I actually talked myself out of buying STS because I thought (and still think) it's too difficult a program, but I'm starting to reconsider. I mean, I don't have to make it difficult...just doing the exercises alone has to be worth it even if I don't have the correct "1 rpm". But at least I can follow Cathe easily.
Although I have no comments on CLX, I don't have it yet, but will evaluate after I complete this round of STS.
But just wanted to say STS is truly awesome, I'm in Meso1 now, and I just love the different format we are using, and am looking forward to the workouts. I feel my muscles are harder and some even more pronounced already. I can't say enough good stuff about this program.
If you are already doing Cathe weight workouts, there is no reason why STS would be difficult for you.
I will say personally, I find the 1RMs really useful to pick my weights quickly and hit pause less often, and I'm using heavier weights than I would have naturally picked up, but you are correct, you don't have to do the 1RMs, just pick up weights a bit heavier than you think you need when you start and jot down those weights to use for future reference.
Hope CLX gets better for you, and definitely reconsider STS.