Quilt? Sew? Crochet? Knit?


I quilt and crochet. Haven't learned to knit yet, though who knows. I had no interest in crocheting until a year ago, and I was surprised when I redirected my fabric obsession towards skeins of yarn. I tried sewing a top once (disaster).

Anywho, I find it very meditative. I have no clue why. Perhaps working with my hands slows down my mind. Anyone else out there with a closet full of fabric/yarn? Making quilts and or scarves for loved ones? Are you one of those super talented people who can make a really cool Halloween costume? Any projects you'd like to show off?

Anyone want to learn? *The only thing more fun than quilting/sewing/crocheting/knitting is getting someone else addicted.*

To further the obsession: :+

Fun quilting sites:

Wanna make a blankie for a child? We were once on the receiving end of one ~ to this day, I'm grateful. There's even a No-Sew pattern, requiring a scissors only (those are fun to make!):

Got a lot of yarn and no family members who appreciate handmade gifts? Chemo caps are a quick but greatly appreciated project:
I knit, crochet, spin, and needlefelt. I also lead a knitting ministry at my church. I've done needlpoint in the past too. Sewing - I can do but don't enjoy. My mom is the quilter. :)

Great links you posted to get folks started.
I really want to learn how to sew! My mom and sis both knit, and my mom sews as well.


"The winds of grace are always blowing but it's you who must raise your sail." - Sri Ramakrishna
Well, I can't quilt, sew, crochet or knit, but I can needlepoint like nobody's business. Anyone else?:)

I love to knit and crochet. I also do cross stitch and needlepoint projects. I definitely have a closet full of yarn, patterns, needles and projects I am going to do!

It's funny because I used to crochet almost exclusively. I always thought knitting was too hard then something possessed me to try an easy knit project and after that I loved it. I never thought I would enjoy it so much. I like to do crafts because it's my time to just focus on something other than all the craziness in my life. :)
Avid knitter here!! I've got more yarn and projects than I can handle right now. I'll be busy for at least a year (seriously). I'm on a big sock kick right now. They're so fun and quick to make and really great to wear. Although socks in summer is kind of odd - but I'm working on them now so they'll be ready for fall!
I haven't spun since college, but it was so much fun back then. I really loved weaving on a loom but I can't afford my own loom. I love to sew and design. Not the best at it, but like with all goals, exercise included, it all takes practice and more practice. I only wish I had an extra room and more time in the day to fit it all in. :)
I'm a wanna be sewer! lol. I'd love to sew skirts and bags. I have tons of fabric I've collected for projects I never did. I guess I'm afraid of ruining it. I did try a top that didn't turn out at all once. ugh. I need to take a class if I can find one. I have only successfully sewn a few VERY simple bags and pillow covers. Not like what I want to do. I tried crocheting before and it was a mess... again I'd probably need one on one lessons to get it right.
I love handmade bags/gifts and I buy stuff on etsy sometimes. I am probably going to get a really cool amy butler handmade diaper bag on ebay for my sis-in-laws baby.
I'd love to learn to knit. Bought a book once, and it just confused me. I threatened DH that he was going to have the wear the 1st sweater I knitted him, even if it had 6 arms and 3 neck holes:) However, I couldn't even get a row into it, too confused. I am more of a cross stitcher. I'm working on a Nuchwanstien (sp?) castle right now. Working on it since Jan and I'm about 2/3 done. DH is hanging it in his office when I'm done. And I have probably 6 others or so lined up after that one. I'd like to learn to sew, too, but all I've got in that dept is buttons and stuffed animal fixing. I think it would be cool to make purses and accessories and such. Jewelry making/beading would also be fun. Alas, hobbies aren't free and there just aren't enough hours in the day sometimes, either!

Beavs, I love the book on that site: "Drunk, Divorced & Covered in Cat Hair." :7

Nan, you're so right. It takes me forever to make a quilt ~ I need like...2 straight, interrupted weeks, which ain't gonna happen anytime soon. And the $$$ does add up.

Crocheting is more portable, and I pick smaller projects, so I can get those done faster. I bring my crochet stuff to everything (though I was shamed into leaving it at home on the day of a funeral :+ ...as if the dead care).
I quilt, sew (small projects like purses), and crochet. I inherited all my Mom's crochet books and thread. It's very interesting seeing these crochet books that sold for only a quarter and now they are like over $7. I don't crochet too much anymore because of carpal tunnel and just general tightness in the palm of the hand.

I used to quilt like a fiend but have slowed down a bit. I do various quilts from scrap, to patchwork, embroidery, and even a mosiac picture. I just did a mosiac wall hanging for my son's girlfriend, it was of her senior pic. If you want I can try to post a pic of that, I gotta admit I think it's pretty awesome. My poor boys are going to get so many quilts that I've made that I've put aside for them until they are much older (and married hopefully). I have planned 2 string king size quilts (each containing 6" squares --250 of them each) with all of my precious scraps that I just can't bear to throw away.
I used to do all of the above and actually made some pretty nice quilts and outfits. I was really into knitting when I was in high school. I agree that it can be very meditative. Everybody got a sweater vest for Christmas 1985. :+

At some point my interest in creative hobbies changed. Now I'm mostly into woodworking.
I'd love to see pics!

Ha. When I first started crocheting, someone in my family whined, "Oh, no. Are we all getting scarves for Christmas?" :+ I threatened matching hats if I heard any more complaining.

I've a got a few projects going ~ hat, scarf, and 3 quilts in various stages. All 3 quilts are scraps because I too cannot throw any fabric away. One quilt will have scraps of my girls' baby clothes.
I like all of it and have done all but a large quilt. Have many projects started, including a large quilt I was putting together with a sewing machine - the colors won't match now though:-(

Got started with knitting last Xmas and everyone received scarfs. The yarns are so cool these days ! I still have some that I haven't done anything with yet. Just so hard to find the time for everything I would like to do.

My biggest and only wish every birthday is for 10 more hours in every day! :+
Glad you want to see the pics of the quilted mosiac wall hanging, I love showing off my projects. The only crocheting I've done in the past was doilies and 1 afghan. In fact that is why I learned how to crochet, because I wanted doilies but didn't have to heart to "request" them from my Mom like my sisters did.

Here's the actual pic:

here's the quilt I made from the pic, the picture part is made up of about 2500 pieces:
I love all crafts sewing, knitting, crocheting, beading, painting. quilting, soap and candle making, paper making, card making. You name it I probably do it and have all of the supplies, but sewing (especially workout wear is my first love). This spring while I was sick and on a feeding tube DH decided to finally have wood floors put in the upstairs so I could move around with the food pump. DM moved everything in and out of my craft room, we said it was her karmic yoga. It took forever to move everything in and out and I am sort of on a kick to use up some of the supplies or some of the fabric overtaking the 8' closet. Most of the fabric in the closet is various forms of lycra for exercise clothes. I see a whole new workout wardrobe in my future. Yeah!

<Beavs, I love the book on that site: "Drunk, Divorced & Covered in Cat Hair.">

I am not a knitter of any sort. Do you still think I would appreciate this book. I sure do love the blog...and the cast of kitty cats that grace its pages ;-)
Quilt, sew, knit and a little bit of crochet (mostly edgings on my knit things.) My mother-in-law taught me 25 years ago when I was 15 and he and I were just dating. I tease him that I married him for her knitting skills. Love to do them all!


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