen Carr books. Google quit smoking forums and go to the doctor and ask for Klonopin 0.05 mg 1 tablet 2x a day for a couple weeks. Works great on all withdrawal symptoms and removes a lot of unnecessary suffering. "High Five" Peggy
Congratulations CLD. It's going to be hard, but you can do it.

If it weren't so darn expensive, I'd probably start back up. :eek:
WOW!!!!! You guys are amazing!!! I'm overwhelmed with how much support I've gotten - THANKS!!! Oh, and by the way, I can't remember who it was who mentioned doing a tough cardio tape to make myself not want to smoke - that's one of the main reasons I quit! ;) I just love my cardio, but I couldn't do it anymore! My heart and lungs actually hurt - in a bad way - every time I'd try to do my favorite cardio tapes. But soon that will be over! I'm so impressed - thanks again for all the encouragement and support - it means the world to me!!
Congratulations CLD. It's going to be hard, but you can do it.

If it weren't so darn expensive, I'd probably start back up. :eek:

I can't believe how expensive they've gotten! :confused: It's a good thing - it sure makes it a lot easier to quit!!
Hi Christy,

My friend is going through the same thing. Actually she is probably 4 months down the road of quitting smoking. She has smoked for over 20 years. My mom quit cold turkey 10 years ago. It is so hard I feel for you. I smoked occationally but never got hooked as it made me sick.

Everytime I have a issue that I don't like such as the dentist I say to myself that this will all be over with tomorrow. Tomorrow it will be done. My friend had a drag of a cig this weekend and her lungs hurt and it was not as it once was for her. Think to yourself a week from now this will be much easier, maybe tomorrow this will be much easier.

Best of luck. You can do this for your health which is the most important!


Thanks so much! I think you're right - things just keep getting better as you stick with them. The worst days for me the last time I quit were the third and fourth days - not sure why! Well, I'm on day number 4, crabby as ever, but I've even been around smokers (I work with my family & 2 of them smoke) and haven't failed! :D I just feel like I've got it licked this time! Not that it's going to be easy, but I just know I won't fail!

I wish your friend the best of luck & good for her for sticking with it for so long!! She's a great inspiration for me - I only smoke for probably 6 or 7 years, so if she smoked for 20 years and can quit, so can I!

I started a similar thread in June and got HUGE support from the guys here!!!!
I quit smoking cold-turkey style on July 1st. I had set my mind for the past couple of months that June 30th I will smoke my last cigarette. I know it must be me, but I don't miss it, didn't need substitutes and didn't replace it with another healthier habit. I just quit. Even passed some resistance tests this past month: smoking after a meal in a restaurant or at home, smoking while having a drink at a bar, smoking while bored at work and/or drinking coffee...
What mainly keeps me going is the thought that if I could smoke AND do Cathe's cardio DVDs imagine what it must feel to do them WITHOUT smoking!!! I used to have a cup of coffee and 5-6 cigarettes in the morning right before doing my cardio... Imagine that!

Now I just drink my cup of coffee and head on to my workout room with a big bottle of cold water! There's nothing more exhilarating than this! I think that once the hard period is over you will wonder how it was possible to even light up let alone smoke a whole cigarette!!!
I sometimes have dreams about accidentally lighting up and feel sick! :D:D

Keep it up Christy! I just celebrated my 6th year of being smoke free in July. It is so hard to do, but so worth it in the end. I personally find it gets easier with each passing year. I don't even get cravings anymore.

I remember I used to sew or do needlepoint when I had cravings to get my hands moving. I had the 30 people at my work each write down on a notecard their encoraging words and I put all of them on a ring and carried that around with me for almost 3 months. Whenever I was down or anxious, I'd pull it out of my purse and read the notecards. I took medication for the first month to help with withdrawl symptoms. It's about finding what works for you, and since you've quit before, you have experience, so I know you can do it!

Keep the faith and believe in yourself!

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